• 五月来,价格有所回落

    Since May there has been a slight cooling of prices.


  • 五月月份以来,联邦通讯委员会考虑宽带上网重新分类一种电信服务

    Since May the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been considering reclassifying broadband internet access as a telecommunications service.


  • 俄罗斯rts指数五月份触顶以来已经跌了70%,继续停市直至复市的指令下达。

    The RTS index, which has lost almost 70% since its peak in May, has been shut until further notice.


  • 五月博物馆开馆工人们还一直在成堆泥土瓦砾中敲敲打打,为建筑群余下部分的建设准备。

    Months after the museum's opening in May, workers are drilling and hammering amid piles of dirt and rubble to prepare the rest of the complex.


  • 五月影迷无意中发现广告牌、公用电话亭以及网络海报后,他们开始迅速推特上表达己的愤怒

    The angry and put-off tweets started popping up in May as fans stumbled across the AD on billboards, phone booths, and the Internet.


  • 五月以来澳大利亚患者数量稳步增长上周增加达到1224主要位于维多利亚,报道发生了群体性传播

    Case Numbers have been increasing steadily in Australia since late May, and rose fourfold to 1224 in the past week - mainly in Victoria State, which has reported community spread.


  • 星期三名2的男童渥太华一家私人托儿所里溺水五月起,已经安大略省第6个后院游泳池中溺亡的孩子

    A two-year-old boy who drowned at a private daycare in Ottawa Wednesday is the sixth Ontario toddler to die in a backyard pool since mid-May.


  • 2010年四个月里欧元美元汇率维持在1.35至1.45之间五月以来,汇率跌至1.20至1.32。

    Whereas the euro had traded in the range of 1.35 to 1.45 to the dollar in the first four months of 2010, the exchange rate has dropped to the 1.20 to 1.32 range since the beginning of May.


  • 美国劳工部数据显示,非农业人口就业数据(total nonfarm payrolls)十月份上升了151,000,是五月以来第一增长

    Total nonfarm payrolls rose 151, 000 in October, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said, the first increase since May.


  • 美国劳工部数据显示,非农业人口就业数据(total nonfarmpayrolls)十月份上升了151,000,是五月份以来第一增长

    Total nonfarm payrolls rose 151,000 in October, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said, the first increase since May.


  • 五月博览会1952年以来每年5举行

    The Maytime Fair has been held annually in May since 1952.


  • 第三因素大量移民工人流入——2004年五月欧盟成员国大约600,000移民进入(尽管同时其中一些工人返回国家)。

    The third factor has been an enormous influx of immigrant workers-around 600,000 from new members of the European Union alone since May 2004 (though some will have left again).


  • 今年五月十五日,便在没有任何指控拘留。

    Since May 15th he has been held without charge.


  • 帕特罗五月紧缩措施之后第一选举旨在抵御西班牙可能出现在需要纾困欧元区国家名单建议

    This was the first election since Mr Zapatero's May austerity measures, designed to fend off Suggestions that Spain might be on the list of euro countries needing bail-outs.


  • 今年五月以来西非没有出现一例病例。

    West Africa has not had a case since the first of May.


  • 挪威央行去年五月起就保持利率不变但是暗示有可能预期提前提升利率,因为始终无法摆脱通胀困扰

    The Norges bank has kept interest rates unchanged since May of last year, but has signaled it may start raising earlier than previously indicated as inflation continues to be a worry.


  • 原油期货一度五月爬升到114美元的高位,但那时起至今下跌了16%。

    Oil futures have slid 16% since cresting at $114 a barrel in May. And guess what?


  • 今年五月美国失业率攀升至9.4%,1983年8月以来最高点

    The nation's unemployment rate climbed in May to 9.4 percent, the highest it's been since August of 1983.


  • 上周就业方面带来了一些好消息劳工部115日的份报告显示十月份就业人数增长了151000人,这是今年五月后的首次增长

    Last week also brought better news on the jobs front. A Nov. 5 Labor Department report showed employment grew by 151, 000 in October, the first gain since May.


  • 上周就业方面带来了一些好消息劳工部115日的份报告显示十月份就业人数增长了151000人,今年五月后的首次增长

    Last week also brought better news on the jobs front. A Nov. 5 Labor Department report showed employment grew by 151,000 in October, the first gain since May.


  • 六月份男性失业率为10.6%,女性则为8.3%,两者间2.3%的差距五月的2.5%有所缩小,而2.5%1948年首次记录此项数据以来的最大差距。

    The 2.3-percentage-point gap between men's June unemployment rate of 10.6% and women's 8.3% rate was just below May's 2.5-point gap, the largest since records started being kept in 1948.


  • 托尼去年五月生下龙凤胎乔治·约翰萨茉尔·罗丝暂停了美容师工作,成为全职妈妈

    Toni suspended her career as a beautician to become a full-time mum after the birth of twins Georgie John and Summer Rose last May.


  • 咨询公司,对冲基金研究(HFR)数据显示各基金五月平均收益为5。2%,是2000年来表现最好一次

    Figures from Hedge fund Research (HFR), a consultancy, show that the average fund gained 5. 2% in May, the best monthly performance since 2000.


  • 微风拂面五月哥斯达黎加葡萄牙远道而来的厨师们做客北京王府井希尔顿酒店,为我们带来异域美食无尽诱惑。

    The award winning Hilton Beijing Wangfujing brings international cuisines to Beijing with food festivals featuring masters chefs from Costa Rica and Portugal in the month of May.


  • 微风拂面五月哥斯达黎加葡萄牙远道而来的厨师们做客北京王府井希尔顿酒店,为我们带来异域美食无尽诱惑。

    The award winning Hilton Beijing Wangfujing brings international cuisines to Beijing with food festivals featuring masters chefs from Costa Rica and Portugal in the month of May.


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