• 联邦参议院夏季的休会在这个月底开始危难中难得的喘息之机。

    The Bundestag's summer break, which starts later this month, will offer a welcome respite from turmoil.


  • 而且随着联盟辖数目的上升,德国联邦参议院参与决策的道路变得更加荆棘

    But with more states being governed by coalitions, the Bundesrat's deliberations could become more tortuous.


  • 但是美国联邦参议院想不出还会有哪个参议院议员中他得到更大尊重更深爱戴

    But in the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members on both sides of the aisle.


  • 汉堡通过联邦参议院联邦立法机构份三十页法律草案寻求通过能够代表国家利益规定

    With a 30-page draft law, Hamburg is seeking to pass new regulations in the Bundesrat, the federal legislative body that represents the interests of the states.


  • 默克尔女士希望联邦参议院重新召开11月9日——柏林墙倒塌20周年纪念日——之前解决所有问题。

    Ms Merkel wants to wrap things up before the new Bundestag convenes on October 27th or at the latest by November 9th, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


  • 北威州选举失利同时剥夺默克尔联邦参议院多数席位优势,而联邦参议院议员是各州代表是最高立法机构。

    The defeat in NRW also strips Mrs Merkel's government of its majority in the Bundesrat, the upper house of the legislature, which represents the states.


  • 番话看来监视美国东亚政策一个联邦参议院小组中的资深参议员星期一华盛顿提出的议案做出的回应

    That appeared to be a response to legislation introduced in Washington Monday by the two top senators on a panel that oversees American foreign policy in East Asia.


  • 1858年,美国联邦参议院候选人林肯道格拉斯伊利诺伊州进行了多次辩论双方在辩论中各自提出自己观点。 后来,人们把这种辩论方式称为林肯-道格拉斯式辩论。

    The style of debating where each side presents an argument gets its name from the 1858 debates in Illinois between U.S. Senate candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.


  • 参议院可以55%的多数票批准全体代表大会咨询委员会采纳推荐议案,并52%多数票批准年度联邦预算

    Senatorsmay approve bills that have been adopted, or recommended by theGeneral assembly, and advisory Council with a 55% majority vote, andmay approve the annual federal budget with a 52% majority.


  • 通常韦伯斯特参议院发表演讲温和的,需要表达的是理由而不是情绪,然而,这次对他而言很难不再有情绪,当他即将结束演讲时,他的嗓门提高了,“脱离联邦”,他喊道,“和平的脱离!

    In general, Webster's speech to the Senate was moderate. He wanted to appeal to reason, not emotion.


  • 菜鸟参议员公布自己联邦财政预算版本个反常规的举动也象征了小保罗试图笨拙参议院里树立自己独树一帜的风格。

    It's an unusual move -a rookie senator releasing his own version of the federal budget -but it says a lot about how Paul is trying to carve an unconventional identity in the stodgy Senate.


  • 自从一项联邦总量管制与排放交易法案通过众议院批准参议院遭到拒绝后,能源气候变化议题滑到了国会任务优先级别名单下方。

    Since a federal cap-and-trade bill made it through the House but died in the Senate, energy and climate change have slipped down the list of national priorities.


  • 麦凯恩指责奥巴马参议院收取房利美联邦住宅贷款抵押公司捐款的第二大个人,而大公司正是目前名誉扫地的抵押贷款行业巨头

    McCain accused Obama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations from individuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgage industry giants.


  • 为了10月1日参议院会议获得通过这项议案提高联邦存款保险限制

    To win approval in the Senate on October 1st, the bill was amended to increase the limits on federal deposit insurance (see article).


  • 俄亥俄州有影响力参议院拨款委员会成员布朗参议员已经呼吁美国国家航空航天局的“有缺陷选拔程序”进行一项联邦调查

    Senator Brown, a member of the influential Senate Appropriations Committee, has called for a federal investigation into NASA's "flawed selection process".


  • 参议院司法委员会表示,增加繁琐的手续守法公民来说简直联邦强加给他们的噩梦

    He told the Senate Judiciary Committee adding more red tape would be a federal nightmare imposed on law-abiding people.


  • 曾参与起草了参议院议案香烟联邦税费提高一美元用于资助儿童健康项目

    You co-sponsored a Senate bill to raise the federal cigarette tax to $1 per pack to fund children's health programs.


  • 针对这些不满西班牙直接的解决方案就是正式建立联邦设立参议院明确征税体制。

    The neatest answer to these grievances would be for Spain formally to embrace federalism, with a federal senate and clear rules about who collects which taxes.


  • 但是参议院众议院增加了所谓的“诱饵”,包括公司个人免税以及银行存款临时新增联邦保险

    But the Senate added so-called sweeteners for the House. These include tax breaks for businesses and individuals and a temporary increase in federal insurance for bank deposits.


  • 参议院听证准备证词冈萨雷斯为在解雇美国联邦检察官中所犯的错误做了措辞谨慎的道歉

    In testimony prepared for a Senate hearing, Alberto R. Gonzales offered a measured apology for mistakes in the dismissal of U. s. attorneys.


  • 参议院听证准备证词冈萨雷斯为在解雇美国联邦检察官中所犯的错误做了措辞谨慎的道歉

    In testimony prepared for a Senate hearing, Alberto R. Gonzales offered a measured apology for mistakes in the dismissal of U. s. attorneys.


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