• 中国全球最大猪肉消费国基本上能够自给自足

    China is the world's largest pork consumer but it is largely self-sufficient.


  • 拿中国来说,尽管一个原油进口大国但仍急于实现在炼油方面能够自给自足。

    China, although it is set to remain a big importer of crude, is desperate to become at least self-sufficient in refining.


  • 此外由于太阳能电源以及能源电池组,完全能够自给自足需要任何形式地面电能补给。

    Also, it's totally self-sustained, thanks to a solar energy and hydrogen fuel cell combo, and it doesn't require any kind of input from the ground.


  • 也许尚未起步就需要资金; 也许生意经营非常,完全能够自给自足需要别人毛钱

    You might be able to build a very good business that meets all of your financial needs without raising a dime from anybody.


  • 其他国家这样小额贷款银行逐渐变得能够自给自足,这样他们需要持续不断的追加资金支付经营性开支

    Microbanks in other countries are increasingly aiming to become self-sustaining so they don't need to continually raise funds to pay operational expenses.


  • 表示26年来联合国世界粮食计划署一直中国贫穷农民以及他们家庭提供帮助他们能够自给自足。

    He said that 26 years ago, the United Nations World Food Program has been China's poor farmers and their Provide assistance to families so that they can become self-sufficient.


  • 后续的奖助金则协助改善当地的饮水卫生个别土地竖立藩篱以及开发一个农业计划居民养植能够自给自足的作物家禽

    Subsequent grants helped to improve water and sanitation, erect fencing for individual land plots, and develop an agricultural program to raise subsistence crops and poultry.


  • 至少相当长的一段时间内,认为我们达到这样种状况:'好了就是全部我们需要的了,所有的东西他们能够自给自足了。'。

    I don't think we're going to be at a point, at least for a long time, where we think 'Ok, that's about all we need, everything else they can get themselves.


  • 这样的“能量收集设备可以放置任何的空间环境之下,甚至于是我们鞋子之中,它能够自给自足增补电量,或者其他发电装置相连。

    These 'energy scavenging' devices could even be stored in places like our shoes and can be used by itself or with other generating technologies.


  • 建筑设计师文森特·卡勒博(VincentCallebaut最近公布了极为理想的计划,其中的建筑一群悬在高空的、能够自给自足的飞行器;这些飞行器一半飞艇城市,一半是能够产生氢气的悬浮农场

    Architect Vincent Callebaut recently unveiled a blue-sky plan for a high-flying fleet of self-sufficientaircraft that are one part zeppelin cities and one part hydrogen-generating floating farms.


  • 这些使进口国相信价格飞涨一直粮食可买,而且能够减少惊慌抢购,减小退回自给自足模式的压力

    These would give importing countries confidence that supplies will always be for sale when prices spike, calming panic buying and reducing pressure to retreat into self-sufficiency.


  • 即使亚洲能够保持本区粮食自给粮食高价短缺问题也许将波及世界最为贫穷的国家

    But even if Asia manages to keep its own rice bowl full, high prices and shortages may still filter down to the world's poorest countries.


  • 自给自足(sustenance):这个品牌能够激烈市场里养活自己吗?

    Sustenance-is the brand able to sustain itself within the competitive marketplace?


  • 然而,经合组织对此做出补充说明:目前美国经济上有两点并不明朗,一生产总量增长是否能够满足国内的自给自足,二是经济强刺激减弱后美国经济将会如何表现。

    But, it added, “it is unclear if output growth is yet self-sustaining and how the economy will respond as the effect of the stimulus ebbs.”


  • 我们之所以能够开始联想——月球建立一个自给自足的是因为上周美国航天局宣布在月球上发现大量

    We can finally begin to think seriously about establishing such a self-sufficient home on the Moon because last week, NASA announced that it had discovered large quantities of water there.


  • Network Deployment应用服务器设计目标能够管理运行时实现一般程度的自给自足

    Network Deployment application servers are designed to be generally self sufficient from the management runtime. Each application server has its own.


  • 相对自给自足地区能够发现更加地方性社区分享价值确保社会所有成员基本需要能够得到满足。

    Relatively self-sufficient regions can develop more local community and shared values and ensure that the basic needs of all their members are met.


  • 就是为什么走上条路设计建造能够每个人自给自足的房屋作为使命

    That's why he embarked on this road and made it his life's mission to design and create the truly self-sufficient house for everyone.


  • 稍显复杂遗漏资源系统旨在确保住宅水电能源方面能够做到完全自给自足。

    The missed energy system, of some complexity, is designed to ensure the home operates in almost total self-sufficiency in terms of hydroelectric energy.


  • 据悉,科学家们所设计这座人造小岛会实现自给自足,它“自己”能够岛上居民提供食物工作

    According to the report, the island will be designed as self-sufficient, providing food and work for the inhabitants.


  • 知识产权不一定能够充分满足美国需要,而其他国家会变得越来越自给自足,不再需要依靠美国特有商品

    Intellectual property laws might not work adequately to feed the US when the rest of the world becomes more self-sufficient and does not need that much of American-specific goods.


  • 赞赏他们勇敢无私,所以我希望能够他们颁奖”。

    I applaud their bravery and selflessness and I look forward to presenting them with their awards personally.


  • 目前我国烘干机设备已经能够自主研发制造实现自给自足,彻底摆脱了对国外依附

    At present our country dryer equipment has been able to independently develop and manufacture, achieve self-sufficiency, thoroughly from abroad to attachment.


  • 目前我国烘干机设备已经能够自主研发制造实现自给自足,彻底摆脱了对国外依附

    At present our country dryer equipment has been able to independently develop and manufacture, achieve self-sufficiency, thoroughly from abroad to attachment.


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