• 而关于潜意识方面的分析研究人员这些居民观看基地影像迅速一组正面负面单词列表中作出联想选择

    For the unconscious analysis, the researchers had the volunteers watch images of the base and then rapidly choose from lists of positive or negative words.


  • 然而,仍分析认为这次艰难的国外冒险其实拯救联想

    Still, analysts said Lenovo's rocky foreign adventure saved the company.


  • 这位分析遇到一个变化中的联想联想去年收购IBM的个人电脑部门,此后公司文化转型偶尔导致了一些困惑。

    What the analyst encountered was a Lenovo in flux where the transformation of a corporate culture has yielded occasional moments of confusion even within the company.


  • 本文华南理工大学联想高校俱乐部商业模式研究,针对具体经营管理情况以及战略进行分析

    In this paper, College Club, South China University of Technology of Lenovo's business model case study for their specific business management and strategic analysis.


  • 数学建模过程就是创造性思维的过程。通过数学建模训练,可以培养双向翻译能力综合分析能力,联想能力,洞察能力。

    The mathematical modeling process is followed with the creative thought. This process can cultivate the following ability: two-way translation, synthesis and analysis, association and insight.


  • 分析标志创意设计表达方法主要体现为:寓意象征想象联想

    The main embodiment of creative design was analyzed, including moral, symbolization, imagination and association.


  • 科学方法而言,袁隆平院士科研中成功运用了信息联想辨证分析试验探索灵感思维等方法。

    The following methods play a significant role in his research into a hybrid rice:information association, dialectical analysis, trial and probe, and inspiration and thinking.


  • 结合教学案例分析设计作品视觉效果联想关系强调拓宽联想思维对设计教学意义

    And then, analyzes the relation between visual effect and association of design works, according to the precedents of teaching. The meaning of broadening the associated thought is also emphasized.


  • 每次治疗后都希望能有所好转每次都是失望而归。次,一位荣格分析心理学家竟沙发上“自由联想”的时候自顾自的酣睡了起来。

    He hoped to feel better after each visit, but rarely did, even after a session with a Jungian analyst who fell fast asleep during his patient's "free association" on the couch.


  • 探讨分析合理应用英汉联想”,有助于做好英汉相关文化互译

    And it is helpful in doing translation between English and Chinese cultural words to probe into, analyze and reasonably apply association chains existing in the languages.


  • 文章分析传统混淆理论现代联想理论不足,商标淡化理论比联想理论更加科学,更具操作性。

    The article analysis the deficiency of the traditional confusion theory and the modern association theory.


  • 分析联想当年进村日本鬼子由于八路军坚壁清野,他们无头的苍蝇村子到处乱窜。

    His analysis reminds me of Japanese who went villages and robbed grains, because the eight route army was clearing enemies and they had to run around like flies in villages.


  • 精神分析学,叙述性心理学一样,沦为一种心理地志程度层次联想情结象征符号定义

    Psychoanalysis, like descriptive psychology, is reduced to a sort of psychological topology: it defines levels, layers, associations, complexes, symbols.


  • 从理论上详细分析网络联想记忆过程性能提高原因

    The process of network association and the reason of performance improvement are also given in detail by theoretic analysis.


  • 许多分析认为,美国经济衰退引发个人电脑市场价格战进而侵蚀联想利润率

    S. economy. Many analysts say a U. s. recession could trigger price wars in the industry, eroding Lenovo's margins.


  • 本文分析中文词汇联想中的规律,提出联想有效性的概念。

    This paper analyses the law of Chinese words association in text.


  • 内容精神分析治疗机制讲解弗洛伊德患者采取的自由联想的治疗方法进行讨论。

    Content: the spirit of treatment method to explain Freud, mechanism of a kind of patients is free association method treatment are discussed.


  • 通过分析研究,得出以下结论:(1)学习测试过程,“联想听力阅读运用中使用频率最高认知策略

    The general findings have been generated from the present study: (1) Association in the process of learning and testing is the most frequently used cognitive strategies in listening and reading.


  • 基于近代回归分析理论本文提出了一种改进广义逆联想存贮器方法

    Based on the modern regression theory, a new method for improving the performance of associative memories is proposed.


  • 论文的第五部分联想收购IBMPC业务案例,对中国制造企业跨国并购动因进行实证分析

    In the fifth part, take the acquisition IBM PC of Lenovo Group as a case, analyzed the motivation of merger and acquisition of Chinese manufacturing enterprises empirically.


  • 本文词语概念意义、比喻联想意义情感意义三方面的不对等,分析其所反映的文化内涵从而说明深入理解词语的文化内涵对外语教学的重大意义。

    From the perspective of socia-linguistics, the concept of meaning infection is put forward, and he two major approaches of meaning infection in lexical affective meaning changes are analyzed.


  • 通过多位联想高管采访本文应用所提出理论分析框架联想并购案例进行深入研究。

    Through the interview of many executives, proposed by the application of theoretical and analytical framework in this paper, the Lenovo deal case study was conducted deeply.


  • 本文立足切身体验通过一系列梦典型案例的分析,并相似联想形象模型隐喻三个方面,对特定类型认知过程进行新的探索

    This paper explores the special kind of cognitive process from a new perspective, based on personal experience through similarity - association, imaginary model and metaphor.


  • 探讨、分析、合理应用英汉“联想”,有助于做好英汉相关文化互译

    Using the term of association chain in translation, we may systemize th


  • 制订战略计划之前,首先分析一下联想机会威胁优势与劣势

    Before Lenovo formulate their strategies and plans, it is necessary to analyze new Lenovo's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


  • 文章分析了传统混淆理论和现代联想理论不足,商标淡化理论比联想理论更加科学,更具操作性

    We re attempting to apply the association theory, one of memory tools, to the field of vocabulary learning.


  • 通过对英语词汇学习联想机制的论述,运用定量分析方法联想策略英语词汇直接学习中的效果实验研究。

    Combined with the semantic association strategies training in daily teaching, the study aims to make students construct the strategies for vocabulary learning.


  • 英国爱丁堡美国佛罗里达词汇联想辞典为基础,分别构建词汇联想网络进行复杂网络分析

    Word associative networks were constructed by using Edinburgh Association Thesaurus and Florida Association Thesaurus, which were collected in British and American respectively.


  • 英国爱丁堡美国佛罗里达词汇联想辞典为基础,分别构建词汇联想网络进行复杂网络分析

    Word associative networks were constructed by using Edinburgh Association Thesaurus and Florida Association Thesaurus, which were collected in British and American respectively.


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