• 就是肌肉记忆基本上发生顶叶部分。

    It's muscle memory and that happens in the — that's mostly in the parietal lobe.


  • 因为肌肉记忆不会持续

    Because muscle memory doesn't last.


  • 这些声音的存储几乎就象一种运动肌肉记忆

    It's almost like a motor muscle memory where these sounds are.


  • 每天晚上练习二十次神奇完美挥杆,以此训练肌肉记忆大脑默契配合

    Make ten to twenty Mythical Perfect Swing each night, teaching your muscles what your brain wants.


  • 研究表明肌肉记忆意味着身体记得曾经可以回到最好的形状

    Researches show that muscle has memory, which means your body remembers where it once was and it's possible to get back into your best shape ever.


  • 积极地动脑筋借由告诉你的身体该做什么,此时你正在规画你的肌肉记忆

    When you actively use your brain by telling your body what to do you are programming your muscle memory.


  • 网球训练时,如果学员尝试太多不合理的动作就会养成击球时不良的肌肉记忆

    At practice, some players try too many irregular motions. This will inhibit muscle retention in your strokes. It's a good idea to stay "basic" to build your stroke consistency.


  • Rescuties游戏中,投掷动物时候,想尽可能确保肌肉记忆虚拟现实中弧线匹配

    When it came to throwing babies in Rescuties, I wanted to make sure the physical expectation of our muscle memories' matches the virtual reality of the arcing infants as best I could.


  • 然而,经过大量的练习后,这些就会变很简单因为大脑存储这些肌肉记忆所以不用担心动作的问题了。

    However, the more you practice, the easier it gets, because your brain will develop muscle memory so you don't even have to think about the movements anymore.


  • 尝试新的肌肉记忆模式的时候,开始时一半速度进行,如此可以帮助更快理解挥拍情形,然后逐渐地选择速度。

    When trying new muscle memory patterns, go at half speed to begin with. Going at half speed helps you figure out the swing much quicker. Then gradually pick up the speed.


  • 错误肌肉记忆模型返回比赛时只要再叫回二个关键重点而且积极地动你的脑筋强化正确肌肉记忆模型。

    When errors and old muscle memory patterns creep back into your game, simply recall the two key points and actively use your brain to reinforce the correct muscle memory pattern.


  • 知道如果打电话母亲询问这道菜,描述如何鞋带一样:几乎是不可能清楚的,这东西已经完全变成她的肌肉记忆

    Calling up my mother to ask her, I knew, would be like asking her to describe how to tie shoelaces: almost impossible to articulate, buried so deep in her muscle memory.


  • 另外如果巩固纠正过的发音,以避免几天后打回原形, ,有效的方法重复发这个音30遍或更多,来形成口腔肌肉记忆

    Thee last tip, if you want to consolidate your corrected pronunciation, the best way to do so is to repeat, repeat and repeat.


  • 许多人注意他们饮食方面是否帮助他们建立失去肌肉脂肪他们忽视如何改善记忆食物

    Many pay attention to their diets in terms of whether it’ll help them build muscle or lose fat, but they neglect to think of how food can improve memory.


  • 因为新增细胞核不会它们便随时可以再造肌肉蛋白使肌肉有了种类似记忆的功能。

    Since the extra nuclei don't die, they could be poised to make muscle proteins again, providing a type of muscle memory, he says.


  • 建立新的习惯直到相关动作需要管束可以执行就像肌肉一样产生了记忆效应。

    Discipline, which is at the core of building new habits until the associated actions don't require discipline in order to be executed, is like a muscle.


  • 一个英国研究小组发现负责学习记忆情感大脑部位使那些已经患有心脏疾病的人们心脏肌肉不稳定。

    British team has found that the regions of the brain responsible for learning, memory and emotion can destabilise the cardiac muscle of someone who already has heart disease.


  • 可以录音帮助把注意力放在每个肌肉上,或者,你可以记住肌肉群(放松)顺序,然后,凭借记忆进行

    You can use an audio recording to help you focus on each muscle group, or you can learn the order of muscle groups and do the exercises from memory.


  • 比如特别锻炼增加力量以及提高肌肉记忆

    For example, special exercises can increase strength in the hands and improve muscle memory.


  • 常伴低热,咽喉痛,淋巴结肿大、肌肉酸疼乏力关节疼痛头痛,失眠,不安,记忆力减退,偶伴视力障碍。

    It may follow a nonspecific illness with mild fever, tender lymph nodes, sore throat, headaches, weakness, muscle and joint pain, and confusion or difficulty in concentrating.


  • 为了全部肌肉进行,可以预先制作录制带,或者,你只要学会肌肉顺序,然后按记忆进行练习。

    You can use a prerecorded audiotape to help you go through all the muscle groups, or you can just learn the order of muscle groups and work through them from memory.


  • 癌细胞生长形成组织(肿块)的干扰肌肉控制感觉记忆功能其他正常身体功能。

    Cancer cells grow to form a mass of cancer tissue (tumor) that interferes with brain functions such as muscle control, sensation, memory, and other normal body functions.


  • 记忆深刻一次,肌肉就发达一点一定可以成功

    Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. You can make it.


  • 记忆肌肉一样可以训练

    Memory can be built up and trained like muscle.


  • 由于锻炼身体可以使骨骼肌肉心脏肺活量增强研究者认为可以帮助大脑学习知识以及更好地巩固记忆

    Just as exercise makes the bones, muscles, heart, and lungs stronger, researchers think that it helps the brain learn new things and remember old information better.


  • 就是确定好些时间来练习,因为一旦肌肉这些运动产生记忆,那么所有的事情都会变的非常简单。

    Just make sure you are devoting enough time, because once you have the motions down in your muscle memory, everything will be a lot easier.


  • 就是确定好些时间来练习,因为一旦肌肉这些运动产生记忆,那么所有的事情都会变的非常简单。

    Just make sure you are devoting enough time, because once you have the motions down in your muscle memory, everything will be a lot easier.


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