• 成败如此难料的比赛紧张度自然很高

    The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.


  • 单层温室好处自然采光即便如此许多温室仍然需要人工照明

    Single-storey greenhouses have the benefit of natural overhead light: even so, many still need artificial lighting.


  • 许多表现得好像人类自然主人事实并非如此

    Many people behave as if humans are the master of nature, but it is not the truth.


  • 这个过程看起来正常我们有时会认为自然成长过程中的一部分事实并非如此

    The process seems so normal that we sometimes think of it as a natural part of growing up, but it is not.


  • 理解是出于本能,这种本能如此自然以致于他知道一种理解

    He understood by a sort of instinct so natural that he did not know it was understanding.


  • 非洲南部出土绘制厚石板自然主义绘画也是如此

    So do the naturalistic paintings on slabs of stone excavated in southern Africa.


  • 拯救自然一个行动改善集体个人未来应对如此规模威胁唯一方法就是坚决乐观地采取果断行动。

    Every action to save nature will improve our collective and personal futures and the only way to respond to a threat of this scale is with determined action rooted in headstrong optimism.


  • 尽管如此正如厄尔·宾塞妹妹戴安娜王妃的葬礼上所证明的那样,准备句话表现得自然可能的。

    Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Diana's funeral, it is possible both to prepare every word and to act naturally.


  • 喜欢看到模式方案因此而言如此愉快自然对于大部分而言却天理不容的事实我很心痛

    I like to see a pattern and resolution, so it does pain me that what appears so lovely and natural to me would be regarded as abhorrent by most people.


  • 只要真的如此自然东西不能伤害

    As long as that's true, something so natural can't hurt her.


  • 即便如此意识似乎大脑自然属性认识也能我们有所启示

    Even so, the idea that consciousness seems to be an emergent property of the brain can take us somewhere.


  • 解释道片景色给留下挥之不去印象,“如此重要自然资源现在却处在危险之中。”

    The artist explains that the image of the river haunted him, “how this important natural resource is now under threat”.


  • 昼夜长短之类自然变化是如何对野生动物产生如此深刻生理变化行为变化呢?

    How do natural variations such as the changing day length make such profound alterations to physiology and behaviour?


  • 看起来如此自然双方有利利益交流互惠发生之前也同样人们生活造成了阻碍。

    That exchange of favors that seems so natural with benefits for both parties is also, unfortunately, what gets in people's way before reciprocity ever occurs.


  • 刚看到西奥时,的踢球风格看上去如此自然一些无法教授的东西。

    As soon as I saw Theo play he just looked so natural. It's something you can't teach.


  • 可以肯定的是,一步并不犯罪分子或者那些想要偷偷摸摸国家停下来只会让他们不得不付出更多代价实现今天如此自然匿名状态

    To be sure, this step would not stop criminals and states wanting to act covertly but would force them to invest much more to achieve the anonymity that comes so naturally today.


  • 一切社会形态古老,最自然就是家庭虽然如此子女只是需要照料的情况下才会依赖长辈

    THE most ancient of all societies, and the only one that is natural, is the family: and even so the children remain attached to the father only so long as they need him for their preservation.


  • 奇怪的是,一过程几乎丝毫没有涉及身体上变化没有其他物种充斥着自然如此地方

    Strangely, it has involved little physical change No other species fills so many places in nature.


  • 奥姆斯特德的作品显得如此自然以至于位评论家写道:“令人以为这些东西并非人工布置,而是碰巧保存留下的。”

    Olmsted’s works appear so natural that one critic wrote, “One thinks of them as something not put there by artifice but merely preserved by happenstance.”


  • 尽管遭受如此严重自然灾害,但只要灰心我们克服暂时困难。 (Although...)

    Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficulty as long as we don't lose heart.


  • 他们意思是他们相信类的事:仅仅存在自然世界并且了解自然世界的最佳途径就是通过科学方法

    They mean that they believe something like this: there is only the natural world, and the best way to find out about it is by the scientific method.


  • 到了自然母亲如此如此美丽。

    I've learned that Mother Nature is so, so beautiful.


  • 葬礼发表了一次简短自然演说许多人感到从未听过如此动人话语

    At the funeral he gave a short, spontaneous address which many felt was the most moving speech of his life.


  • 尽管如此还是支持自然主义背后动机——科学精神思考渴望

    Still, I sympathize with one motive behind naturalismthe aspiration to think in a scientific spirit.


  • 然而关于自然世界知识如此广博思想如此细致审慎以至于《物种起源呈现出幅巨大全新的世界图景

    Yet his knowledge of the natural world is so immense, and the scrutiny to which he subjects his ideas is so thorough and scrupulous, that the "Origin" presents a grand new vision of the world.


  • 人类生命便是自然的写照,生命如此孤独贫穷令人作呕,既残忍短暂

    So the life of man is the life of nature, the life of solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.


  • 濒临灭绝一种罕见的“蛙”——如此命名是因为它们自然酸性水域找到了避难所其中包括弗雷泽淡水湖

    The endangered Cooloola sedge frog (Litoria cooloolensis) is part of the rare group of acid frogs—so named because they find refuge in naturally acidic waters, including Fraser's freshwater lakes.


  • 由于这种独特自然科技如此的广泛与不同所以成本难以比较的,但是最后结果初期的启动成本上升的非常快。

    The costs are difficult to compare due to the widely disparate nature of individual technologies but the net result is that startup costs are steep.


  • 由于这种独特自然科技如此的广泛与不同所以成本难以比较的,但是最后结果初期的启动成本上升的非常快。

    The costs are difficult to compare due to the widely disparate nature of individual technologies but the net result is that startup costs are steep.


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