• 由于人类活动原因自然生境日益丧失和破碎化。

    Natural habitat has been increasingly fragmented due to human activity and other reasons.


  • 自然生境光照强度变化寄主—病原菌体系的影响十分明显

    Variation in light intensity may influence the host -pathogen interactions distinctly.


  • 其次部分自然生境文化生境两个方面论述了堡文化现代生存环境

    Then the author delineates the current living environment of Tunpu-Culture from two aspects: natural habitat and cultural habitat.


  • 这些自然生境拥有许多动植物物种包括具有保护意义特有濒危受威胁物种。

    The natural habitats host many species of flora and fauna including endemic, endangered and threatened species of conservation significance.


  • 爱知目标要求2020年大幅度降低包括森林在内所有自然生境丧失退化条块分割速度

    The Aichi targets call for a significant reduction in the rate of loss, degradation and fragmentation of all natural habitats, including forests, by 2020.


  • 提出了室内苗期鉴定高原异地自然生境下穗鉴定相结合的耐冷性鉴定评价指标方法

    Identification and evaluation both at lab during bud or seedling stage and in high natural altitude sites at heading stage could be regarded as one of effective approaches in Guizhou.


  • 迅速全球变化可能对野生物种产生巨大影响,同时伴随着城市化、农垦造林实践引起自然生境丧失破坏

    The rapid global changes are likely to have a large impact on wild species as they combine with loss and damage of natural habitats caused by urbanization, agricultural and silvicultural practices.


  • 是努力开发和利用校外实践活动资源充分发挥动物园植物园学校周围的社区资源以及自然保护区森林公园自然生境的作用;

    Second, we may hardly make full use of practical activity resources out of school, such as zoo, botanical garden, district resources around school, natural reserve and forest park, etc.


  • 红树林树木鱼类提供自然咸淡水生境但是这些年来在亚齐恰恰为了修建鱼塘而将红树林砍掉。

    Mangrove trees provide a naturally brackish habitat for fish, but much of Aceh's mangroves have been cut down over the years, precisely to build fishponds.


  • 自然艺术人生宗白华美学三位一体观照对象,个体生命自由追寻美学精神合一

    Nature, art, life are the subjects of trinity that Zong Baihua's Aesthstics observes, and pursuit of individual's freedom of life is the unification of his aesthetic spirit and realm in life.


  • 本文扎龙自然保护区内鸻形目水鸟种类数量生境进行了调查。

    We investigated the species, quantities and habitats of plovers water birds in Heilongjiang Zhalong Natural Reserve.


  • 群落自然环境生境独特

    The natural environments and the habitats of the communities are unique.


  • 借鉴不同气候条件生境条件下形成的自然群落,师法自然创造出丰富多彩的植物景观

    Colorful plant landscapes can be created with reference of natural communities in different climate and habit.


  • 第一直接介入彝族花鼓舞自然人文生境

    The first chapter directly describes the natural and sociocultural fostering space of Yi flower-drum dance.


  • 城市自然保留地作为城市中残存自然生态系统维持乡土物种生存最后生境保护具有极其重要的意义。

    As the natural ecosystem, urban natural reserved area is the last habitat for indigenous species, which is different from natural conservation and urban greening.


  • 通过沿海拔梯度系统调查,对小寨子自然保护区大熊猫生境的植物群落种类组成结构进行了初步研究。

    Community composition and structure of giant panda habitat were studied by systematic survey along altitudinal gradients in Xizozhaizigou Nature Reserve.


  • 外来入侵植物自然人为原生态系统中引入生境的植物,会给新生境其中物种带来威胁

    Alien invasive plant is one that is introduced from original ecosystems to new ones by nature force or human activity, which endangers the new environment or native plant species.


  • 生物生境保护、维护现有动植物栖息地恢复受到破坏自然环境创造新的生物生息环境。

    The biotope landscape refers to protecting the existing habitat for animals and plants, restoring the natural environment that was destroyed, and creating new biology environment to life.


  • 植物性状多样化植物长期进化及自然选择结果, 不同植物种花性状的变异生境存在一定相关性

    The diversification of floral traits is the outcome of evolution by natural selection, and the variation in floral traits between species has a certain correlation with the plant habitats.


  • 死亡问题作哲学的理性思考生境界才能超越生命自然意义。

    Reflections on death from the philosophical perspective will promote the transcendence over natural life.


  • 开放式蝴蝶造园艺术蝴蝶生境结合人工景观自然景观相融合的课题

    It was a new issue in that opened butterfly combines gardening art and butterfly habitat and mergers with artificial landscapes and natural landscape together.


  • 初步推断我国绵羊品种遗传分化主要自然选择(生境异质性)作用的结果

    It is concluded that genetic differentiation of sheep breeds of Mongolian Group in China is mainly the result of natural selection (different living conditions).


  • 报道猫儿山自然保护区药用植物种类分布生境及资源量。

    The species, distribution, ecological environment and amounts of natural resources of medicinal plants in Maoershan natural reserve are reported.


  • 本文建立扎龙国家自然保护区苍鹭营巢最适生境选择指数模型

    The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.


  • 丹霞地貌自然特征形成了强烈分割孤立沟谷山顶生境

    The nature of the Danxia landforms leads to intensive fragmentation and isolation of ravine and mountain top habitats.


  • 城市环 境一个人造自然自然生境镶嵌 体,邻近乡村地区气候水文条件完全不 同。

    The urban environment is a mosaic of man-made, natural and seminatural habitats with climatic and hydrological conditions, which distinguish it from adjacent rural areas.


  • 中国西南地区碳酸盐岩出露广泛,土壤植被岩溶生境最为敏感自然要素

    Karst environment is distributed largely in Southwest China. Soil and vegetation are the most sensitive elements to the variation of Karst environment.


  • 最后依据自然规律火灾进行森林恢复天然演替避免森林单一化,丰富森林生境类型

    Thirdly, to avoid the homogeneity of reforestation, the restoration of habitats and the process of natural regeneration must be conducted according to the rule of natural disturbance (e. g. fire).


  • 针对湿地水禽生境退化原因本文基于GAP分析方法提出洞庭湖自然保护区的调整方案湿地水禽生境保护策略。

    With the reason of the degradation of Wetlands waterfowl habitat, the Dongting Lake wetland waterfowl habitat conservation plans were put forward based on GAP analysis method in this paper.


  • 针对湿地水禽生境退化原因本文基于GAP分析方法提出洞庭湖自然保护区的调整方案湿地水禽生境保护策略。

    With the reason of the degradation of Wetlands waterfowl habitat, the Dongting Lake wetland waterfowl habitat conservation plans were put forward based on GAP analysis method in this paper.


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