• 腰带又束格。

    She tightened her belt an extra notch.


  • 解开外套了看腰带

    I opened my coat and let him see the belt.


  • 扣上腰带

    She buckled her belt.


  • 垂在腰带上。

    His gut sagged out over his belt.


  • 腰带表示完全是个新手。

    The white belt signifies that he's an absolute beginner.


  • 他们的腰带裹着瘦骨嶙峋的躯体。

    Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames.


  • 那硕大肥胖肚子挺在腰带上面。

    His big fat belly overhung his belt.


  • 他用刀子腰带扎了一个

    He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife.


  • 这位管理员门口腰带钥匙

    The caretaker, a bundle of keys hanging from his belt, was standing at the door.


  • 很显然如果现在花钱入不敷出,以后就不得不勒紧腰带了。

    Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you'll need to tighten your belt.


  • 腰带上挂着很多赘肉

    Don had a hefty roll of flab overhanging his waistband.


  • 一堆肥肉坠腰带

    Rolls of fat hung over his belt.


  • 由于物价上涨我们只好勒紧腰带

    With the price increases, we are all having to tighten our belts.


  • 腰带挂着钥匙摆来摆去

    A set of keys swung from her belt.


  • 其他人得勒紧腰带过活的时候法官们加薪是不合适的。

    It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.


  • 藏钱腰带怎样呢?

    What about her money belt?


  • 俄罗斯警卫感兴趣,卢布还有我的腰带、小刀手表

    The Russian guards were interested in my wedding ring and took away the roubles that I had, and also my belt, my penknife and my watch.


  • 还有一个计划一系列腰带托住充电器,以便移动时使用。

    There's also a plan for a range of armbands and belt clips to hold the charger while you are on the move.


  • 假如自己配上个腕请选择一个相对于超腰带稍宽大些的风格

    If you're going to accent your look with a waist belt, choose wider styles as opposed to super skinny belts.


  • 腰带了。

    The belt is too short.


  • 摘掉腰带

    Please take off your belt.


  • 条便裤腰带可伸缩。

    The slacks have an elastic waistband.


  • 穿上大衣,把手枪腰带

    He had his overcoat on, and his pistols thrust into his belt again.


  • 这些零件可以折起来放在一个小包内,然后腰带上。

    These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.


  • 这些东西可以折叠一个小包里,然后系在腰带

    These pieces can be folded into a little pack and fastened on your belt.


  • 我们大多数人都挺过了经济衰退所以我们熟悉要在经济衰退中存活需要勒紧裤腰带策略

    Most of us have survived a recession, so we're familiar with the belt-tightening strategies needed to survive a slump.


  • 松开腰带,裤子掉下去。

    He dropped his pants.


  • 条裙子需要换一根松紧腰带

    This skirt needs some new elastic in the waist.


  • 这些腰带、和服其他衣服适合孩子穿。

    The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.


  • 她们穿着配有米色腰带蓝色丝质连衣裙,头上戴着夏季花儿编成的花环

    They wore blue silk dresses with cream sashes and garlands of summer flowers in their hair.


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