• 总部在拉斯维加斯联合游戏集团顾问比尔·列那认为:“亚洲市场将会未来发力我们现在开始关注那里。”

    "The Asian market is going to be overpowering and we're just getting started, " said Bill Lerner, a casino consultant for Union Gaming Group, which is based in Las Vegas.


  • 游戏人们往往联合起来挑战任务

    In the game, people often have to join together to compete quests.


  • 我们知道,要是设计师格里斯瓦得,黑格尔凯瑟联合公司(Griswold,Heckel andKeiserAssociates)看到现今小孩迷恋电子游戏而不喜欢维修雷达航空器,他们是否失望呢。

    We can only wonder if designers Griswold, Heckel and Keiser Associates would be disappointed that today's children are too preoccupied with video games to tinker with radar and aircraft.


  • ZyngaFacebook联合声明中称:“FacebookZynga已经将FacebookCredits过渡Facebook平台运行大多数Zynga游戏唯一支付方式

    Zynga and Facebook’s joint statement: “Facebook and Zynga have transitioned Facebook Credits to be the exclusive method of payment for most Zynga network games on the Facebook platform.


  • 然而GoCrossCampus代表着一种类型游戏,应用普普通通的在线真实社团参加者联合起来。

    But GoCrossCampus represents a new kind of gaming that unites the participants of real communities in a common online cause.


  • 博纳说:“明白昨天白宫什么游戏,大家联合起来对付可是如果他们以为会压服我,那他们自欺欺人了。”

    "I do not know what games were being played at the White House yesterday, ganging up on Boehner, but if they thought they were rolling me, they were kidding themselves, " he said.


  • 例如令人上瘾词汇游戏网站freerice.com,每当玩家一个,就能联合世界粮食计划署捐赠20大米

    At the highly addictive vocabulary game site, freerice.com, for instance, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program every time a player correctly guesses a word.


  • 我们必须作出重大改变游戏联合系统解决一些根本性缺陷导致严重错误

    We've also had to make significant changes to the game's joint system in order to address some fundamental flaws that were causing serious bugs.


  • 美国游戏联合21点的赌场优势设置0.5%1.5%之间,这意味着100美金,你就要输500美分到1.5美元。

    The American Gaming Association puts the house edge in blackjack at 0.5% to 1.5%, meaning you lose 50 cents to $1.50 on every $100 you wager.


  • 中国人语言明白实力游戏需要一个联合阵线遏制他们的崛起

    Chinese mandarins only understand power play and need a united front to stem their rise.


  • 手机行业期望通过游戏明星电影联合,利用对明星电影的熟悉激起用户的好奇心

    The hope in the [mobile] industry is that if you see a game affiliated with a star or a movie, the fact that it is familiar to you may pique your curiosity.


  • 南京军区无锡巨人公司联合开发中国第一FPS军事游戏光荣使命》日前研发成功

    Giants by the Nanjing military Region, jointly developed with Wuxi in China's first military FPS game "glorious mission" has successfully developed.


  • 遗忘国度之神联合角色如果牧师圣武士浪人僧人或者德鲁伊结束游戏这个选项自动打开

    Associate character with a Forgotten Realms deity - Note that this will automatically be turned on if your character ends up as a Cleric, Paladin, Ranger, Monk, or Druid!


  • 这个游戏广阔的地区模仿海陆空联合作战

    The game will simulate joint operation of ground, naval and air forces on vast areas.


  • 摘要HBO电视网宣布联合年份葡萄酒庄园于明年春季发布权力游戏》主题葡萄酒。

    ABSTRACT: HBO has announced it will release an exclusive Game of Thrones wine range next spring, made in partnership with Californian wine company Vintage wine Estates.


  • 新科学技术以及紧急经济情势联合在一路象征着许多游戏如果不是大部分的话,通过互联网玩。

    B combination of new technology and compelling economics means that many, if not most, of them will be played online soon.


  • 百代公司联合维亚康姆(Viacom)推出了一名为披头士摇滚乐队”(The Beatles:Rock Band)电脑游戏游戏罕有允许数字形式下载披头士的歌曲,首99美分,而且可以防范盗版。

    The company has joined forces with Viacom to offer a new video game called The Beatles: Rock Band, which allows for rare (and pirate-resistant) digital downloads of Beatles songs – at 99p each.


  • 最近几年里转向国际联合作为将已取得成功视频游戏改编成电影供给资金比如寂静生化危机》的特许经销权。

    In more recent years, he's turned to international co-productions to finance successful video game-to-movie adaptations like the Silent Hill and Resident Evil franchises.


  • 一位陪审员这个游戏通过让思维忙碌从而帮助他们集中注意力。“一些证据相当发现很难一直保持注意力集中”澳大利亚联合通讯社援引这位陪审员的话说。

    "Some of the evidence is rather drawn out and I find it difficult to maintain my attention the whole time," the juror was quoted saying by the Australian Associated Press.


  • 亚洲极限运动联合(axf)批出3年合约韩国春川主办AXF亚洲巡回赛领导世界休闲游戏在2010年。

    Asian Extreme Sports Federation (AXF) awarded a 3-year contract to the City of Chuncheon to host the AXF Asian Tour leading to the World Leisure Games in 2010.


  • 亚洲极限运动联合(axf)批出3年合约韩国春川主办AXF亚洲巡回赛领导世界休闲游戏在2010年。

    Asian Extreme Sports Federation (AXF) awarded a 3-year contract to the City of Chuncheon to host the AXF Asian Tour leading to the World Leisure Games in 2010.


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