• 最后研究小组又分别检查24名乳腺癌直肠癌的患者,这些患者肿瘤寻找通过层层筛选所得知的突变基因

    Finally, the team found 24 more people with breast cancer and 24 with colorectal cancer, and looked at their tumours for the mutant genes that had got through the screening.


  • 这种细胞级的诊断系统可以应用药物筛选或者可能被用于疾病治疗在杀死肿瘤细胞同时保留健康细胞

    The cell-level diagnostic system could be used for drug screening or perhaps for disease treatment, killing tumors while leaving healthy cells alone.


  • 来自西班牙国立肿瘤研究中心小组报道用了一种新的方法分析血液中的抗体,提示能用一种非侵入性的方法筛选膀胱癌

    And a team from the Spanish National cancer Research Center offered indications that a new way of analyzing antibodies in the blood could lead to a non-invasive way to screen for bladder cancer.


  • 已知的AR-V7变异体筛选患者群中高表达,这群患者从未经历内分泌治疗肿瘤手术切除后复发性强。

    One variation - known as AR-V7, was also prevalent in a select group of patients who had never taken hormone therapy, but whose cancer aggressively regrew after surgery to remove their tumors.


  • 为了鉴定AKT1基因突变研究人员共筛选了150肿瘤样本其中乳腺癌直结肠癌卵巢癌50份。

    To identify the AKT1 mutation, the researchers analyzed 150 tumor samples from patients with either breast, colorectal or ovarian cancer (50 samples from each tumor type).


  • 我们认为筛选方法需要加以改进,以在HRT开始检测并已经存在恶性肿瘤

    We argue that screening methods need to be improved to detect small, pre-existing malignancies prior to the start of HRT.


  • 目的探讨外周血淋巴细胞HPRT基因突变作为筛选肿瘤高危人群一个生物学标志可能性

    Objective To explore the possibility of HPRT locus mutation in peripheral blood lymphocytes as a biomarker for screening those tumor susceptible people.


  • 我们真正需要能够早期筛选出可治愈肿瘤检测方法,这些标志物达到这样的标准

    You really want a screening test which is going to pick up curable cancers, and those markers really don't meet that criterion.


  • 目的中药活性成分筛选肿瘤逆转剂,逆转作用进行研究

    Objective: To screen drugs reversing multidrug resistance of tumor cells from active constituents of traditional Chinese medicine and to study the reversal action.


  • 我们乳腺癌细胞筛选肿瘤发生相关DNA

    We screened the DNA from breast cancer cells for amplifications that are associated with tumor development.


  • 结论:(1羊膜基底作为筛选某些肿瘤细胞亚系有效侵袭膜;

    We conclude that(1) Amniotic basement membrane can be used as an effective invasive filter for the selection of some tumor cell sublines.


  • 肿瘤药物的体外筛选中,MTT法SRB常用的两种方法

    The MTT and SRB assays are common methods used extensively in in vitro anticancer drug screening.


  • 目的筛选鉴定CD59分子特异结合的短肽,设计具有拮抗CD59肿瘤逃逸活性的短肽封条奠定基础。

    AIM: To screen and identify the short-peptide which specifically bind to human CD59 so as to design short-peptide clamp with counteracting tumor escape activity.


  • 目的筛选海南龙树的抗肿瘤活性部位

    Objective:To screen the antitumor extract from Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep.


  • 采用MTT不同提取部位单体化合物进行了抗肿瘤作用筛选研究

    Study on the anti- tumor function of differently extracted the spots and compounds by the MTT law.


  • 观察黄芪中草药蚕豆根尖细胞诱变微核的影响,筛选具有肿瘤、抗诱变作用中药

    Effect of herbal medicines such as Radix Astragali on mutagenic micronucleus rate in Vicia Faba root-tip cells was observed for the selection of anti-tumor and anti-mutagenesis herbal medicines.


  • 文章就SELDI系统基本原理以及乳腺癌肿瘤标志物筛选方面的应用一综述

    This paper introduces the basic principle of SELDI system and summarizes the application of SELDI to tumor marker detection in galactophore cancer.


  • 结论CA125只是卵巢癌指标也是一种广谱肿瘤标志物,并且肝硬化良性疾病较高的阳性率,可作为健康体检筛选异常人群指标。

    Conclusion: CA125 is not only a marker for ovarian cancer, but a broad-spectrum tumor marker. There are higher positive rates of CA125 in some benign diseases including hepatocirrhosis.


  • 理查德森实验室团队肿瘤dna筛选发现第8号染色体许多地区多余的,扩增副本抗药性肿瘤

    Richardson and Wang's laboratory team sifted the tumor DNA and spotted a region on chromosome 8 that contained many redundant, or amplified, copies in the drug-resistant tumors.


  • 广泛药物筛选寻找肿瘤药物有效方法

    A wide range of drug screening is to find effective ways of antitumor drugs.


  • 这种筛选方法经过淋巴道转移找到了一个初步检测肿瘤有无异质性简便方法。

    This is a simple screening method to detect the heterogeneity for the tumour strain only with lymphatic metastasis.


  • 对于筛选三种脱落凋亡的肿瘤细胞系,它们的抗脱落凋亡特性究竟与哪个或哪些信号分子有关呢?

    Next we tried to find out which signaling molecules in the selected three tumor cell lines are related to their resistance to anoikis.


  • 结论:SELDI- TOF - MS技术乳腺癌早期诊断特异性肿瘤标记筛选等方面具有一定价值值得推广。

    Conclusions: SELDI-TOF-MS shows great potentiality for breast cancer in early diagnosis and screening of tumor biomarkers, and deserves generalization.


  • 目的青岛海域海水、样品进行真菌选择性分离培养,并发酵物进行抗肿瘤活性筛选及活性菌株发酵条件研究

    Objective To isolate fungi from sea sediment and sea water samples collected from the neritic environment in Qingdao, screen their antitumor activity and study on their fermentation condition.


  • 目的:利用静电液滴法制维生长的微囊化乳腺癌细胞初步用于抗肿瘤药物筛选

    AIM: to prepare three-dimensional microencapsulated human breast cancer spheroid with electrostatic droplet generator and apply it in the screening of anticancer drug.


  • 然而许多肿瘤细胞逃脱生发中心筛选机制最终存活下来得到扩增,这种存活机制引起人们广泛兴趣。

    However, many malignant cells can escape the selective mechanism within the GC and survive finally with a further proliferation, which draws great interests from people.


  • 目的筛选不同品种海龙体外肿瘤活性部位。

    Objective: To study the anticancer activity of Syngnathus invitro.


  • 研究过程,以何种方法有效筛选具有肿瘤作用药物就显得尤为重要

    During the course of investigation, the especially important factor is which method could has effect on screening the drug for restrain the growth of malignant tumor.


  • 基因组学到来使通量筛选肿瘤特异性转录突变成为可能,随即能够识别异常的共用单一肿瘤相关抗原。

    The advent of genomics allows a high-throughput screening for tumor-specific transcripts and mutations, with that identifying novel Shared and unique TAA.


  • 目的研究青龙乙醇提取物不同溶剂萃取部位对肿瘤细胞的体外抑制作用,筛选青龙衣抗肿瘤活性部位。

    Objective To estimate the antitumor activity of Qinglongyi alcohol extract and different solvent fractions and screen the antitumor active fractions in vitro.


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