• 测量结果自动判断

    Automatic judgment on the measurement results.


  • B -TreeScanner自动判断哪些索引应该删除

    The B-Tree Scanner automatically determines which index items are to be deleted.


  • 方法自动判断轮对轮缘踏面是否磨耗过限需要

    This method can automatically judge whether the wheel profile needs to repair because of wears and tears.


  • 自动判断机器内湿度决定工作时间节省能源延长产品使用寿命

    Automatically determine the humidity of the machine to determine the working time, save energy, extend product life.


  • 指定资料储存这个资料物件来源物件型别自动判断资料格式。

    Stores the specified data in this data object, automatically determining the data format from the source object type.


  • 警告区是边界,函数不确定,是由程序根据时间数据高度数据自动判断的。

    The program recognizes the time data and the height data to judge the output aural message.


  • 采用梯形编制系统控制软件,程序能够对系统故障情况进行自动判断处理

    The system control software is written by ladder diagram and system fault states can be judged and treated voluntarily.


  • 其中高炉铁水液面计管理软件亮点在于自动判断铁口状态自动生成数据齐全的统计报表

    The software's highlight is that it can judge the tapping hole's state and provide with integral statistical reports by itself.


  • 建筑物类型确定可3重建、图像检索等提供重要依据,实现自动判断往往是困难的。

    Obtaining the type of a building automatically is significant for 3D modeling and image retrieval, but it is very difficult.


  • 尽管出现了这起事件,越来越公司开始对根据电子邮件社会网络通信自动判断用户的社会关系兴趣。

    This incident notwithstanding, many companies are increasingly interested in automatically determining users' social ties through E-mail and social network communications.


  • 本文根据最新精度标准开发滚珠丝杠副精度验收软件,建立了精度标准数据库,实现精度自动判断

    According to the latest standard of ball screw accuracy in china the system software is developed to accept a programs of four specifications of travel accuracy of ball screw automatically.


  • 燃料组件检查仪必须以上项目进行自动检测,检测出各项具体数值并且能够自动判断检验结果是否合格。

    The fuel assembly test rig should inspect the items mentioned above, show the values of the items and judge the inspecting results automatically.


  • 借助于计算机辅助评判系统,实现位置合格性,修复性的自动判断修正及其修正量的自动确定。

    By using the method, the position accuracy of holes, the probability of correction of unqualified holes and their corrective value can be determined automatically.


  • 只要考生通过自己用户密码进入前台步骤依次选题答题,答题完毕系统自动判断考卷给出分数

    If the examinee through their user name and password to enter in front, according to the procedures and answer, answer selection system will automatically after the test scores and judgment.


  • 测试处理后,系统自动判断三环减速器振动是否在要求范围内。对于不合格产品,单片机系统自动激发声光报警系统,并作相应的不合格记录

    Whether the three - ring reducer is qualified is measured automatically by measuring system, which can trigger sound and light alarm system for unqualified product and record it.


  • 怀特赛兹教授表示研究小组已经开始一家手机生产商商讨研发相关应用软件。 在无法联系到医生的情况下,软件能够自动判断手机上拍摄的“纸芯片”检测图像并告知患者结果

    And Whitesides said his group is also working with a cell phone maker to develop apps that would tell patients the results of their tests automatically if doctors aren't available.


  • 故事——开始带领团队时候,成员有时自动判断谁。

    "Who I am" Stories - When you start leading a team, members of your new team sometimes make automatic judgments about who you are.


  • 产品应该允许自动健康检查判断压缩特性是否工作正常

    The product should allow for a dynamic health check to determine whether the compression feature is behaving properly or not.


  • 看起来最大问题就是自动依赖管理了,因为RubyGems的依赖判断都基于同一个服务器所以就没法正常工作

    The biggest problem seems to be the automatic dependency management, which doesn't work so well because RubyGems expects the dependecies to be on the same server.


  • DB 2判断需要哪些统计信息以及哪些需要更新然后后台自动运行RUNSTATS实用程序

    DB2 determines which statistics are required and need to be updated and then automatically executes the RUNSTATS utility in the background.


  • 呈现了一个可信令人忧心未来图景:日常决策变得越来越自动判断作用局限计算式提供信息

    But it presents a convincing and disturbing vision of a future in which everyday decision-making is increasingly automated, and the role of human judgment restricted to providing input to formulae.


  • 使用全自动网络应用变化侦测技术判断应用的在线离线状态这样就可以根据具体情况来采取合适动作

    Automatic network and application-availability detection to determine when your application is on - or off-line so that you can take appropriate action.


  • 判断自动质量一个基本标准就是,设置一系列的确认以让结果代码各种错误变得可以预测

    One basic criteria to judge the quality of automation is by having a stock of the verification points that the script contains to catch predictable as well as unforeseen errors.


  • 这件事情无所谓好坏但是判断自动思维是否起作用标准我们是否倾向于做出默认反应。

    This isn't necessarily a good or a bad thing, but one standard effect of automatic thinking is that we tend to go for the default option.


  • 自动调制识别目的就是未知调制信息内容前提下,判断出通信信号调制方式估计出相应的调制参数。

    The objective of automatic modulation identification is to decide the modulation type and estimate the modulation parameters without any priori knowledge about the signal information content.


  • 还有一个例子测试询问如何自动一个测试用例判断PowerPoint演示中的幻灯片顺序不同。ppt文件拷贝是否相同。

    In another example a tester inquired how to automate a a test to determine if the order of the slides in a power point presentation had changed between different copies of a.ppt file.


  • 还有一个例子测试询问如何自动一个测试用例判断PowerPoint演示中的幻灯片顺序不同。ppt文件拷贝是否相同。

    In another example a tester inquired how to automate a a test to determine if the order of the slides in a power point presentation had changed between different copies of a.ppt file.


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