• 这个安全架构使用大大提高作战指挥能力,可所有环境下快速及时精确定位

    The use of this security architecture significantly enhances the combatant commander's ability to use precise positioning, velocity and time, in all environments.


  • 我们认为航空公司未来取决于客户价值定位差异化能力

    We see the future for airlines as the ability to differentiate their value proposition to their customers.


  • 系统确保语音数据通信车辆个人自动定位以及连接高速数据应用能力

    The new system will ensure voice and data communication, automatic vehicle and personal location and the capacity to connect to high speed data applications.


  • GPSIII改善定位导航定时服务提供先进抗干扰能力提供优秀系统安全精度可靠性

    GPS III will improve position, navigation and timing services and provide advanced anti-jam capabilities yielding superior system security, accuracy and reliability.


  • 导航信息空间快速四处移动定位相关信息的能力

    Navigation is the ability to rapidly move around the information space to locate related information.


  • 同时这次试验的结果强有力地证明了,孤独症儿童的开阔环境下定位能力正常儿童低下而且没有系统性

    Together, these results strongly suggest that autistic children's ability to search in a large-scale environment is less efficient and less systematic than typical children's search.


  • 弹出广告定位能力(比如说用户搜索一个特定的关键的时候相应广告弹出)使得那些他们非常值钱,同时也使得弄虚作假有利可途。

    The ability to aim such advertisements so that they pop up, for example, when a user searches for a particular word, is what makes them so valuable-and makes fraud so lucrative.


  • GPSIII增强定位授时服务导航能力,具有先进抗干扰性能,全球用户提供安全可靠准确的服务。

    GPS III will improve position, timing services, navigation and provide advanced anti-jam capabilities yielding superior system security, reliability and accuracy.


  • 物流能力是有一家公司战略定位直接决定的。

    Logistics competency directly depends on a firm's strategic positioning.


  • 沃尔玛拼命碾压自己价格定位加强了创造性分析能力,从而达成了目标

    Walmart is cranking hard on its value proposition and it's got the strong creative and analytics to get the job done.


  • XF-I系统先进EPLRS有效波形用于通信、战术位置定位信息电子对抗,可提供有力、具备自我修复能力的环境自适应网络。

    The XF-I system uses the most advanced EPLRS waveform available for communications, critical position location information and effective electronic counter-countermeasures.


  • 事件定位——提供生成业务事件应用程序和提交响应这些事件的应用程序分离能力

    Event orientationProvides the ability to decouple applications that generate business events from applications that subscribe and respond to those events.


  • 即将发行Rational产品版本将会提供日志跟踪能力帮助加速定位修复应用开发过程中的问题

    Upcoming releases of Rational products will provide common log and tracing capability to help accelerate the location and repair of problems that occur during the application development process.


  • Comtech公司的典型mt- 2012机动卫星无线收发器具备安全全球定位系统(GPS)能力嵌入无线射频识别(RFID)技术

    Comtech's Model MT-2012 mobile satellite transceivers feature secure global positioning system (GPS) capabilities, as well as embedded radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.


  • 上述这些游标很有用,但是直接操纵游标实际价值在于更新数据库能力

    All of this is fine, but the real value of directly manipulating a cursor is the ability to update the database at a particular position.


  • 使企业收益能力上相对竞争者有差异企业在一些特殊资源能力方面定位

    What makes a firm different in terms of its profitability vis-a-vis its competitors is its position of some idiosyncratic resources and capabilities.


  • 这些升级使得B-52具有精确目标定位能力所有重型轰炸机中可携带最大数量武器能力

    These upgrades have given the B-52 pin-point targeting capability and the capacity to carry the largest variety of weapons among the heavy bombers.


  • 治疗这种疾病方法之一如果第一份职业大门关闭能力调整期望值重新定位自己

    One of the cures for this disease is the ability to adapt your expectations and reinvent yourself if the door has slammed shut on your first profession.


  • 采办工程定位努力设计开发系统有效地提出能力局限性

    In an acquisition or engineering setting, it is the effort to design and develop systems that effectively address human capabilities and limitations.


  • 自己的能力前景夸大自信可能会帮助年轻人“顺利度过青春期,以及试图寻找自身定位混乱期。”

    An exaggerated belief in one's own capabilities and prospects may help young people "navigate adolescence and the turmoil involved in trying to find a sense of identity," he said.


  • 由于具有精确定位授时能力,该系统广泛支持民用科研以及商业应用,空中交通管制互联网

    The worldwide system also supports a wide range of civil, scientific and commercial functions - from air traffic control to the Internet - with precision location and timing information.


  • 不同全局索引每个全局索引自己对象,其提供灵活空间定位能力支持单个全局索引REORG操作。

    This differs from global indexes where each global index has its own object, allowing greater flexibility in table space placement and support for REORG for an individual global index.


  • 之前的研究使用桌面任务或者电脑测试孤独症儿童寻找定位能力直到现在没有人采用更加接近真实生活的场景来测试。

    Previous studies have tested search skills using table-top tasks or computers but none, until now, has tested how children with autism fare in a more true-to-life setting.


  • 其他任何地方,巴西并不缺少技术-巴西具有危险防反出色的定位能力

    There's no shortage of skill elsewhereBrazil will be dangerous on the counterattack and it remains the set-piece grandmasters.


  • TLS系统将一个固体高能量激光器连接武器模块提供极其精确定位可以使打击目标丧失能力

    The TLS couples a solid-state high-energy laser with the weapons module to provide extremely precise targeting and counter-material disabling effects.


  • 一些科学家认为船只熙攘来往噪音干扰破坏鲸鱼95%声纳定位能力

    Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as 95 percent.


  • 注意续航能力。当然续航能力强越不过也要情况而定——待机时间通话时间、上网浏览、播放音乐还是GPS定位

    Battery life counts, if you can define it. More is better, but in what scenario: standby time, talk time, Web browsing, music playback, GPS?


  • 同时,海豚大脑有了回声定位能力.因此,沟通能力提升很有可能与大脑体积增大相关。

    This coincided with the emergence of echolocation, so improved communication skills likely were tied to the brain size boost.


  • 同时,海豚大脑有了回声定位能力.因此,沟通能力提升很有可能与大脑体积增大相关。

    This coincided with the emergence of echolocation, so improved communication skills likely were tied to the brain size boost.


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