• 肯定一个文化以及他们童年时期的成长方式所塑造的。

    It is most certainly shaped by a person's culture as well as how they were raised in their childhood.


  • 一点是肯定当今大部分涉足古典音乐都因为文化重要性而倍感自豪,很少有人可以这点阐述得令人信服

    To be sure, most people involved in classical music today consider their art to be of profound cultural importance, but there are very few who are able to articulate this convincingly.


  • 由于莫沙先生急于强调里斯克特女士肯定感受到焦虑巴西种族文化融合只是作了轻描淡写。

    But in his eagerness to emphasise the anxiety that the Lispectors must have felt, Mr Moser underplays Brazil's tradition of racial and cultural mixing.


  • 他们第一个实验中,研究员们使用参与者文化认同措施测试这个肯定

    In their first experiment the researchers used measures of participant's cultural identity to test this affirmation.


  • 肯定觉得破坏所建立起的文化

    I'm sure he thought I was trying to destroy the culture he created.


  • 文化这样背景下意味着很多本质上我们继承一系列特征我们可以否定可以肯定

    Culture means many things in this context, but at heart it is a suite of traits we inherit and also choose to disavow or to stress.


  • 除了以上三条建议,肯定其他方法但是我们迫切需要改变期刊数量泛滥学术文化环境。

    There may well be other solutions, but what we surely need is a change in the academic culture that has given rise to the oversupply of journals.


  • 和那些领略各种美国文化日本年轻人一样(而且肯定还有别人!)试图抓住他们的那种异域之美的魅力所在,据为有。

    Just as some of the youth in Japan attempt to appropriate parts of American culture, I too (and I'm sure there are others!) tried to grasp at the allure of this foreign aesthetic and make it my own.


  • 肯定会有人反驳,情商文化智能很大差异实质上文化智能就是情商中的适应性,是全球化遇到具体问题时的适应能力。

    Indeed one could question whether there is much difference between CQ and EQ: perhaps CQ is, essentially, an adaptation of EQ to apply to the specific problems raised by corporate globalisation.


  • 觉得伊朗肯定《300勇士》片中对波斯人描绘看作“文化毁谤典型”。

    He thought the Iranians were right to see 300's depiction of the Persians as "an example of cultural denigration".


  • Dabashi肯定道,“并不意味着表现广泛更复杂文化意义上的同性恋主题文学视觉作品表演艺术之前从未出现过

    But that does not mean that homoerotic themes in the larger and more cross cultural senses have never existed in our literary or visual and performing arts.


  • 一个好的迹象同时做好了接受不同公司文化准备:“知道这种变化肯定需要花一些时间适应。”

    That was a good sign, but it also prepared her for the culture change: "I knew it could take the staff some time to warm up."


  • 外国人要是聚集在一起发牢骚,抱怨东道国当地人的种种不是,他们肯定文化震荡症

    When foreigners in a strange land get together to grumble about the host country and its people, you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock.


  • 但是中国传统文化只有中国饮食深深地影响世界其他国家的文化当然这点肯定争议的。

    But it could certainly be argued that Chinese food is the only part of Chinese tradition that has deeply touched almost every other culture around the globe.


  • 因此这个19世纪,费希特提出唯心主义哲学分析德国文化认同新的肯定

    So at this point in the early 19th century, Fichte moved from an analysis of idealist philosophy, to a new affirmation of German cultural identity.


  • 部落文化西方文化有很多的不同,它们肯定没有西方人更多的使用数词

    Munduruku culture differs from Western culture in innumerable ways, and it certainly USES Numbers far less often than we do.


  • 赞美乡土精神肯定乡村文化本质90年代乡村小说创作重要文化倾向

    It is an important cultural tendency in 90s rural novel creation to praise the rural spirit and admit the intrinsic quality of rural culture.


  • 结果肯定太极哲学中国哲学中的核心地位及其中国传统文化思想广泛影响

    Result:The paper affirms the core status of the primal chaos philosophy in Chinese philosophy and its widespread influence to China traditional culture and thought.


  • 可以肯定是,伯克希尔拥有许多出众业务真正优秀的经理人并以不同寻常企业文化运营,使他们能够最大限度发挥自己的才干

    To be sure, Berkshire has many outstanding businesses and a cadre of truly great managers, operating within an unusual corporate culture that lets them maximize their talents.


  • 认为自己单一文化社会国家里,人种偏见肯定是一项重要因素

    Racism in what has thought of itself as a monocultural society is certainly a large element in the discussion.


  • 清代盐商扬州饮食文化有着应予肯定的贡献

    Salt merchants in the Qing Dynasty contributed a lot to Yangzhou food culture.


  • 当今全球化时代肯定文化差异文化多元主义为大多数赞同不是没有问题。

    In present age of globalization, most people agree with multiculturalism which affirms cultural differences, but it is also problematic.


  • 当今全球化时代肯定文化差异文化多元主义为大多数赞同不是没有问题。

    In present age of globalization, most people agree with multiculturalism which affirms cultural differences, but it is also problematic.


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