• 结论剥夺睡眠诱发试验明显提高癫痫儿童脑电图阳性率

    Conclusion: Sleep Deprivation Provocation Test can obviously elevate masculine rate on EEG of epic children.


  • 目的探讨一种代替75%酒精皮肤过敏试验消毒剂简便方法能够有效降低皮试的假阳性率防止皮肤感染

    Objective to explore a simple method of cleaning skin before intracutaneous test to take the place of 75% alcohol so as to lower the pseudo-positive rate and prevent skin from infection.


  • 结论剥夺睡眠诱发试验明显提高癫儿童脑电图阳性率

    Conclusions: Sleep deprivation provocation test can obviously elevate positive of on EEG rate children with epilepsy.


  • 试验结果表明采用LRC数字电桥,对以电容为主要依据多项电特性参数值测定检测茶叶的综合品质,正确判别率达94%以上

    The experimental result showed that the electric capacity of tea measured with a numerical LRC bridge can be used to evaluate the tea quality, the rate of correct examination is above 94 %.


  • 静态试验研究表明木材的含水率引起涡流传感器输出电压下降,但下降幅度甚微

    Static experimental test shows that wet wood can make tiny decline to the output voltage of eddy current sensor.


  • 试验证明,普通水泥砂浆中加入一定量纤维显著提高砂浆的裂抗渗,降低砂浆收缩率,提高抗抗折强度等。

    The test manifests adding a certain content of fiber in the mortar can obviously improve the tear and compression resistance, antipenetration and shrinkage.


  • 经过试验准确定位各个仪表字符串区域识别率也达到了95%。

    By experimentation, the result shows that each string region can be accurately located and that the recognition rate has reached 95%.


  • 试验目的明确PF联合t方案是否提高

    The objective of this trial was to determine whether adding t to PF could increase the larynx preservation rate.


  • 试验证明,采用主元分析法进行识别获取较高识别率识别率可以在85%以上

    We have used sample images to test the face recognition application based the methods above, and the recognition rate is above 85%.


  • 相关试验数据验证表明,所建立的渗透率理论模型具有良好适用性反映一定条件的渗透率演化趋势

    Correlative test data show that this model has good applicability, and can reflect the development of the porosity under certain condition.


  • 试验证明专家系统根据前端数据特点具体特征分析方法特点,选择最佳特征优化方法,给出表征能力好的特征集,应用于目标识别时能大大提高识别准确率。

    Experiments proved that this expert system can select the optimal method for feature analysis according to the characteristics of data and those methods for analysis, and can provide a fe...


  • 系统精度分辨率高,自动化程度具有连续峰值采集功能存储打印多次试验结果

    The system has high accuracy and resolution ratio, automation degree is high. It has continuation and peak value collecting function, can store and printing text result.


  • 连续两年试验结果表明复合微生物肥料水稻上施用能延长水稻叶片的功能期,促进叶片光合作用,增加分蘖数,有效提高亩和结实率

    Composting experiment of surplus sludge applying complex microbial community(CMC) was carried out to systematically study the function of CMC in composting system to some extends of surplus sludge.


  • 通过方案试验研究寻求适合拱坝泄量、高能率结构型式。

    The experimental study of many schemes was carried out to find a structure of high efficiency for energy dissipation to suit high arch dam and large discharge.


  • 试验结果表明,共聚物表面自由吸水率随硅氧烷含量增加下降

    It is concluded that the surface free energy and water absorption of the copolymer are decreased with increasing of silicone content.


  • 他们忽略那些具有里程碑意义的随机对照试验这些试验表明定期筛查能显著降低女性乳腺癌死亡率

    They "ignore the results of landmark randomized controlled trials, which show that regular screening significantly reduces breast cancer deaths in these women."


  • 摘要试验旨在建立肉用绵羊饲粮营养物质消化率代谢能(ME)预测模型

    Abstract: This study aimed to establish the prediction models of dietary nutrient digestibility and metabolizable energy (me) of mutton sheep.


  • 经过100相变循环试验,表明相变储能表面保持完好相变材料质量损失率在5%以下

    The surfaces of all the phase change energy storage ceramsites were intact after 100 cycles of phase change, and the loss rate of the mass of phase change materials were below 5%.


  • 试验结果表明:一定颗粒分布石灰石粉改善混凝土流动性能,减少泌水缩短凝结时间

    It is shown that the limestone powder with appropriate particle distribution can improve the fluidity of concrete, reduce bleeding rate and shorten the setting time.


  • 近年,多次大规模临床试验研究表明大剂量极化液(葡萄糖-胰岛素-钾,GIK)与心肌再灌注治疗联合应用能显著降低急性心肌梗死AMI)患者的病死率

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of magnesium in combination with glucose-insulin-potassium(Mg-GIK)in the treatment of arrhythmia, heart failure and mortality in acute myocardial infarction(AMI).


  • 试验表明能够原先爆破方法提高5%,可取得良好经济效益

    It is indicated that the binding energy tube could enhance the block rate 5% compared to the original blast method, obtaining a better economic efficiency for the mine;


  • 试验表明能够原先爆破方法提高5%,可取得良好经济效益

    It is indicated that the binding energy tube could enhance the block rate 5% compared to the original blast method, obtaining a better economic efficiency for the mine;


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