• 及时行还是能乐年纪。

    Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink.


  • 日本独特的古典戏剧艺术

    Noh play is a unique classical dramatic art in Japan.


  • 中,剧情通过表演者象征性动作传达出来

    In Noh, the drama is conveyed through the music and the actors' symbolic movements.


  • 日本京都艺术家正在雕刻面具作为能乐中的道具能乐是日本古老喜剧类型之一。

    An artist in Kyoto, Japan, carves a mask used in Noh, one of Japan's oldest theatre genres.


  • 日本协会就是其中之一,他们帮助介绍日本Kashu-Juku能乐剧团的演员,同时还提供一些艺术书法表演

    One partner in JapanNYC, Japan Society, is helping to present performances by the Kashu-Juku Noh Theater as well as art and calligraphy shows.


  • 那时高超的小号吹奏技巧爵士界无人比。

    At that time, his virtuosity on the trumpet had no parallel in jazz.


  • 1997年,医疗公司发明了一种名为吸入器设备

    The medical company also invented a new device named Respimat Soft Mist Inhaler in 1997.


  • 这次土耳其古老岩层热气球拍摄过程摄影师毫无疑问预先作好了计划确保拍摄具有正确场所合适的时间。

    In this shot of hot air balloons over ancient rock formations in Turkey, the photographer no doubt planned ahead to make sure he was in the right place at the right time.


  • 理解为什么想到参议员克林顿最高级两个顾问——哈德·伊科斯马克·佩恩——口吐恶言相互攻击,会让人感到颇为难堪。

    I can understand why the thought of two of Senator Clinton's most senior advisors - Harold Ickes and Mark Penn - hurling epithets at each other is rather disconcerting.


  • 尽管摇滚观众非常邋遢,摇滚仍然力图爆炸式地放大精细地调制其声响希望透过毛孔听到节奏

    As grungy as the rock audience may have been, it wanted its music explosively amplified and expertly modulated; it wanted to hear the beat through its pores.


  • 尽管有些英国超市擅长于抓住高端顾客,有些则抓住低端顾客,但没有那样包含了如此广泛食物足以适应每个人口味

    Althoughsome British supermarkets have done a better job at seizing the top of themarket and others the bottom, none has surpassed Tesco at concocting a wideenough range of meals to suit every taste.


  • 不管每个交响团都会提供统一服饰师们的衣着是如此的富于特色显著地影响观众交响接受程度

    The clothes the musicians wear – so full of character, despite the supposed uniform every orchestra dictates – can significantly affect the spectator's reception of a symphony.


  • 轻音可以放松点节奏打击可以冲凉舞动起来并且派对节奏产生种欢快的气氛。

    Soothing music can help relax, while rhythmic beats might get you dancing in the shower, and party beats can provide a sense of fun.


  • 兰多兑现使自己成为2008年透之承诺吗?

    Can Randolph fulfill the promise that made him a lottery pick in 2008?


  • 战士中对萨克斯的使用如此稀少原音吉他的倚赖如此广泛,差不多可以把称作一张氛围化了的乡村。 话说回来,这样的音风格好地衬托歌手长处

    Soldier of Love” is so bereft of saxophone and leans so heavily on acoustic guitar that it’s almost an ambient version of country music, which suits the singer’s strengths just fine.


  • 尽管20年代期间成立许多受到爵士影响规模较大,但没有一个像爵士艾灵顿那样如此富有远见野心前途

    Though many larger jazz-influenced ensembles were forming by the end of the 20s, none showed greater promise, vision and ambition than Duke Ellington's.


  • 宇宙交响真正看到理解制造机理声音,”威尔

    "This is a cosmic symphony. You are really seeing sound, [and] the sound can help you understand how the instrument was made," Verde said.


  • 过去的:‘,我希望我喜欢爵士,爵士似乎真正沉醉其中的东西。’

    It's just like I used to say: 'Oh, I wish I liked jazz, jazz seems to be something you could really get into.'


  • 20世纪90年代一个很小但却非常有影响力研究表明古典尤其是莫扎特古典提高大学生考试成绩表现,因此得出的结论就是(后来就开始疯传起来):莫扎特音成就聪明的头脑!

    In the 1990s a small yet very influential study showed that listening to classical music, and in particular Mozart, improved test performance in college students -thus Mozart must make you smarter!


  • 如果听到自己,你以肌肉测试来测验你是否处于中,随后意想释放造成业力再次自己进入和谐状态

    If one cannot hear one's own music, then one can muscle test if one is sounding sour, and then intend to release the karma at cause bringing oneself back to a state of harmony again.


  • 一个聪明的广告策略真的恢复的品牌形象重建公众信任

    Can a slick advertising strategy really rehabilitate the embattled retailer's image and rebuild public trust?


  • 数据库提供顾客如何看待公司的重要信息。

    Tesco's database also provides insights into how customers see the company.


  • 还是信仰摇滚拯救会朽灵魂?你如何得慢一些吗?

    Do you believe in rock 'n roll, can music save your mortal soul, And can you teach me how to dance real slow?


  • 有时会仰天伏地,因为校园深处我们渴望笑语以为我们笑点得出其实也需要勇气

    Sometimes music going to Heaven and prostrate, since the depths of the campus, we are eager and happy laughter, do not think that we humor, is very low, can actually laugh out takes courage.


  • 食品公司美国食品药物管理局提出申请预防结肠癌谷类食品广告

    Kellogg's has applied to the US Food and Drug Administration to advertise cereals that prevent colon cancer.


  • 活动不仅增强神经系统机敏灵活性而且增加五脏六腑以及一部分肌肉的活动量。

    Blows the bamboo happy activity not only to be able to strengthen nervous system's resourceful flexibility, moreover can also increase the viscera as well as a part of muscle's active mass.


  • 虽然愿意这样自得其喜欢自己冷落。

    She was perfectly willing that he should enjoy himself in his way, but she did not care to be neglected herself.


  • 这方面太阳可以替代。至于看上去巨大高积木桶的太阳发电厂比起建造传统发电厂容易多。

    And solar parks, which look like giant Lego kits, are easier to build than conventional power plants.


  • 这方面太阳可以替代。至于看上去巨大高积木桶的太阳发电厂比起建造传统发电厂容易多。

    And solar parks, which look like giant Lego kits, are easier to build than conventional power plants.


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