• 退出是因为不想分散自由党选票

    She withdrew because she did not wish to split the Liberal vote.


  • 自由党议题不太可能帮助少数派的。

    The liberal agenda is not calculated to help minority groups.


  • 自由党拥有23个席位

    The Liberals hold twenty-three seats.


  • 自由党的选举支持率只有不到10%剧增17%。

    The Freedom Party's electoral support surged from just under 10 percent to nearly 17 percent.


  • 英卡塔自由党非洲国民大会之间斗争导致黑人城镇之间暴力冲突

    The rivalry between the Inkatha and the ANC has resulted in violence in the black townships.


  • 意识媒体可以转化共和党武器因为媒体客观名,拥护自由党的社会议程

    He also recognised that the media, which had always made a great pretence of objectivity while embracing a liberal social agenda, could be turned into a Republican weapon.


  • 自由党还有唯一宽慰保守党放心把握尚未到足够确保新的选举竞赛获得议会多数

    The Liberals' only consolation is that the Conservatives' comfortable lead is not yet big enough to assure them a parliamentary majority in the event of a new election.


  • 希望相互尊重理解基础上不断扩大互利合作表示自由党愿为此做出积极努力

    She said she hoped the two countries could expand cooperation of mutual benefit on the basis of mutual respect and understanding, and the LP is ready to make active efforts towards this end.


  • 7月10号,他俩自由党争权战中爆发一场丑陋的“公开秀”。自由党保守党老搭档

    On July 10th, they exploded into an ugly public display, as the two men jostled for power in the Liberal Party, the senior partner in the conservative coalition.


  • 1923年,邱吉尔退出自由党,丢了内阁大臣乌纱,阑尾炎切除手术,又错过下院竞选

    In 1923 Churchill withdrew from the Liberty Party and was dismissed from cabinet minister and missed the election of the House of Commons due to appendectomy.


  • 自由党如此讨厌布什一个原因就是他们认为布什的那些兄弟们早就应该在1968年青年运动中被靠边站

    One reason why liberals hate George Bush so much is that they think he and his frat-boy kind should have been swept aside by the youth-quake of 1968.


  • 那些应该自由党公开辩护却因对方手持武器不敢宣扬先进思想他们甚至不敢打破国民的一片鸦雀无声

    Those who should be speaking out in defence of liberal, progressive ideas are becoming too frightened to defy the men with guns—or to break the terrifying silence of their fellow citizens.


  • 安省自由党建立新的安省医护质量委员会,利用病人住家看护人员进行问卷调查监督这一行业进程

    The provincial Liberals also created a new organization, Health Quality Ontario, that monitors the industry's progress by conducting patient and caregiver surveys.


  • 自由党压力下,他们开始试图大众重新理解这些,不再强调学校工作效率科技,而注重讲述基础东西

    At the pressure group Liberty, they are starting to try to realign public understanding of all this, away from efficiency and technology, towards much more fundamental stuff.


  • 例如埃及三月全民公投中,只有20%的人支持自由党立场大多数埃及观察人士将会一致认同是个相当保守群体

    In the March referendum in Egypt, for example, only 20% supported the liberals' position. Most Egypt watchers would concur that the population is relatively conservative.


  • 查尔兹·巴斯克维尔爵士最近暴卒给本蒙上了一阴云。据说,下届选举中,此人可能会选为德文郡中部的自由党候选人

    The recent sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville, whose name has been mentioned as the probable Liberal candidate for Mid-Devon at the next election, has cast a gloom over the county.


  • 大选之前保守党拥护选举出的警务专员自由党拥护当选警察管理委员会,而新出台法案二者之间一个良好的折中之计。

    Before the general election, the Conservatives espoused elected police commissioners, the Liberal Democrats elected police authorities; the bill is a reasonably amicable compromise.


  • 不同寻常保守党内有扩大公民自由权利减少入狱人员谈论另一自由党示好的提案是,英国公民来年投票决定是否改变投票制度

    Unusually for the Tories, there is talk of increasing civil liberties and imprisoning fewer people; and in another SOP to the Liberals, Britons next year will vote on a change to their voting system.


  • 各种各样专家自由党保守党的,同意汽油煤炭其他燃料资源征收,这最简单有效减少碳的排放量方法

    A wide range of experts, liberal and conservative, agree that imposing a carbon tax on gasoline, coal and other sources of fuel would be the simplest and most efficient way to reduce carbon emissions.


  • Harper先生最高竞选捐款5000加元降低1000加元,自由党困境雪上加霜,防止严重依赖的稳定大额捐助。

    Mr Harper has added to their troubles by reducing the maximum campaign contribution from C$5, 000 ($5, 034) to C$1, 000, preventing the Liberals from relying so heavily on their stable of big donors.


  • 经济学人读者,(广泛的说是加拿大那样的人,)对于自由党是否正确的事情意见不一:49%的支持该党推动选举上所做的努力51%的人表示反对。

    The Economist's readers, like Canadians more broadly, were divided on whether the Liberals did the right thing: 49% of them supported the party's effort to force an election, and 51% opposed it.


  • 经济学人读者,(广泛的说是加拿大那样的人,)对于自由党是否正确的事情意见不一:49%的支持该党推动选举上所做的努力51%的人表示反对。

    The Economist's readers, like Canadians more broadly, were divided on whether the Liberals did the right thing: 49% of them supported the party's effort to force an election, and 51% opposed it.


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