• 这些机构包括联邦调查局国土安全部。

    These agencies include the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.


  • 事实上联邦调查局中情局详尽调查1982年就已经开始了

    In fact, the FBI and the CIA's detailed investigation of gold began in 1982.


  • 工具包建设一联邦调查局安装只有授权联邦调查局经销商安装1

    The kit is to be built by Buckeye and installed only by authorized Buckeye dealers, with installation taking about 1 day.


  • 场公然执行的枪决,达拉斯警察局秘密勤务局、联邦调查局白宫志同道合者们甚至J

    It was a public execution and it was covered up by like-minded individuals in the Dallas Police Department, the Secret Service, the FBI, and the White House, all the way up to and including J.


  • 联邦调查局派往反恐中心的探员、中心负责人之一吉姆·贝尔纳扎尼说:“联邦调查局中情局正在合作。”

    "The FBI and CIA are working together," says Jim Bernazzani, an FBI agent detailed to the CTC and one of its deputy directors.


  • 于是现在主要意见便是在美国联邦调查局英国严重有组织犯罪监察局(SOCA)的指导建立一个完善的阿富汗执法机构

    SO the idea now is to create elite Afghan law-enforcement agencies, under the guidance of the FBI and Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).


  • Bobe联邦调查局进行了互动并给出了建议但是发现联邦调查局和公众很多生物安全担心害怕没有必要的。

    Bobe has interacted with and advised the FBI, but says he finds many of the biosecurity fears of the FBI and the public to be unfounded.


  • 今年夏天早些时候联邦调查局保密警告巴拉克·巴马约翰·麦凯恩的竞选团队他们计算机网络已经外国黑客们危害

    Earlier this summer, the Secret Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation warned Barack Obama's and John McCain's campaign teams that their computer networks had been compromised by foreign hackers.


  • 遭到了联邦调查局诽谤追捕被迫流亡国外

    He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.


  • 正如苹果公司几位安全专家主张的,强迫苹果公司编写软件联邦调查局访问某 iPhone指令,树立起一个令人不安的先例。

    As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the FBI access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.


  • 正如苹果公司几位安全专家主张的那样,强迫苹果公司编写软件联邦调查局访问iPhone 的指令,树立起一个令人不安的先例。

    As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the F.B.I. access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.


  • 曾经秘密地汽车直升机跟踪联邦调查局跟踪小组几个月没有窥视了。

    Months went by without a peep from the FBI surveillance teams that had been tracking her in undercover vehicles and helicopters.


  • 一份联邦调查局声明中称,钱尼提供一些资料包括照片名人博客网站一些文件以及最终张贴的照片。

    Chaney offered some material, including photographs, to celebrity blog sites and some of the files and photographs ultimately were posted, according to an FBI statement.


  • 坚称,他其他人陷害的,联邦调查局人根本进去。

    He insists that he and the others have been set up, but the FBI aren't listening.


  • Solyndra最近正式申请破产保护关闭了工厂总部遭到联邦调查局的清查,这次清查明显贷款有关

    But Solyndra recently filed for bankruptcy protection and closed its factory, and its headquarters was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, apparently in connection with the loan.


  • 美国国家航空航天局联邦调查局赢得了58%的民众的认可,排名中并列第二

    NASA and the FBI tied for second place at 58 percent each.


  • 讲述了一个名叫“琪”的7岁男孩保姆黛尔(dialectic的简写)的故事,男孩双亲联邦调查局通缉的极端激进主义者。

    It concerns a seven-year-old boy called Che, the son ofradical activists who are wanted by the FBI, and his former babysitter, Dial(short for dialectic).


  • 警察联邦调查局同时开始在周围停留提问时,起来 侧身子调查人员旁边走掉了

    When police and FBI began simultaneously asking questions of all those still around he stood up and walked in a slant away from the investigators.


  • 美国联邦调查局(FBI)伦敦警察局平均每年各自调查不到100起凶杀人案件。

    The FBI and London metropolitan police each investigate fewer than 100 contract killings per year, on average.


  • 当地媒体报道,美国联邦调查局计划纽约时代广场电子屏幕上发布通缉犯失踪人员照片姓名

    The US FBI plans to unveil a digital billboard in Times Square, New York, featuring photos and names of fugitives and missing persons, local media said.


  • 胡佛名字刻在位于宾夕法尼亚大道联邦调查局总部一块石头上,它应该警示,提醒公众调查局里具有奉献精神职业人士。

    Hoover's name, carved in stone at the FBI headquarters on Pennsyl-vania Avenue, should serve as a caution to the public and the dedicated professionals who work inside.


  • 处在现实法律之间的真空地带增加国际安全公共安全问题。”联邦调查局法律顾问勒理.E.卡波尼说道

    This gap between reality and the law has created a significant national security and public safety problem," said Valerie E. Caproni, the FBI's General Counsel.


  • 尽管如此,沙赫·扎德仍然设法在康涅狄格州纽约肯尼迪国际机场之间某个地方甩掉了监视联邦调查局小组

    Yet Shahzad still managed to outsmart his FBI surveillance team, losing them somewhere between Connecticut and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.


  • 目前联邦调查局华盛顿新闻博物馆展览增加此前从未公众展出的9•11事件其他恐怖袭击事件的残骸。

    The Newseum in Washington, D.C., is expanding its FBI exhibit with a new display of artifacts from 9/11 and other terrorist plots that have never been on display to the public before.


  • 这些网络犯罪活动最终引起了美国布加勒斯特联邦调查局探员们的注意。

    Eventually, FBI agents in the US and Bucharest started to get interested.


  • 美国联邦调查局周二发布年度银行犯罪报告显示,美国劫匪喜欢星期五上午911之间抢银行,且案发地多在美国南部西部各州

    Bank robberies in the US take place most often between 9 am and 11 am, on Fridays and in southern and western states, according to the Bank Crime Statistics (BCS) released by the FBI on Tuesday


  • 美国联邦调查局周二发布年度银行犯罪报告显示,美国劫匪喜欢星期五上午911之间抢银行,且案发地多在美国南部西部各州

    Bank robberies in the US take place most often between 9 am and 11 am, on Fridays and in southern and western states, according to the Bank Crime Statistics (BCS) released by the FBI on Tuesday


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