• 四川盆地处于高原能量盆地以东能量之间能量区。

    The physical analyses show that there was a strong energy frontal zone between the high energy center in Tibet Plateau and the low energy center to the east of Sichuan Basin.


  • 彩虹般千变万化重力等离子能量围绕其间,常常会出现现在所谓极光北极光

    A rainbow kaleidoscopic energy band of antigravity plasma swirled around the sphere, and often appeared as what you now term the aurora or northern lights.


  • 由于隧道开挖采用多段微差爆破所以多数实测爆破地震波存在多个优势频率峰值能量分布

    Multi-millisecond blasting is used in tunnel excavation, so there are several dominating frequency peak values in actual observation blasting seismic, and the energy distribution belt is wide.


  • 通过测量海波数据中的这些能量指纹,研究小组估计出泉水丰富其他沉积

    By measuring these energy fingerprints in Hyperion data, the group estimated the abundance of sulfur and other deposits at the spring.


  • 过去几个世纪里仙台沿海地区俯冲发生的地震震级最大才达到8级,从未达到过9级,而这次地震释放能量是8级地震的30

    In the past few centuries, the subduction zone off the coast of Sendai has generated earthquakes of up to magnitude 8 or so, but nothing as powerful as a 9, which releases 30 times more energy.


  • 融合重氢同位素需要大量能量部分原因是因为原子核正电相互排斥

    Fusing heavy hydrogen isotopes requires lots of energy, partly because the nuclei are positively charged and repel each other.


  • 如果第一形态并且逃离传导光子的形式释放多余能量

    If it s in the first state, and it falls out of the conduction band, it will release its extra energy as a photon.


  • 第二策略减小两个传导能量落差这样一来受激发电子容易光子释放

    The second strategy was to lower the energy difference between the two conduction-band states so that excited electrons would be more likely to spill over into the photon-emitting state.


  • 根据一项研究,沿地壳构造板块边缘的地震远比缺乏活动的地可能产生伟大的远古文明,研究者这种联系说明通常视为破坏性的地质能量比如地震,人类历史或许过建设性作用

    Researchers say the relationship suggests that forces typically viewed as destructive--such as earthquakes--might have also played a constructive role in human history.


  • 我们借此能量嵌入穿过帷幕而进入神圣实相中

    We take this energy, embed it and bring it through the veils into the Divine Reality.


  • 因为我们进入一种黄道治疗者】意识转变中,以及这些能量如何我们协同运作,我们可以引导这些能量进入我们生活方式治疗并且支持我们自身的转变

    As we shift into an awareness of the Zodiacal Healer and how these energies work with us, we can channel these energies into our lives in ways that are healing and supportive of our changes.


  • 改变原子连接角度长度同时,将它们电子传导所需能量变化了

    Changing the Angle and length of the bonds between germanium atoms also changed the energies required to kick their electrons into the conduction band.


  • 这种获得能量电子留在原来能级上对应的位置的空穴相互作用叫做个激子激发过程,两个不同能级之间的部分被称作隙。

    The interaction between the energized electron and the hole it leaves behind is called an exciton, and the difference in energy levels between the hole and the electron is known as the bandgap.


  • 这些所谓的通量积蓄能量方式与皮筋拉伸来积蓄能量的原理是一样的。

    These so-called "flux ropes" build up energy in much the same way that an elastic band builds up energy as it's stretched.


  • 但是如果我们仅仅因为尽义务了这件事,这件能量特质就转变了,几乎满溢出愿与人分享消耗殆尽。

    But when these are done out of a sense of obligation, their energy changes from something that shares to something that drains.


  • 同样让人困惑的是卡西尼(Cassini)空间探测器探测相同区域结果。记录到的原子能量要高一些超过了6000电子

    Equally puzzling are observations of the same boundary region with an instrument on the Cassini spacecraft, which recorded the density of atoms at higher energies, above 6,000 electron volts.


  • 基于临界能量特征语音识别技术研究光学距离原理图。

    With energy based on the critical characteristics of voice recognition technology, optical distance measurement diagram.


  • dbt共聚物中,观察到了由于激子单体DBT位置的捕获而产生的有效能量转移

    In the copolymers of fluorene and DBT, the efficient energy transfer due to exciton trapping on narrow band-gap DBT sites has been observed.


  • 南达:通过光子通过太阳能量掀起了变化

    Sananda: The energies coming through your sun, via the photon belt, are also setting off changes. Sananda.


  • 如果光子能量高于电池材料那么电子就激发

    If the photon energy is greater than the bandgap of the cell material, then electrons are excited into the conduction band.


  • 它们的能量其他原子内的电子撞出原子之外,产生正电荷离子负电荷的电子。

    Their energy is high enough to remove orbital electrons from atoms, thus giving rise to positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons.


  • 一旦释放能量通过中部正电荷能量透镜

    Once unleashed, the power channels through a positively charged continuous energy lens at the center of the handle.


  • 报道微机控制能量同步扫描可变角同步扫描多功能荧光分光计

    A new microcomputer-controlled versatile spectrofluorometer with the function of constant energy and variable-angle synchronous scanning has been developed.


  • 峰值会使功率放大器饱和载波产生交调干扰导致能量外弥散。

    These large peaks cause saturation in power amplifiers, leading to intermodulation products among the subcarriers and disturbing out of band energy.


  • 这些复杂反复无常能量能够造成非常正面的、令人振奋事件每个人更高的层次。

    These complex and volatile energies can produce very positive uplifting events taking each of you higher.


  • 然后能量负电荷的高能流动

    The beam then arcs circumferentially back to a negatively charged high energy flux aperture.


  • 然后能量负电荷的高能流动

    The beam then arcs circumferentially back to a negatively charged high energy flux aperture.


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