• 斯蒂芬森建议需要进行的限制包括:晚九点禁止播放脂肪盐分含糖量食品电视广告限制此类广告广告牌上和电影院里的出现频次。

    Stephenson suggested potential restrictions could include banning TV advertisements for foods high in fat, salt or sugar before 9 pm and limiting them on billboards or in cinemas.


  • 避免太多会感觉困乏的食物,比如说深度加工食品饱和脂肪以及含糖度的食品

    Avoid any foods that cause you to feel sluggish, such as highly processed foods, saturated fats, and sugary foods.


  • 强大有效尤其是呼吁充分利用财政政策营销控制,抑制对烟草酒精饱和脂肪反式脂肪食品需求

    It has teeth, especially in its call to use fiscal policies and marketing control to full effect to influence the demand for tobacco, alcohol, and foods high in saturated fats, trans fats and sugar.


  • 动物食品中的饱和脂肪(就是卡路里)比起大多植物类食物

    Animal products tend to be higher in saturated fat (and therefore calories) than most plant products.


  • 将要桌子上撤走脂肪饱和脂肪食品也是允许的。

    Salt will be removed from canteen tables and foods that have too much fat, saturated fat and sugar will not be allowed.


  • 更有甚者,那些食品饮料企业通过电视上打广告,让他们的产品电影视频游戏其他媒体中出镜,赤裸裸地将那些脂肪食品灌输进小孩的脑海里。

    Moreover, the food and beverage industry markets sugar- and fat-laden goods to kids directly—through commercials on television, product placement in movies and video games, and other media.


  • 蔬菜,水果粗粮纤维素食品;选择脂肪含量低蛋白质来源鱼肉就是个不错的选择。

    Choose vegetables, fruits, whole grains, high-fiber foods and lean sources of protein, such as fish.


  • 脂肪垃圾食品带来精力的骤升骤降。

    Traditional junk foods tend to be high in sugars and fat. When consumed, these foods will give an immediate boost of energy, followed by a big energy drop.


  • 脂肪含量食品脂肪食物不仅使轻易心脑血管疾病而且也轻易患上癌症。

    Three is fatty food should eat less. High fat food make people not only easy cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, cancer and easily also.


  • 进食营养丰富食品同时少吃脂肪食品

    Third, eat nutritious food, and eating foods high in fat.


  • 脂肪胆固醇食品会引起心脏病

    Foods high in cholesterol or saturated fat cause heart attacks.


  • 然而加工食品包含了不必要成分比如,“不健康脂肪含量防腐剂使食物能量增加热量食物就会使发胖了。

    However, processed foods include unnecessary ingredients like sugars, "unhealthy" fats, high sodium content and preservatives making them high energy, high calorie meals that pack on the pounds.


  • 食品的时候,一些水果蔬菜,而不是那些糖分脂肪方便食品一定准备一些健康零食,据不用食物作为奖励惩罚的手段。鲝。

    When buying groceries, choose fruits and vegetables over convenience foods high in sugar and fat. Always have healthy snacks available. And never use food as a reward or punishment.


  • 因此江蓠一种膳食纤维蛋白脂肪低热能,且富含矿物质维生素的天然理想的保健食品原料。

    So Gracilaria might be a health food which provided high dietary fiber, high protein, low fat and calorie, rich minerals and vitamins.


  • 竹笋蛋白脂肪、低糖分纤维绿色保健食品,因营养丰富,深受人们的喜爱。

    Bamboo shoot is one kind of green protective food which had high protein, low fat, low sugar and high fiber.


  • 虽然巧克力牛奶,不过控制一下其他食品摄入脂肪的话,也是可以放心一杯巧克力牛奶。

    As long as you are monitoring the your fat intake from other food sources, room can be made in any diet for a glass of chocolate milk.


  • 而低收入因为条件往往脂肪非常鸡肉汉堡包食品为生很少时间运动

    Take in but person low because of are what condition is limited, sometimes make a livelihood by amounts fat food such as very high chicken, Hamburger, have time to move also seldom "."


  • 虽然这些食品快捷便利但是他们趋向脂肪卡路里,食用过多这些类型的食品导致卡路里摄入过量。

    While such foods are fast and convenient they also tend to be high in fat, sugar, and calories. Choosing many foods from these areas may contribute to an excessive calorie intake.


  • 他们食品含有脂肪卡路里

    They sell food that is high in fat, sugar and calories.


  • 饮食引发肥胖主要因素:岛国居民本来根茎蔬菜为主食,现在脂肪进口加工食品

    Diet is the main reason - people who once subsisted on fish, coconuts and root vegetables now eat imported processed foods that are high in sugar and fat, according to experts.


  • 疾病防控中心营养锻炼肥胖部门负责人威廉姆?迪亚兹博士南方传统饮食导致问题原因之一,南方的饮食脂肪含量而且多油炸食品

    The traditional Southern diethigh in fat and fried food — may be part of the answer, said Dr. William Dietz, who heads CDC's nutrition, physical activity and obesity division.


  • 专家们认为,饮食主要诱因:岛民曾经根茎类蔬菜为生,现在吃起脂肪进口加工食品

    Diet is the main reason - people who once subsisted on fish coconuts and root vegetables now eat imported processed foods that are high in sugar and fat according to experts.


  • 研究发现食用食品所含的饱和脂肪可以阻止转让瘦素身体大脑从而导致更多饥饿

    Studies have found that ingesting foods that are high in saturated fats can block the transfer of leptin from the body to the brain, which leads to increased hunger.


  • 公共卫生部门官员们随即建议美国人少吃食品脂肪成了上世纪八十九十年代的《国民饮食指南声讨的对象。

    Officials responded by advising Americans to shun fat, which became the official villain of the national dietary guidelines during the 1980s and 1990s.


  • 例如,德曼大多数追求健康饮食人们都会看看食品标签或是餐馆菜单上的的卡路里反式脂肪的含量,不会关注盐分

    For example, Goldman said that most people seeking a healthy choice will check food labels and restaurant menus for calorie counts and trans fats, but will not pay attention to salt.


  • 另外一个原因就是加工过食品大多脂肪

    Processed foods also contain excessive quantities of fat, salt, and sugar.


  • 另外一个原因就是加工过食品大多脂肪

    Processed foods also contain excessive quantities of fat, salt, and sugar.


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