• 他们困扰他们婚姻问题掩藏家人亲密无间假象背后

    They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.


  • NETTUTS建议这些脚本背后编码他们时间放在易用方面。例如编写一些实际帮助社区不是危害应用

    NETTUTS suggests the coders behind these scripts put their time to better use, for example, by coding some apps that actually help the community rather than harm it.


  • 他们我们双眼,我们小轿车里,我们三个高个子手都被捆背后

    They blindfolded us and stuffed us into a small sedan, three tall people with their hands bound behind them.


  • 人际关系中那些自己展现完美无缺人是不受欢迎的;他们称作傲慢的人,而且在背后被人取笑

    In interpersonal relationships, people who present themselves publicly as perfect are disliked; they are called arrogant and mocked behind their backs.


  • 是在构建一个人群他们在一个共同理想背后事情做到尽可能全世界不同背景的想法带到一起

    You're also building legions of people to get behind the common idea to make it the best it can be, to bring together ideas from all over the world and all different walks of life.


  • 一旦所有这些技巧运用上,招聘经理全部的工作选择背后了解清清楚楚并且看到他们很自然地联系在一起

    Once you put all these techniques in play, hiring managers should be able to clearly understand the rationale behind your all-over-the-map job choices and see how they fit naturally together.


  • 整个过程一名指导者在受训者背后准备在出现问题时他们迅速推水面上。

    An instructor is poised behind the participants the entire time, ready to whisk them to the surface if anything goes wrong.


  • 每一美丽的画的背后隐藏一双美丽的眼睛,他们自己敏锐独特视角感受美丽,然后美丽表现出来,呈现世人面前。

    Each painting a beautiful behind, have hidden a pair of beautiful eyes, they are keen to use their own unique perspective feel beautiful, and then shown to a beautiful show in the world.


  • 美丽背后隐藏一双美丽的眼睛,他们自己敏锐独特视角感受美丽,然后美丽表现出来,呈现世人面前。

    Each one beautiful painting behind, are hidden a pair of beautiful eyes, they are keen to use their own unique perspective feel beautiful, then beauty shown, showing in the world.


  • 下一秒,趁着亡灵战士愤怒回头瞬间背后他的动作,我转身丛林避开他们视线

    Is next, take Wu to work properly warrior exasperation turn head of moment, I one feet Chuai up his behind, his perform a to stop, I turn round Lue into the bush and avert from their views.


  • 麦格教授年级新生带到那边他们面对全体高班生排成一排,教师们他们背后

    Professor McGonagall led the first years up here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them.


  • 联邦调查局探员,然后运钞员感到背后有一枪顶着,那个人,让他他们后座里。

    What felt like a gun was pointed at the back of the messenger, who was told to walk over to a car and throw the money in the backseat, the FBI said.


  • 每个生活中的一个伟大的成就背后都要有毅力每个努力的人中我们可以看到一点。优秀运动员所有时间都花在练习上他们耐力超乎想象的。

    Behind every great achievement in anyone's life lies perseverance. We see this in every human endeavor. Outstanding sportsmen spend all their time practising. Their endurance is beyond imagination.


  • 风光背后工程师科学爱好者正在合作改造设备和工艺,然后他们发明感兴趣- - -或者直接分享组装仪器的技巧

    Behind the scenes, engineers and science enthusiasts are teaming up to mod tools and technologies and then sell their inventions-or simply share tips on how to build them-to anyone interested.


  • 孩子们纸贴朋友背后整蛊他们

    Children will pin pictures of fish to a friends back in jest.


  • 孩子们纸贴朋友背后整蛊他们

    Children will pin pictures of fish to a friends back in jest.


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