• 42岁梅德韦杰夫演讲承诺保护俄罗斯公民自由权利

    In his own speech, the 42-year-old Mr Medvedev promised to protect the freedoms and rights of Russian citizens.


  • 第二自由权利法案通过确立议会至高无上权力。

    The following year the Bill of Rights was passed, establishing the supremacy of Parliament.


  • 知情权公民知悉获取信息自由权利,它是指人们有权了解他应该知道的事情。

    The right to be informed refers to citizen has the freedom and right to know and obtain the information.


  • 知情权公民知悉、获取信息自由权利人们有权了解应该知道的事情。

    The right to be informed refers to citizen has the freedom and right to know and obtain the information. It means that people have the right to know what they should be informed of.


  • 实践中普通法至上实现王在法”、确立议会主权以及维护臣民自由与权利前提保障

    In practice, the supremacy of common law was the prerequisite and guarantee of realizing the king under law, establishing the sovereign of parliament and maintaining the liberties of subjects.


  • 确定保护范围时,应考虑行为人利益,特别是行动自由权利的行使方面的利益,以及公共利益。

    In determining the scope of protection, the interests of the actor, especially in liberty of action and in exercising his rights, as well as public interests also have to be taken into consideration.


  • 如果没有这些权利带来安全自由保持水准精神健康状态十分困难

    Without the security and freedom provided by these rights, it is very difficult to maintain a high level of mental health.


  • 西方法律传统形成鲜明的对比。后者基于个人权利自由起源可追述启蒙运动时期

    There is a stark contrast with the Western legal tradition, based on individual rights and freedoms, which dates back to the Enlightenment.


  • 信仰自由通常涉及个人造物主对话对话权利

    The freedom of worship usually involves the rights of individuals to commune or not commune with their Creator.


  • 哈特曼有绝对权利坚持任何神学概念,在中的意义都不足匹敌自由意志重要性,也不足以神圣天命相比。

    Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.


  • 所有我会面的捷克人一样,科波尔德夫妇也坚信不疑,他们获得自由权利机会再次到来

    The Kopolds, like all the Czechs I met, held on to the belief that their chance at freedom would come again.


  • 所有一切立足于我们假设人类最终权利得到解放自由

    Underpinning it all is the premise that the ultimate right of humans is to be free.


  • 他们完全权利存在意见分歧,你也有同样自由他们意见相左

    They have a perfect right to disagree with you, and you have the same freedom to disagree with them.


  • 他们完全权利存在意见分歧,你也有同样自由他们意见相左

    They have a perfect right to disagree with you and you have the same freedom to disagree with them.


  • 我们记住我们可以成功完成这些事情并不仅仅因为我们拥有的财富或是权利而是因为我们美国:我们团结,天佑美国,自由正义美国同在。

    Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


  • 信中承诺一个公民都生存自由权利

    The letter promised that every man would be guaranteed "life and liberty.


  • 在北非中东世界各地人民着生命危险要求行使这些普遍权利自由之时,美国人民自豪地他们站在一起。

    And as people across North Africa, the Middle East and around the world risk their lives to claim these universal human rights and freedoms, Americans are proud to stand with them.


  • 耶鲁大学时一样,各州权利约束个人自由的时候,总是支持各州的权益。

    Just as he had been at Yale, he was all for state's rights when it came to restrictions on individual liberty.


  • DNA模板激活扬升过程我们生俱来权利”,因为我们原本就是能力随心所欲自由穿行于浩瀚宇宙每一个角落的不朽生命

    DNA-template activation and the process of ascension is our "birthright" as we were originally intended to Eternal Beings with the ability to move freely throughout the vastness of creation at will.


  • 信中承诺一个公民都生存自由权利

    The letter promised that every man would be guaranteed "life and liberty."


  • 我们相信负责任的方式访问山林悬崖自由一项基本权利

    We believe that freedom of access to mountains and cliffs in a responsible manner is a fundamental right.


  • 没有比现在事实真相透露出来更合时机了,而且我们正在我们盟友们一起工作恢复你们新闻记者新闻媒体自由表达权利

    The time has never been better for the truth to come out, and we are working with our Allies to restore freedom of expression amongst your journalists and the news media.


  • 今日我们他们宝贵一课:所有获得权利所有自由取得,都许多努力争取牺牲奉献结果这些人值得我们铭记赞扬。

    Today we can offer them a beautiful lesson: every right gained, each access to liberty has been the result of the struggle and sacrifice of many people that deserve our recognition and praise.


  • 今日我们他们宝贵一课:所有获得权利所有自由取得,都许多努力争取牺牲奉献结果这些人值得我们铭记赞扬。

    Today we can offer them a beautiful lesson: every right gained, each access to liberty has been the result of the struggle and sacrifice of many people that deserve our recognition and praise.


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