• 上周法国宣布未来5年内铺设一条长达621英里太阳公路,以期为500万民众提供便宜可再生

    Last week, France announced that the country will pave 621 miles of road with solar panels over the next five years, with the goal of providing cheap, renewable energy to five million people.


  • 年内是否实现这种明显的转换,我们将拭目以待

    Whether this dramatic shift is possible in a year remains to be seen.


  • 实际上假定前提条件一样属于平均体重并且够每天遵守计划,你年内就会减掉15

    In fact, assuming everything stays the same and you commit to this plan and are of average weight, you'll lose about 15 pounds in a year.


  • 英国大学一个研究小组希望未来年内可以提供太空太阳

    And a research group based at the University of Surrey, in England, hopes that in a few years it will be possible to offer it to them.


  • 只是希望两三年内酸奶攒下足够一家小小的山西小吃连锁店

    He just hopes that within two or three years, he can save enough of his yogurt profits to start a small chain store selling Shanxi snacks.


  • 在下个5年内IT主要目标应该发明一代企业软件适应业务业务工作,同时随业务演变演变。

    It's primary goal during the next five years should be to invent a new generation of enterprise software that ADAPTS to the business and its work and evolves with it.


  • 对于二十世纪四十年代中期以后出生来说,一旦知道其牙釉质何时形成,还有第二技术提供其相当确切年龄(精确年内)。

    But for people born since the mid-1940s, there is a second technique that can deliver a fairly precise age (within about one year) of when a tooth's enamel was laid down.


  • 在考察了引起这种趋势的主要因素后,我们不出证明未来几十年内此种趋势停止或放缓的证据 - 很快,大部分设计师成为自由职业者

    What leads to this conclusion, you ask? Here are three major reasons that most designers are going to be freelancers within the next 20 years


  • 有几个制药公司对此感兴趣Rosen觉得年内玩意不成问题。

    Several medical companies have expressed interest in the device, and Rosen thinks it could go on sale in five years.


  • 据此,科学家们设计了一种测试方法来检测分子,并利用某人血液来推断年龄,测定结果精确上下9年内

    So scientists devised a test to measure the molecules-and use that to infer someone's age based on his or her blood. The results appear to be accurate to within plus or minus nine years.


  • 风力发电成本过去十年来已经大幅度下降了,如果我们年内使太阳发电的成本加速下降的话,我们就产生重大的影响

    The cost of wind has declined dramatically in the last decade, and if in five years we can accelerate the cost reduction of solar power, we will have made a huge impact.


  • 现在可以它们球茎下去,年内就可以开花了,在林地生长,但是抗逆与否要视环境而定。

    They can be planted as dry bulbs now to flower this year and will tolerate woodland conditions, but are not hardy everywhere.


  • 这样产生高效率源循环使用年内便收回成本。

    This can yield very high rates of returns, with pay back in one year.


  • 联盟认为我们目前采取的唯一有效的政策,使我们世界免于气候变化造成的灾难。

    The alliance believes this is probably the single most effectivepolicy we can implement NOW to save the world from a climate changecatastrophe in three to five years.


  • 年内我们就会用上太阳

    Will we be using all solar in two years?


  • 今后数十年内许多这样的小农场大型工业化农场代替,这些大型农场一般更好控制瘟疫散播危险

    Over the next couple of generations, many such smallholders will give way to larger, industrial farms, which are generally better at managing the risk of spreading plagues.


  • 年内曼城每个赛季都获得冠军联赛资格,所以希望我们达到高水平,挑战世界上最好俱乐部

    Within two or three years it will be normal for City to be playing in the Champions League every year, so I hope we can be on a par and challenge the best clubs around the world.


  • 公司声称蓝宝石刀锋保持锋利左右,之后将年内提供免费清洗打磨

    The company claims the sapphire blades will stay sharp for about a year and offer complimentary cleaning and re-sharpening for an entire decade.


  • 或许年内科学家们也许帮助那些年初知道何时派遣船只经过季节性无冰层覆盖北极轮船公司

    Perhaps in a decade scientists may be able to help shipping companies who want to know how early in the year they can expect to send freighters through a seasonally ice-free Arctic.


  • 盖伊先生认为太阳电力年内大型煤炭发电厂的电一样便宜

    Mr Gay thinks solar power will be as cheap as that from big coal-fired power stations within a decade.


  • 然而确定该剧年内结束想象没有布莱尔·沃尔多夫的东区是怎样的吗?

    While she isn't sure if the series will come to an end in two years.Can you imagine the Upper East Side without Blair Waldorf?


  • 目标提供一种抑制所有季节性流行性流感病毒的疫苗,像接种麻疹疫苗小儿麻痹症疫苗那样人们接种流感疫苗。即使保证终生免疫,也要保证年内为人类提供保护

    The goal is to provide protection for years, if not a whole lifetime, against all seasonal flu strains and pandemic strains, making flu inoculation much more like that for measles and polio.


  • Carcelle先生,涉足市场以及开发新的产品线使得VUITTON未来数年内继续保持两位数增长率

    Going into new markets and developing new product lines will enable Vuitton to continue producing double-digit growth for years to come, says Mr Carcelle.


  • 预言太阳发电年内煤电一样便宜

    Prediction: Solar Power Will Be As Cheap As Coal in Two years.


  • Astrium希望未来1015年内有可部署一个完整的、小规模地球轨道电站,使产生的电远远超过自身太阳电池产生的电

    In 10-15 years Astrium hopes it will be possible to deploy a complete, small-scale orbiting power station producing significantly more than that from its own solar cells.


  • 使发现这些年内某些个体会带来什么结果。

    That let them examine what happened over the years as some individuals became obese.


  • 技术授权位于北卡罗来纳州达姆的半导体公司Semprius公司计划年内开始一项利用这项技术生产太阳电池组件试点项目

    The technology has been licensed to Semprius, a semiconductor company in Durham, N.C., that expects to begin a pilot project making solar modules in about a year.


  • 技术授权位于北卡罗来纳州达姆的半导体公司Semprius公司计划年内开始一项利用这项技术生产太阳电池组件试点项目

    The technology has been licensed to Semprius, a semiconductor company in Durham, N.C., that expects to begin a pilot project making solar modules in about a year.


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