• 脂肪抑制技术应用每个序列

    The fat-suppression technique were used in each sequence.


  • 脂肪抑制序列信号抑制可以证实为脂性成分。

    Suppression of signal on fat-saturated series proves fatty content.


  • 目的探讨场强磁共振梯度回波脂肪抑制成像膝关节损伤中的临床应用。

    Objective TO assess the value of low field intensity MR gradient echo and fat inhibition image formation in the diagnosis of the injury of knee.


  • 目的国产磁共振设备上,研究脂肪抑制技术肝癌诊断应用价值。

    Purpose: To evaluate fat - suppression MR imaging in diagnosis of hepatoma using domestic low- field MR system.


  • 目的探讨场强磁共振梯度回波脂肪抑制成像膝关节外伤中的诊断价值

    Purpose: To assess the value of low field intensity MR gradient echo and fat inhibition image formation in the diagnosis of the injury of knee.


  • 相同位置的脂肪抑制图像显示相对于临近心肌低信号证实该处为脂肪沉积。

    On repeated images obtained with fat suppression, the band was hypointense in relation to the adjacent myocardium, a finding that confirmed its fatty composition.


  • MRH采用不屏气涡轮自旋回波(TSE)序列,同时应用呼吸门控脂肪抑制技术

    MRH used non breath hold Turbo Spin Echo sequence (TSE) with respiratory triggering and fat suppression techniques.


  • 序列中T1W脂肪抑制能较好显示肿瘤特征溃疡存在以及周围淋巴结肿大

    Among MR plain scan sequences, T1W with fat suppression was outstanding in depicting the gross features of the tumor, presence of ulceration, and adjacent lymph node swelling.


  • 通常采用食用药物、药片、瘦身护肤霜、瘦身膏药脂肪抑制特定食物组合或是其他饮食减肥法。

    They may tout pills, supplements, skin creams, patches, fat blockers, special combinations of foods, or other diet aids.


  • 结论3d -FLASH序列用水激发技术代替脂肪抑制显著缩短扫描时间而不降低图像质量

    Conclusion: in 3d-flash sequences, water excitation technique as an alternative to fat suppression can shorten scan time significantly, without decreasing image quality.


  • 目的评价SPIR(用于化学位移脂肪抑制频谱预饱和反转复位技术)造影增强联合应用眼眶病变判断中的作用

    Purpose: To evaluate the role of SPIR (a chemical shift fat suppression technique) in the evaluation of orbital lesions, especially when used in conjunction with contrast enhancement.


  • 在1 .5T 磁共振成像仪上应用屏气脂肪抑制心电门K 空间分段采集快速梯度回波技术进行冠脉血管成像研究。

    Coronary MRA was performed with breath-hold fatsuppressed ECG-gated fast gradient echo sequence with K-space segmentation using a 1.5T MR scanner.


  • 动态mri磁化传递对比、剂量增强MRI、MR血管造影、脂肪抑制灌注mri应用,对术前估价脑肿瘤特征意义重大。

    Combining with Dynamic MRI, MTC, high dose gadolinium enhanced MRI, MRA, FS and Perfusion MRI, could evaluate the characteristics of cerebral tumors before operation.


  • 材料方法12例患者同时x线检查和四肢关节专用MRI检查,MRI检查包括多断面的T1W,T2W脂肪抑制术检查。

    Materials and Methods: X-ray films and dedicated MRI were performed for 12cases simultaneously. Dedicated MRI examination included multiplanar, T1W, T2W and fat suppression sequence.


  • 但是抑制脂肪吸收非常有趣的短期副作用——尤其是如果没有坚持遵守所推荐的低脂肪食谱——其副作用那么让人轻松了。

    But inhibiting fat absorption does have an interesting short-term side-effect - particularly if you don't stick to the recommended low-fat diet - and it's not a very pleasant one.


  • 我们数据显示禁食会引发体型纤瘦动物的神经免疫系统产生抗炎效应这种效应会被脂肪饮食抑制

    Our data show that fasting induces an anti-inflammatory effect on a lean animal's neuroimmune system, and that effect is inhibited by a high-fat diet.


  • 防止变成灰色,看上去不鲜艳防止脂肪变质抑制细菌生成

    The salt prevents the meat from turning an unattractive gray color as it ages, slows the fat from spoiling and inhibits bacteria from forming.


  • 实验室研究显示,辣椒可以通过减少热量摄入缩小脂肪组织以及减低血脂含量效果来帮助抑制肥胖

    Laboratory studies have hinted that capsaicin may help fight obesity by decreasing calorie intake, shrinking fat tissue, and lowering fat levels in the blood.


  • 强大有效尤其是呼吁充分利用财政政策营销控制抑制烟草酒精饱和脂肪、高反式脂肪高糖食品需求

    It has teeth, especially in its call to use fiscal policies and marketing control to full effect to influence the demand for tobacco, alcohol, and foods high in saturated fats, trans fats and sugar.


  • 除了体重增长减慢以外,在另食用绿茶老鼠排泄物油脂上升30%。Lambett称,这意味着EGCG抑制脂肪吸收

    In addition to lower weight gain, the mice fed the green tea supplement showed a nearly 30 percent increase in fecal lipids, suggesting that the EGCG was limiting fat absorption, according to Lambert.


  • 研究者们认为成分抑制脂肪组织生长并且增加脂肪燃烧。

    Researchers think the ingredient suppresses the growth of fat tissue and increases fat-burning.


  • 饱和脂肪含量饮食似乎抑制人体免疫反应增加感染风险

    And diets that are high in saturated fat appear to actually depress the body's immune response, increasing the risk of infections.


  • 一些使用蛋白酶抑制患者出现不寻常副作用脂肪增生心脏问题

    Unusual side effects, such as the growth of fatty pads and heart problems, are occurring in some users of protease inhibitors.


  • Leptin脂肪细胞分泌,能够抑制食欲同时增强新陈代谢的水平

    Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, decreases appetite and boosts metabolism: low leptin levels can lead to an increased appetite.


  • 燃烧脂肪过程会产生酮据说抑制食欲之效。

    The process of burning fat produces ketones, which some claim have an appetite-suppressing effect.


  • 阿托伐他汀通过脂肪组织内皮细胞抑制炎症介质分泌及表达

    Atorvastatin can suppress the expression and release of inflammatory mediator by adipose tissue and endothelial cells.


  • 最新科普杂志《细胞》介绍,奥地利科学家发现基因治疗可以抑制身体无用脂肪形成

    Austrian scientists found that gene therapy is able to inhibit the formation of body's useless fat. according to the latest issue of the scientific magazine Cell.


  • 研究者目前已经证明草药萃取有效地抑制脂肪细胞形成刺激成熟脂肪细胞中脂肪动员

    Researchers have now shown that an extract of the herbal brew effectively inhibits the generation of new adipocytes and stimulates fat mobilization from mature fat cells.


  • 非侵袭性癌细胞过表达MAGL重现脂肪网络增加MAGL抑制逆转致病性

    Overexpression of MAGL in nonaggressive cancer cells recapitulates this fatty acid network and increases their pathogenicity phenotypes that are reversed by an MAGL inhibitor.


  • 非侵袭性癌细胞过表达MAGL重现脂肪网络增加MAGL抑制逆转致病性

    Overexpression of MAGL in nonaggressive cancer cells recapitulates this fatty acid network and increases their pathogenicity phenotypes that are reversed by an MAGL inhibitor.


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