• 首先家庭然后部落家庭联合,然后你可能会村庄的联合创造城邦城市

    First comes the family, then an association of families in a tribe, and then you might say an association of villages that create a polis or a city.


  • 交通运输权力下放看到城市安排联合公私交易,以便通过高速路线连接彼此

    The devolution of power over transport could also see cities arranging joint public-private deals to connect each other through high-speed rail lines.


  • 因此好奇这座城市现在的样子——我圣塔莫尼卡乘坐10线巴士,穿行16英里到达市中心联合火车站。 这样我就有力气这个多山的市中心继续骑车到处逛。

    So I was curious to see what it was all about — and the No. 10 express bus covered the 16 miles from Santa Monica to downtown’s Union Station, saving energy to bike up and down the hilly downtown.


  • 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)其他国际组织首都把精力集中城市中的临时营地,希望寻找到面临被拐危险儿童

    UNICEF and other international aid groups in the capital are focusing their efforts on the temporary camps across the city to find at-risk kids.


  • 迪拜位于波斯湾南部阿拉伯半岛上,它既是城市,又是阿拉伯联合酋长国中的一个酋长国

    Dubai, located in the southern Persian Gulf on the Arabian peninsula, is both a city and an emirate in the UAE (United Arab Emirates).


  • 迪拜自治市波斯湾迪拜酋长国(属阿拉伯联合酋长国)最大城市,以其大规模开发建设建筑工程蜚声世界

    The municipality of Dubai is the largest city of the Persian Gulf emirate of the same name, and has built a global reputation for large-scale developments and architectural works.


  • 西方城市居民可以很容易地接受生态村生活方式,例如他们组建的汽车合用组织,组织联合购物

    Western urbanites could easily adopt elements of the eco-village lifestyle, she says, by forming car pools, say, or shopping co-operatives.


  • 严格来说以内布拉斯加州林肯市给高中老师的演讲开始,阿布扎比(阿拉伯联合酋长国之一)的大学讨论会结束,其间走访了9个亚洲城市

    Literally: I started with high school teachers in Lincoln, Nebraska, ended with a university conference in Abu Dhabi, and hit 9 Asian cities in between.


  • 联合碳化物公司农药厂残骸仍在继续城市供应用水渗入致命化学成分

    The wreckage of the Union Carbide pesticide plant continues to leach deadly chemicals into the water supply.


  • 去年夏天美伊发动了代号为“携手并进(Toge therForward)”联合行动,接着就是目前为止城市所见的、最为凶恶一轮杀戮

    Last summer's joint American-Iraqi operation, codenamed "Together Forward", was followed by the most vicious round of killing yet seen in the city.


  • 这种失落感伦敦尤其尖锐;Twitter联合创始人首席执行官EvanWilliams周三透露:伦敦的Twitter用户世界其他任何城市

    The loss will have been felt most keenly in London, which Twitter's co-founder and chief executive Evan Williams revealed on Wednesday has more Twitter users than any other city in the world.


  • 百分之八十德国城市历史中心遭到联合轰炸

    Up to 80 percent of the historic centers of German cities were destroyed by Allied bombs during the war.


  • 通过这个协议联合包裹中国运营网络扩大到了130个城市当时在144个城市开展业务的联邦快递分庭抗礼。

    Through this agreement, UPS expanded its network to 130 cities in China, competing directly with FedEx, which had operations in 144 cities at that time.


  • 城镇郊外联合难民署建立起了一个临时户外帐篷城市,那里的难民苦不堪言知道何时回家甚至知道能否重返家园。

    On the outskirts of town a small tent city has been thrown up by the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR) and its miserable inhabitants have no idea when, or even if, they are going home.


  • 整个城市联合教科文组织授予世界遗产称号,其中有一屋子改建成了博物馆,里面摆放着穿着当时服装模特人像。

    The whole town has been granted Unesco World Heritage status and one of its larger houses has been turned into a museum, complete with mannequins decked out in the costumes of the time.


  • 此外许多本地联合馆中设立各式各样城市最佳实践区”,展现了可持续性城市技术

    In addition, a wide range of "urban best practices" will be on show in many local and corporate pavilions, showing sustainable urban technologies.


  • 通过签订这个备忘录联合包裹意图身穿统一制服司机棕色卡车变成中国主要商业城市里的一道风景。

    By signing the MOU, UPS intended to make its uniformed drivers and brown trucks a common site on the streets of major business centers in China.


  • 电影标题取自真实的地名,二十四城地处成都,本一个大型奢华城市重建地产项目,它的址是一个绝密的军需联合工厂

    The title refers to a real place, a vast and luxurious urban-renewal project in Chengdu that is being built on the site of a former top-secret munitions factory complex.


  • 研究纽约市卫生署联邦疾病防控中心有毒物质疾病登记处联合开展,研究结果城市健康杂志》上发表

    The study was conducted by the city health department and the federal Centers for Disease Control's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. It was released in the Journal of Urban Health.


  • 科罗拉多州丹佛市—美国联合航空公司中心城市

    I live in Denver, CO - a hub city for United Airlines.


  • 联合2006年全球艾滋病报告发现,布基纳法索城市地区感染艾滋病病毒人口比例最近下降了25%以上。

    The 2006 United Nations Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic found that the proportion of people living with HIV in urban areas recently declined by more than 25 percent.


  • 1979年,这座城市荣获联合教科文组织世界遗产地位如今,这里深受喜爱的旅游景点

    In 1979 the city was awarded UNESCO WorldHeritage status and is now a popular destination for tourists.


  • 1999年1月联合包裹宣布了一项中外运签订的关于中国另外22个城市增设运营机构的协议

    In January 1999, UPS announced an agreement with Sinotrans, to expand its operations to 22 more cities in China.


  • 众所周知,发生印度中部城市博帕尔市天然气泄漏事件,当属世界上严重的工业惨案。造成此案的是联合碳化物公司于当地所开办的工厂。

    We all know what the world's worst industrial disaster was: the gas leak from the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal in central India.


  • 城市时间里,用作联合王国犹太以色列首都

    The city served as the capital of the united kingdom (Judah and Israel) for only two generations.


  • 2005年,圣达菲联合国教科文组织命名创造性城市,这是美国第一个获此荣誉城市

    In two thousand five Santa Fe was named a UNESCO Creative citythe first American city to get that honor.


  • 2005年,圣达菲联合国教科文组织命名创造性城市,这是美国第一个获此荣誉城市

    In two thousand five Santa Fe was named a UNESCO Creative citythe first American city to get that honor.


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