• 由于当时里集团资金紧张部分职工工资未予发放

    At that time the Group in funds can be tight, the wages of some workers were not paid.


  • 山东德州中国太阳坐落着太阳集团总部——日月坛

    At the center of China Solar Valley in Dezhou, Shandong Province, is the Sun-Moon Mansion, the headquarters of Himin Solar Energy.


  • 矿井移交他们多次集团索要工资迟迟得到解决

    Mine after the transfer, they can group several times to ask for in wages, but the delay is not resolved.


  • 主要障碍在于集团,这家法国乳业巨头收购这家企业。

    The main obstacle was that Danone, a French dairy giant, also wanted to buy it.


  • 受访者认为,能集团波兰分公司提供顶级产品优的价格

    The respondents said that Vaillant Poland stood out for top product quality along with the best price.


  • 集团其中依云一个组成部分公司推出内部保护程序

    Within the Danone Group, of which Evian is a part, the water company launched an internal conservation program.


  • 法律花招也是造成目前达能集团私人家族公司之间争议基础

    This legal trick forms the basis of the current dispute between Danone and Zong's now privatised family company.


  • 依云水源来自靠近法国埃维昂莱班矿泉水品牌。1991年集团所有。

    Evian is a water source from a number of mineral water near the French Evian-les-class brand. 1991 by the Danone Group.


  • 后来集团撤掉了大部分有关Activia酸奶Actimel饮料提高免疫力广告。

    Danone has subsequently dropped most of its claims that Activia yoghurts and Actimel drinks boost the immune system.


  • 为了满足中国市场需求集团同时提高旗下产品的产量供应量,并且已经中国供货。

    Danone is also increasing production and supplies of its brands that are already available in China, in order to meet demand there.


  • 集团要想激烈竞争中长生不衰、永远处于不败之地,必须建立起一个符合自身条件有利于实现企业战略目标企业文化

    To gain an advantageous condition in the competition, Energy Group Ltd. of Anhui should construct a corporation culture which complies with its own conditions and the goal of the group.


  • 年前,达能集团法国一个食品集团公司。 公司老板Franck Riboud高喊国家经济主义口号,就是为了挡住美国PepsiCo公司的接管威胁

    Two years ago Franck Riboud, the boss of Danone, a French food group, was able to whip up a froth of economic nationalism to ward off the mere threat of a takeover by America’s PepsiCo.


  • 如果南部纺织集团确保34个参议院票数可以否决这个条约

    If the Southern textile bloc can sew up 34 Senate votes, it can defeat the treaty.


  • 当时,他希望集团更加关注利润丰厚奢侈品

    At the time he said he would like the group to focus more on lucrative luxury goods.


  • 目前PPR集团债务达到29亿欧元,兼并彪马之后,债务增加80亿欧元以上

    At present, the group's debt stands at euro2.9 billion, which would increase to more than euro8 billion after a takeover of Puma.


  • 个例子毫无疑问,VUITTON期待这场危机淘汰掉一些薄弱品牌,让资源集中集团核心业务上。

    Vuitton, for instance, would doubtless like to see disposals of weaker brands as a result of the crisis, and a greater concentration of resources on the group's key businesses.


  • 卫报唯一报道事实致力于客户控告媒体的侵权行为的伦敦律师卡特·拉克的案子,其客户包括个人全球性集团

    The only fact the Guardian can report is that the case involves the London solicitors Carter-Ruck, who specialise in suing the media for clients, who include individuals or global corporations.


  • 经营层变更代价也是巨大的,离任集团离开之前会竭尽全力攫取一切利益,继任者致力于确保他们获得最大的利益。

    A change in elites can also be expensive, with the outgoing group snatching what it can before leaving and the incoming group working overtime to ensure that it too gets paid in full.


  • 集团吸收越南经验在那儿两年的试点计划获得了全部公司许可

    Home Credit can draw on experience gained in Vietnam, where a two-year pilot scheme earned the company a full licence.


  • 米勒,即便没有搜索巨头把网络流量引向自己的网站,在英国拥有泰晤士太阳报》的新闻集团, 也健康的活着,并读者和观众中享有较高的知名度。

    He also said that News Corporation, which owns The Times and The Sun newspapers in Britain, could survive both economically and audience-wise without the search giant driving traffic to its sites.


  • 这些步骤包括获得国际原子机构批准以及供应国集团的首肯。

    These include seeking an approval from the International Atomic Energy Agency and a waiver from the Nuclear Suppliers Group.


  • 现实无论何种规模集团不是解决新的全球性挑战药。

    The reality is that no G-force will be a panacea for the new global challenges.


  • 民用核技术协议仍然需要国际原子机构供应国集团美国国会批准

    The nuclear deal still has to be approved by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the U.S. Congress.


  • 孟加拉国太阳项目世界银行集团34国家资助实施61个项目之一

    The Bangladesh Solar Program is among 61 projects in 34 countries supported by the World Bank Group.


  • 而且,同样耳熟那些失败交易所不屑例如艾伦格林斯潘雷曼兄弟的迪克•福德,花旗集团查尔斯王子

    Equally familiar are the case studies about deals that have gone wrong and the names of the men he scorns: Alan Greenspan, Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers, Charles Prince of Citigroup.


  • 如果特拉塔找到地价所需资金那么股东强迫英美资源集团商讨其经营

    If Xstrata can find the money for a premium, shareholders are likely to force Anglo's management into talks.


  • 如果大陆集团目前最大股东破产了,大陆集团置身事外毕竟家公司目前的财政业务还是分开的。

    Continental itself would feel few ill effects from the collapse of its now-biggest shareholder, because the two firms' financing and operations are not yet integrated.


  • 如果大陆集团目前最大股东破产了,大陆集团置身事外毕竟家公司目前的财政业务还是分开的。

    Continental itself would feel few ill effects from the collapse of its now-biggest shareholder, because the two firms' financing and operations are not yet integrated.


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