• 请问规范去年处理费吗?

    Can you kindly regularize handling charges of last year, please?


  • 尽管如此,还是“期望供应商规范采购方式,避免落下直接支持武装冲突的罪名。

    Nonetheless, itexpectssuppliers to operate in a manner that does not directly support armed conflict.


  • 行政文化作为行政管理深层内核不仅稳定行政系统而且能规范引导行政行为

    Administrative culture, deep cores of administrative management, does not only stabilize administrative system, but also regulate and conduct administrative behaviors.


  • 而另一方面人类肌体细胞有着强有力的规范基因活动,包括病毒基因进行调节的天然机制

    Meanwhile, the human organism's cells possess powerful natural mechanism which should regulate the work of genes including viral ones.


  • 学习音乐规范训练帮助孩子们养成良好做事习惯增强自尊心

    The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits and improve self-esteem.


  • 最后我们在这里提供一些简单示例目的三个规范提供什么有所了解。

    Finally, we've presented some very simple examples here to give you an idea of some of what the three specifications can provide.


  • 使用推荐的导出选项选项明确分离规范实现

    He USES the recommended export option, which allows a cleaner separation between specification and implementation.


  • 使用sdo规范工具快速生成聚合多重数据源数据驱动应用程序。

    Tools that leverage the SDO specification can quickly generate data-driven applications that aggregate multiple data sources.


  • 配置的转换框架使jsp容器更快修改响应新的要求例如JSP规范变化今后增强

    The configurable translation framework enables the JSP container to be modified more quickly in response to new requirements, such as JSP specification changes and future enhancements.


  • 按照CORBA 2.3规范所有skeleton均提供一个_ this方法方法使servant得到目标CORBA对象的对象引用,servant正是用目标CORBA对象这些请求相关联的。

    Per the CORBA 2.3 specification, all skeletons provide a _this method, which allows the servant to obtain the object reference for the target CORBA object it is associating for those requests.


  • 保持编码规范MVC遵循代码规范

    Maintaining the coding standards: the MVC code is easy to write and also follows the code restrictions.


  • IBMMicrosoft共同经营第1UDDI业务注册中心节点两个公司以及HP和SAP目前正在经营支持大部分第2版UDDI规范的beta测试站点

    Both IBM and Microsoft operate Version 1 nodes in the UDDI Business Registry, and they, as well as both HP and SAP, currently operate beta sites that support much of the Version 2 UDDI specification.


  • WSIL规范访问现存服务提供强有力的方式然而,WSIL文档包含一些其它WSIL文档的引用,这些文档创建n层wsil文档

    The WSIL specification provides a powerful way to access existing services; however, WSIL documents might contain references to other WSIL documents creating an n-level WSIL document tree.


  • 没有任何合理原因评判规范是否比一种更好,了解混用命名规范会使代码看起来存在严重错误

    I can't justify one convention or the other for any rational reason, but I do know that mixing up naming conventions makes code feel horribly wrong.


  • 因为到目前为止,还有没有任何规范数据库VIAF一样图书馆是否需要付钱才使用它们自己创建数据

    Because nothing, as yet, exists like the VIAF, will libraries have to pay premium prices for data that was created by them in the first place?


  • NMR消息路由另一个BC将消息解除规范化,转换目标服务提供者理解格式

    NMR routes the message to another BC, which denormalizes it into the format understood by the intended service provider.


  • 没有真正理解,也没有人规范变成真金

    Nobody really understands it and nobody as yet has turned a specification into real gold.


  • 双方律师希望最高法院在未来清楚规范制度

    Lawyers on both sides are hoping the Supreme Court will define the rules more clearly.


  • 它们应用程序提供了很强的组织性符合流行的MVC模式规范

    They provide a strong organization for your application and follow the commonly used MVC pattern.


  • 另外,亚洲公司们渴望规范受到法律约束的、透明证券,并且反应当地金属石油粮食供需

    And Asian companies are keen to be able to buy standardised, legally enforceable and transparent securities whose prices are linked to the local supply of and demand for metals, petrol and grains.


  • 清楚一点规范农业市场并不意味着打击市场,而是完善市场运作,是财富公平分配

    Let's be clear: Regulating the market in this area does not mean fighting the market. Regulating the market means improving the way it operates so that wealth is more fairly Shared.


  • 通用语言规范(Common Language Specification, CLS)确保任何具有一致性的。NET语言访问其他语言创建函数库

    The Common language Specification ensures that any conforming.net language can access libraries created by any other language.


  • 首先本文分析敏捷信息系统特点和分布式计算环境构建集成系统的技术规范及使技术。

    At first, this paper analyzes the characteristic of agile information system, then an technology standard is proposed for the rapid configuration of integration system.


  • 访问资源用户必须一种识别(规范OpenID形式呈现 OpenID。

    To access the resource, the user must present his OpenID in a form that can be recognized (normalized) as an OpenID.


  • 所以为了他们进行信息交换必须他们规范Web服务集成

    Thus, in order to exchange information with them, you have to be able to integrate with their maverick web service interface.


  • 结果规范卫生洗手明显降低手的菌落总数细菌

    Results Normative hand-washing would evidently cut down the total numbers of colony and bacterium.


  • InfoQ之前期望规范支持某种XML模型Annotation规范似乎没有

    InfoQ: I was expecting that the specification would support some sort of XML model as well as annotations but it doesn't seem to.


  • 项目进行合同管理确保按照采购相关项目规范要求满足客户的要求。

    The contract management of a project to ensure that clients requirements are fulfilled in accordance with the purchase order and associated project specifications.


  • 项目进行合同管理确保按照采购相关项目规范要求满足客户的要求。

    The contract management of a project to ensure that clients requirements are fulfilled in accordance with the purchase order and associated project specifications.


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