• 一点重要,必须意识到,正是犹豫不诀才令当初深陷憎恨中不能拨。

    This is important to realise, for these hesitations were what caused me to be stuck in the first place.


  • 以来,国际奥委会日益意识到,奥林匹克运动责任候选城市主办城市提供切实可行解决方案

    Since then, the IOC has become increasingly aware that the responsibility lies with the Olympic movement to provide concrete practical solutions for candidate and host cities.


  • 并且由于可以想象事实,在背离的情况下,意识的对事物的分类,评价都是不同的。

    This ego manifests itself and the fact that I could imagine the content of consciousness differently, sort if differently, and assess it differently without ceasing to be myself.


  • 1973年确定了胎儿醇中毒综合症一术语人们增强了对这一问题意识

    Awareness of the problem has grown ever since the term, fetal alcohol syndrome, was coined in 1973.


  • 短期来看,我们一切努力增强国内石油生产安全性责任意识——事实是,美国去年的石油生产量就已经达到了2003年以来的最高水平

    In the short term, we're doing everything we can to boost safe and responsible oil production here at home - in fact, last year, American oil production reached its highest level since 2003.


  • 认为具有环保意识美国旅行者比例2007年没有变化(78%)。

    The percentage of American travelers who consider themselves "environmentally conscious" has not changed since 2007 (78 percent).


  • 钻石戒指不小心垃圾桶里,直到汽车他们家门口时她意识戒指丢了。

    Her diamond ring dropped by accident in the trashcan and only realized after a dump truck had made a stop at their house.


  • 这些年来意识地采取一些措施切断毒源例如孩子进行免疫接种,因为疫苗药液含有汞。

    I've made some perceived radical decisions over the years such as not immunizing my children due to the mercury content in the immunization fluid given to babies.


  • 援助实效问题巴黎宣言》以来,捐助者已经意识他们己的政策也可能问题。

    Since the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, donors recognize that their own policies can be at fault.


  • 大声高呼,“为什么没有意识这种推理足以让人呢?”

    "Why do you not realize," he exclaims, "that this is sufficient reason for killing oneself?"


  • 细腻美妙智慧惊人是不折不扣原创之作现代派的大师之作,运用意识写法,语言丰富、观察敏锐,不言明。

    Subtle, beautiful, staggeringly intelligent and flat-out original. A masterpiece of modernism, its stream-of-consciousness, richness of language and perceptions has continued to reveal itself.


  • 人们山水进行意识审美观照使大规模进入文学领域当赋作始。

    People proceeds to have the consciousness to appreciate the natural landscape and put it into literature realm large- scalely in Fu.


  • 言:“万唯心所造。”轮回涅槃都是相。意识本质从无始以来就是我们的心,直到现在

    Buddha said: "All of Dharmadhatu came from our mind.". Samsara and Nirvana are reflections of our mind. The nature of consciousness is our mind from beginning-less till now.


  • 细腻美妙智慧惊人是不折不扣原创之作现代派的大师之作,运用意识写法,语言丰富、观察敏锐,不言明。 。

    Subtle, , beautiful, staggeringly intelligent and flat-out original. A masterpiece of modernism, its stream-of-consciousness, richness of language and perceptions has continued to reveal itself.


  • 头脑反射(根源)真意识月光日光的反射一样。

    The mind is reflected consciousness, reflected from its source, the Self, just like the light from the moon is reflected from the sun.


  • 现代派大师之作,运用意识写法,语言丰富、观察敏锐,不言明。

    A masterpiece of modernism, its stream-of-consciousness, richness of language and perceptions has continued to reveal itself.


  • 价值冲突人类意识产生已经存在全球化使这种冲突明显地表现出来引起人们重视

    Conflict of values arising from the human consciousness since the day it already exists, globalization has made this conflict more clearly manifested and caused people's attention.


  • 你们现在人类黄金时代边缘你们返回意识将完成亚特兰蒂斯陨落以来天堂所颁布神圣预言

    You are standing on the very brink of a golden age for humanity, and your return to full consciousness completes the prophecies decreed by the Light at the fall of Atlantis.


  • 为了向10至15青少年灌输良好的公民意识推广健康生活方式医疗辅助队1997年起推行青年大使计划

    To promote a sense of citizenship and healthy lifestyle among young people aged between 10 and 15, the amS launched its Youth Ambassador Scheme in 1997.


  • 基础,不比附而渴望风格一家理论意识得到进一步强化

    On the basis of this, a theoretical consciousness unwilling to cling to a particular school and wishing to establish a style of its own had been further strengthened.


  • 暗示教育(分为暗示与他暗示)则由于个体意识紧密相连,注重原动力效应人格教育中显得至关重要。

    Implication education, closely related to the individual subconsciousness, attaches importance on the initial effect, which is important in the personality education.


  • 周一月亮回到的星图,节点离开你的关系宫后,月亮的第一回归,可能意识下感到紧张。

    The Moon returns to your sign on Monday, for the first time since the North Node left your relationship sector and you're likely to find that subconsciously you're tensing.


  • 西汉中期儒家意识占据主导地位后,中国实际上进入了儒家化的皇权社会

    Since Confucianism became the leading force in ideology in middle Han dynasty, China has become am imperial state with Confucianism at its center.


  • 1996年试点至今,我国社区卫生服务政策支持、覆盖面、社区卫生服务站(点)数量人员素质群众意识取得了令人瞩目的成绩

    Since 1996, community health service in China has obtained many accomplishments in policy sustain, quantity, the quality of personnel and mass consciousness and so on.


  • 1996年试点至今,我国社区卫生服务政策支持、覆盖面、社区卫生服务站(点)数量人员素质群众意识取得了令人瞩目的成绩

    Since 1996, community health service in China has obtained many accomplishments in policy sustain, quantity, the quality of personnel and mass consciousness and so on.


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