• 可能联系本安装程序作者获得一个新的副本

    You may want to contact the author of this installer to obtain a new copy.


  • 这可能是由于损坏的磁 盘,或是下载失败,或是病毒导致的结果。 你可以联系本安装程序 程序员获取新的软件拷贝

    Install integrity check has failed common cause include imcomplete download and damaged media contact the install's author to obtain a new copy.


  • 他们甚至出版界未来还有信心。 所以当我联系我出版商谈到用免费发布电子书的方式来推销印刷本的时候,他们很爽快就答应了。

    They’ve got even more riding on the future of publishing than


  • 他们过去10年间通过循环流通旅行日志保持紧密联系

    They have stayed close for the past 10 years by circulating a book called a traveling journal.


  • 那个已经出过本书教练,就封面设计出版商的联系方式给了,还推荐了一些声望的编辑,真是雪中送炭

    My coach, who had already published a book, gave me the name and contact information of his cover designer and publisher, and recommended a reputable editor. What a relief that was for me!


  • 尽管个人地址簿模板只是存储联系人和联系人信息但是本教程关注应用程序模板两个方面

    Although the personal address book template does more than simply store contact and contact group information, this tutorial focuses on these two aspects of the application template in this tutorial.


  • 他们了一本书来解释他们工作成果书名为联系我们社会网络神奇力量及其如何重塑我们的生活》。

    And they have published a book explaining their work, titled "Connected: the Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How they Shape Our Lives."


  • 广之野本丰田开了一家关于移民孩子学校,“日本没有建立起移民本地社区的强联系。”

    Japan does not build strong links between immigrants and the local community, ” said Hiroyuki Nomoto, who runs a school for immigrant children in Toyota City.


  • 那个已经出过本书教练,就封面设计出版商联系方式给了推荐了一些声望的编辑,真是雪中送炭哪!

    My coach, who had already published a book, gave me the name and contact information of his cover designer and publisher, and recommended a reputable editor.


  • 联系还有其他活跃社区成员审阅本书提案

    He contacted me, along with other active community members, to request a review of a book proposal.


  • 是个很熟悉、跟传统个人电脑界面紧紧相联系的计算机视图毕竟笔记本电脑或是台式机里的程序也是这样做的。

    That's a familiar view of computing, one deeply tied to the interface on the standard PCafter all, every program on your laptop or desktop hides much of its functionality under menus, too.


  • 记事本中罗列所有因工作以及世界各地保持联系使用网站登录信息和密码

    This is his list of logons and passwords for all the websites he USES for doing business and staying in touch with the rest of the world.


  • 开始看一本书可能完全不了解主题对于小说类书籍)或者你也不会跟角色建立任何联系(对于小说)。

    When you start reading, you might know nothing about the subject matter (if it's non-fiction) and you won't feel any particular attachment to the characters (if it's fiction).


  • 普及消息传递流动人员使用的设备联系起来,其中的流动人员并不指办公室人员,并且使用的是移动设备而非台式机笔记本

    Pervasive messaging can integrate people with devices in a mobile workforce where representatives are not office-based and are working with mobile devices rather than with desktop or laptop computers.


  • 一刻起,存在两个版本联系人列表用于客户机,另一个用于7.5版本的客户机

    From that moment on, two versions of the contact list exist, one that is used by legacy clients and one that is used by the release 7.5 client.


  • 注意最初的7.5版本,新旧联系列表不是同步的;但是CF 1内部的客户补丁已经解决了问题

    NOTE: in the initial release 7.5, the legacy and new contact lists were not synchronized; however, this problem has been fixed in a client-side fix within CF1.


  • 发起紧急调查以便确定是否可将戈的病例已知传播持续威热相联系

    An urgent investigation has been launched to determine whether the Bungo cases can be linked to Uige municipality, where transmission is known to be ongoing.


  • 受访者认为工作需要使人们必须保持联系哪怕意味着度假要带上笔记本电脑,或者用餐手机

    Fifty-five percent also thought the demands of business mean people must stay connected, even if it involves taking a laptop on a holiday or answering a cell phone during a meal.


  • 这些年来每一本书都是与文盲有着联系。

    In these years I had read everything I could lay my hands on to do with illiteracy.


  • 众多读者通过小说可以缓解一些他们生活中的孤独感——一本好书很好的消遣(转移注意力),同时使读者与作品产生亲密联系。

    Most readers look to fiction to alleviate some of the loneliness of life—a good book is a diversion, but also a connection.


  • 但是示例中联系方式主表,DSLink3线箭头表明一点。

    But in this sample, the contact table is the main one, indicated by the solid arrow DSLink3.


  • 2008年,惠普推出了EliteBook系列笔记本电脑用户可以在启动电脑的情况下,收发电子邮件、使用日历联系人功能。

    More recently, H-P in 2008 launched an EliteBook line of laptops that lets the user access email, calendars and contacts without having to power up the computer.


  • 伦纳德打算记录Inughuit生活,不是编纂语法词典而是一本人类学角度的口头文学稿”展示语言文化之间的相互联系。

    Leonard intends to record the Inughuits and, rather than writing a grammar or dictionary, produce an "ethnography of speaking" to show how their language and culture are interconnected.


  • 回到文章主要部分获取更多信息接下来联系4本书帮助

    Return to the main article for more information, the next exercise and four books that can help you on your way.


  • 示例中,需要搜索名为Edna联系人清单5所示。

    In this example, you search contacts for a person with the first name Edna, as in Listing 5.


  • Gail联系了Duche,一家制作独特凝胶调味料上色粉法国公司它发行了一本杂志推销这些产品。

    Gail contacted Duche, a French concern that makes the special gelatin, flavorings and colored powders and publishes a magazine to promote them.


  • Gail联系了Duche,一家制作独特凝胶调味料上色粉法国公司它发行了一本杂志推销这些产品。

    Gail contacted Duche, a French concern that makes the special gelatin, flavorings and colored powders and publishes a magazine to promote them.


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