• 61日:释放清理,释放掉能量模式

    June 1: release and cleansing, release of old energy patterns.


  • 三合一能量模式主要释放疗愈重建相关

    The energy pattern of the Triad is around release, healing and reconstruction.


  • 新的平衡能量模式无法存留旧有形式中。

    New balances and energy patterns can't exist within the old shapes.


  • 本文给出束缚态的能量模式函数束缚条件

    Its energy mode, wave functions and bound states conditions are given.


  • 身体脉轮系统可以美丽颜色能量模式看见,环绕十三个能量中心一个

    Your body's chakra system can be viewed as an energy pattern of beautiful colors, circling each of its thirteen major energy centers.


  • 选择提升中,光之能量模式最先运转能量中,随后突触上被捕捉促使基于统一思想学会

    The energetic patterns of the language of light first run in the field and then catch upon the new synapses causing unity based thoughts to be learned in the choice to ascend.


  • 赫灵指出,不同感觉模式痛觉味觉色觉可能特定种类的神经能量释放有关。

    Herring suggested that different modes of sensation, such as pain, taste, and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous energy.


  • 这种困难确定无疑的因为能源匮乏将使能量消耗的美国农业模式难以继续下去,而这种模式使投入少数农民就能获得高产成为可能。

    This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.


  • 身体生存模式需要食物补充能量

    Your body is in survival mode and needs food to replenish its energy.


  • 实际上一个现代能量有效利用工厂模式可以回收浪费热量生成厂里自己需要的电量

    But it is actually a model of modern energy efficiency, harnessing its waste heat to generate much of its own electricity.


  • 遭受压力时,身体进入了“战斗或逃跑模式,这种状态需要大量能量

    When you are experiencing stress, your body is programmed to go into fight-or-flight mode, a state that requires a lot of energy.


  • 现在允许自己感觉旅程中带来神圣能量,会自行某种模式之中。

    Now permit yourself to feel how the energy from the Divine Reality that you have brought with you from your journey, embeds itself as pattern.


  • 于是他们开始寻找一种新的模式,在不会损害网络价值前提利用互联网能量

    And so they began looking for a new model, one that leveraged the power of the Internet without the value-destroying side effects of the Web.


  • 无论何种原因压力使得我们快速爆发能量身体方面发生某些必然变化这种变化模式称作“战斗或逃跑”响应。

    Regardless of the cause, stress sets in motion certain automatic changes in the body that are designed to give it a quick burst of energy.


  • 话说,虽然最新卫星数据质疑了之前太阳能量释放的电脑模式但它并未改变人类造成温室效应的现状。

    In other words, whereas the new satellite measurements call into question computer models of solar output, it does not change the fundamental physics of human-induced global warming.


  • 新的积极思维模式产生不同能量创造出积极有效方式从而生活反过来聚集更多新的积极能量

    Your new positive thought patterns will send out a different energy and create a more positive way of being which will in turn attract new positive energy within your life.


  • 物理属性真实量度温度能量惯例加入模式中,保证模式尽可能与真实世界相一致。

    Actual measurements of physical properties, like temperature or energy, are routinely folded into the model to keep the model as close to the real world as possible.


  • FMO认为是研究光合能量传递模式分子因为只有7个色素分子组成而且化学特性已经研究的透彻了。

    FMO is considered a model system for studying photosynthetic energy transfer because it consists of only seven pigment molecules and its chemistry has been well characterized.


  • 通过“钱德拉X射线轨太空望远镜星系团增长模式进行观测研究他们发现,正如“暗能量理论预测一样星系团增长受到了抑制。

    They used an orbiting X-ray telescope called Chandra to study the way that clusters of galaxies grow. They discovered that this growth is stifled in exactly the way that dark-energy theory predicts.


  • 使用技术最好模式的照射下,有18%能量转化为电力-这是与原始的太阳能的13%相对照

    The best modules made with the new technology convert about 18 percent of the energy in light into electricity — as opposed to 13 percent for the company's original solar panels.


  • 因为这样系统消耗燃料他们可以有效地使用热量消耗能量转换热量交替模式

    As such systems do not burn fuel, they make possible to effectively use heat consumption energy while switching heat consumption alternating modes.


  • 如果美国所有家庭都把洗衣机热水洗涤模式切换成温水洗涤冷水清洗模式可以节省相当于10万桶石油产生能量

    If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100, 000 barrels of oil a day.


  • 一致实相提升大自然土地相关模式基础创建了能量运作系统

    Consensus based ascension creates moving energy systems founded upon patterns associated with nature and the land.


  • 特别是LP02模具良好的负色散值能量分布所以选用了LP02作为高阶模补偿模式

    Especially LP02 mode has huge dispersion and good energy distributing, so we choice LP02 mode as dispersion compensate.


  • 我们头脑电脑一样,反过来运用那些能量指引我们进行那些思考模式行为那些早已以前决策设置定下思考和模式化行为。蒚。

    Our mind, the computer, in turn USES that energy to direct us into the thinking and patterns of behavior which have been predetermined by those past decisions or programs.


  • 火供过程中,神圣能量流入参与者精微肉身,因此得以净化他们消极模式过去条件反应老旧业力

    During the course of a Homa, Divine energies flow into the physical and subtle bodies of the participants, thereby cleansing them of negative patterns, past conditioning, and old karma.


  • 火供过程中,神圣能量流入参与者精微肉身,因此得以净化他们消极模式过去条件反应老旧业力

    During the course of a Homa, Divine energies flow into the physical and subtle bodies of the participants, thereby cleansing them of negative patterns, past conditioning, and old karma.


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