• 米罗诺夫世界上为数不多的从事生物工程培养科学家之一。

    Mironov is one of only a few scientists worldwide involved in bioengineering cultured meat.


  • 并不是想让相信,而是告诉你,这种生物这个区域内唯一有知觉物种,而且他们是拿的。

    I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in the sector and they're made out of meat.


  • 闻闻,”一边嗅着无头生物人们围聚餐桌旁,愉快地等待着。

    "Smell the meat," he says, sniffing the decapitated creature, and the people gathered around the table willingly oblige.


  • 变成生命后,维克多·弗兰肯斯坦用孤独谴责生物

    After cloistering himself to bring dead flesh to life, Victor Frankenstein condemns his creature to loneliness.


  • 另外,那些直接接触表面也要进行原生生物鉴定

    In addition, protozoa were identified on surfaces which come into direct contact with meat.


  • 米罗诺夫世界少数几个研究生物工程培养科学家之一

    Mironov is one of just a handful of scientists around the world who are involved in bioengineering cultured meat.


  • 以下成分组成:蛋白质氨基酸矿物质脂肪和脂肪酸、维生素和其它生物活性成分少量碳水化合物

    Meat is composed of protein and amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, vitamins and other bioactive components, and small quantities of carbohydrates.


  • 这些美味的双壳贝类生物清除水中过量浮游植物闻名于世,它们营养变成贝壳

    The tasty bivalves are known for removing excess phytoplankton from water and sequestering nutrients in their shells and flesh.


  • 动物行为杂志于本月在线发布一项新的研究结果则表明捕食如果尝到味道的,就能学会不去招惹闪光生物

    A new study published online this month in Animal Behaviour, however, reveals that, if a meal tastes bad, predators learn to avoid the blinking.


  • 卡罗莱娜医科大学生物学家组织工程师弗拉基米尔·米罗·诺夫,已经研究人工培养十年从未这样接近目标

    Vladimir Mironov, a biologist and tissue engineer at the Medical University of South Carolina, has been working to grow "cultured" meat for a decade, and is closer than ever to achieving his goal.


  • 生物工程:不是动物而是不久后就会出现在人们菜单上对于可能会健康,更好

    Biotechnology: Meat grown in vats, rather than in the form of animals, could soon be on the menu. It might even be healthier and better for you.


  • 其他治疗方法包括下巴有中注射杆菌Grind care生物反馈器。

    Other treatments include Botox injections to the jaw muscle, and a biofeedback device called Grindcare.


  • 请理解到,不能食用这些动物否则你将打破提升自然界生物形态协议

    Understand that one cannot consume the flesh of these animals or one will break all agreements for the nature kingdoms to ascend their biology.


  • 最后多次测试之后团队得出结论,这块不是猛犸象不是,不是古生物甚至不是哺乳动物

    In the end, after multiple tests, the team determined that the meat was neither mammoth nor sloth, nor ancient, nor even a mammal.


  • 放在蒸馏水中,生物会愉快活动起来。

    Put a piece of tainted meat in distilled water, and microbes go merrily to work .


  • 用合适温度烹饪食物烹饪可以杀死生物但是中心必须达到这个高温

    Cook your food to the proper temperature. The cooking will kill the microorganisms. However, you must get that high temperature to the very center of the meat.


  • 脂肪不完全燃烧产生大量的V—甲基生物强度超过黄曲霉素致癌物

    The fat of fish and meat incomplete combustion, will produce a large number of V-methyl derivatives of ammonia, which is a strength of more than a carcinogen aflatoxin.


  • 方法使用兰州生物研究所生产的毒杆菌毒素稀释注射痉挛部位。

    Methods Using the Botlinum toxin from lanzhou Institnte of Biology, inject the spasmodic position after dilution.


  • 试验旨在研究两种蛋氨酸添加剂相对生物得出仔鸡适宜蛋氨酸添加量。

    The aim of the trial is researching the relative biological value of two methionine additives and obtaining the appropriate methionine supplemental level for broiler.


  • 我们伊拉克过去承认事实中了解到,不仅成功地将炭菌病毒制武器化了,而且包括毒菌毒素、黄曲霉毒素蓖麻毒素生物制剂武器化了。

    We know from Iraq's past admissions that it has successfully weaponized not only anthrax but also other biological agents including botulinum toxin aflatoxin and ricin.


  • 生物燃料曾经给粮食市场带来压力,而旧亡经济体收入不断添加推动奶制品,进一步添加了农业大宗商品的供给压力。

    Emerging economies, where rising incomes are boosting consumption of meat and dairy products, have added to the pressures already generated by the biofuel industry.


  • 生物羊膜联合自体角膜缘干细胞结膜移植治疗睑球粘连的复发性翼状一种较理想治疗方法

    Biological amnion combined with conjunctival flap with limbus stem cell transplant in the treatment of recurrent pterygium complicated with symblepharon was an ideal therapeutic method.


  • 方法收集近年织纹中毒资料连云港地区织纹螺进行形态学鉴定。应用生物测定检测麻痹性贝类毒素(PSP含量

    Methods: With collection of the data of Nassidae food poisoning in recent years, the paper applies the biological determining method to test the content of PSP in the meat of Nassidae.


  • 介绍控制基本概念试列举控制图制品生物监测结果方面的应用示例。

    To introduced the basic conception of control chart, and enumerated the use of control chart in microbiological surveillance of meat and meat products.


  • 研究两种不同枯草芽孢杆菌对660只艾维茵仔鸡生产性能对仔鸡肠道生物菌群影响

    An experiment was conducted with 660 broilers to study the effect of two strains of Bacillus subtilis on performance and intestinal microflora in broilers.


  • 事实上,不仅仅是其他家禽能够通过侵入性的动物活组织细胞切片提取进行生物制造

    In fact, in addition to beef, other red meat, fish and poultry can be produced with cells taken from animals via a noninvasive biopsy.


  • 本文旨在研究五味子提取物仔鸡生长性能肠道生物影响。

    The experiment was carried out to Investigate the effects of Schisandra Chinensis Extract on growth performance and intestinal microflora of broilers.


  • 本文旨在研究五味子提取物仔鸡生长性能肠道生物影响。

    The experiment was carried out to Investigate the effects of Schisandra Chinensis Extract on growth performance and intestinal microflora of broilers.


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