• 最有意思的自己慢慢在后面看着人家一个个地树荫经过

    I found it most interesting to watch, by slowing down my pace, other people walking ahead of me one after another.


  • 这位枪手的教练愤怒的看着自己球队2比0领先的情况,却在最后10分钟里被维竞技队以3比2翻盘。

    The Gunners boss watched in horror as his side threw away a 2-0 lead in the final 10 minutes to crash 3-2 at Wigan.


  • 一直看着窗外却发现自己这种情况板牙什么呢?”拉赛特回忆说

    "I kept looking out the window and found myself thinking about what Mater would do in these situations," Lasseter recalls.


  • 这些投资者眼睁睁看着自己的资产净值年内第二急跌。

    These investors have suddenly seen their net worth collapse again for the second time in four years.


  • 夜幕辽阔沙滩上看着蜿蜒地平线,细数天上无数的繁星花些时间去发现并且庆幸——自己多么渺小

    Lie on a remote beach under the night sky, look at the curvature of the earth and gaze with wonder at the stars. Spend time appreciating and understanding just how small you really are.


  • 处在一种无法控制自我强迫,我看着自己即使自己所为感到厌恶,这股强迫的力量却总在故意伤害别人,而无法控制。

    Often I watched myself, under a compulsion I could not begin to master, hurt someone deliberately, even as I hated myself for doing it.


  • 暂停了一看着自己面前她们惊恐。他几乎已经忘记了为了这么小事如此害怕一种什么样感觉了。

    He paused, looking over the scared faces in front of him. He'd forgotten what it was like to be that scared for such a seemingly small reason.


  • 麦格教授了一眼他的肖像然后做了一个奇怪动作似乎是让自己心来,然后才桌后看着哈利紧绷脸上满是皱纹

    After glancing once at this portrait, Professor McGonagall made an odd movement as though steeling herself, then rounded the desk to look at Harry, her face taut and lined.


  • 一直看着窗外却发现自己这种情况板牙什么呢?”拉赛特回忆说

    'I kept looking out the window and found myself thinking about what Mater would do in these situations,' Lasseter recalls.


  • 看着母亲流泪安慰但是发现自己嘴里出了叹气声什么出来已经失声

    Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a sigh.


  • 想象一何等甜美一位老人看着自己照片年轻时候

    And imagine how sweet it is when an old man looks at a photo of himself which was taken when he was young!


  • 看着自己劳动成果同学心里高兴极了,在老师的带领满意回去了。

    Having watched the fruits of their labors, the students were extremely happy hearts, under the leadership of the teachers are satisfactory back home.


  • 手指放到让她抬起看着自己没有反抗

    He curled his finger underneath her chin, and gently lifted her face to look at him. She could have easily resisted, but she didn't.


  • 一周每天站在那儿透过婴儿室窗口默默地看着渴望抱抱并且安慰一那个婴儿自己

    For the first week I returned every day to stand and stare silently through the nursery window, longing to hold and comfort that baby and myself.


  • 哈利突然睁开眼睛,把自己猛拉当前现实中。夕阳的湖岸上,罗恩赫敏低头看着

    Harry's eyes flew open as he wrenched himself back to the present: He was lying on the bank of the lake in the setting sun, and Ron and Hermione were looking down at him.


  • 看着自己五岁两岁的孩子忍不住潸然泪因为看到她们一样聪明美丽的孩子却不能得到关爱

    When I see my five-year-old and my two-year-old, it makes me weep because I see children who are just as smart and just as beautiful as they are, who just don't get a shot.


  • 他们看着自己这位年轻孩子口吃禁不住不能建立一个生意

    They instantly looked at me and said to themselves, "This young stuttering kid just couldn't do it? He could never build a business."


  • 父亲看见儿子自己已经有钱了,生气了。儿子慢慢数了数手里的然后抬头看着的父亲。

    The father saw his son had money already, he got angry at once. the son counted his money slowly, and look up his father.


  • 父亲看见儿子自己已经有钱了,生气了。儿子慢慢数了数手里的然后抬头看着的父亲。

    The father saw his son had money already, he got angry at once. the son counted his money slowly, and look up his father.


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