• 联合国难民署最近调查,难民已经不是过去我们印象中那样,挨挤难民营的帐篷里

    The idea of refugees huddling in camps and tents is growing more and more outmoded, according to a recent advisory issued by the United Nations High Commissioner on refugees.


  • 联合国难民署女发言人詹尼弗。帕格尼丝记录显示去年同期7,000多人到达也门相同死亡数

    UN refugee agency spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis says records show that during the same period last year more than 7,000 people had arrived in Yemen and about the same number had perished.


  • 联合国难民署开始索马里难民家庭肯尼亚过度拥挤达达阿布难民营里的一个区域

    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says it will start moving Somali refugee families into a new area of Kenya's overcrowded Dadaab refugee complex.


  • 联合国难民署报告说抵达多洛阿多地区科贝难民营索马里难民儿童19%严重急性营养不良

    The U. n. refugee agency reports 19 percent of Somali refugee children arriving at the Kobe camp in the Dollo Ado area are suffering from severe acute malnutrition.


  • 联合国难民署报告穿越亚丁海偷渡人数急剧增加,到今年目前为止,已经有3千1百多人偷渡也门

    The UNHCR reports a sharp increase in the number of people being smuggled across the Gulf of Aden. It says more than 31, 000 have arrived in Yemen so far this year.


  • 联合国难民署报告穿越亚丁海偷渡人数急剧增加,到今年目前为止,已经有3千1百多人偷渡也门

    The UNHCR reports a sharp increase in the number of people being smuggled across the Gulf of Aden. It says more than 31,000 have arrived in Yemen so far this year.


  • 麻疹一个传染性强的疾病联合国难民署防止人们这个疾病死亡是这几个援助机构面临首要工作。

    Measles is a highly contagious disease. The UNHCR says action to prevent people from dying of this disease is the number one priority facing aid agencies.


  • 联合国难民署大约有30万流离失所的生活在遍布瓦武尼亚、贾夫纳亭可马里区的40个紧急避难所

    The U.N. refugee agency says about 300, 000 internally displaced people are living in 40 emergency shelter sites spread across the districts of Vavuniya, Jaffna and Trincomalee.


  • 为了帮助他们,马来西亚慈济联合国难民署合作提供医疗丶物资以及教育中心缅甸孩子能够就学。

    To help the refugees, Tzu chi Malaysia has joined forces with the UNHCR in a collaborative project to provide medical care and open education centers for Burmese children.


  • 银幕角色到现实生活,从好莱坞超级明星联合国难民署亲善大使,安吉丽娜·朱莉是最为奇特的名人之一。

    She plays many roles onscreen, but Angelina Jolie never loses sight of her important role as a concerned global citizen and active UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.


  • 重要非洲还有着300万的难民,这些跨越国际边境线的难民,权利有希望联合国难民署得到援助

    On top of that, Africa has 3m refugees, who, by crossing an international border, have rights and can expect assistance from the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR).


  • 联合国难民署统计,伊拉克总人口2700万人,其中国内280万人流离失所,220多万人逃离祖国。

    According to the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees, some 2.8m Iraqis are still displaced within the country; another 2.2m-plus have gone abroad, out of an original population of 27m or so.


  • 联合国难民署名高级官员埃塞俄比亚肯尼亚回来他们确认几百万干旱受害者尤其是儿童受害严重情况

    Two senior officials from the U. n. refugee agency, who have just returned from Ethiopia and Kenya, confirm the gravity of the situation facing millions of drought victims, particularly the children.


  • 联合国难民署协调22个救援组织工作这些组织难民营内分发食物其他物资并且执行教育医疗照顾服务

    The U. N. refugee agency coordinates the work of 22 aid groups that distribute food and other supplies inside the camp and implement services such as education and health care.


  • 联合国难民署发言人爱德华兹难民营挤满难民,容纳不下更多人所以新来的难民被迫周围肮脏临时住处。

    Unhcr spokesman Adrian Edwards says the camp is bursting with refugees and cannot accommodate more. So, new arrivals are forced to live in squalid, makeshift conditions on its periphery.


  • 今年世界难民联合国难民署发布今年主题:“一个没有希望难民就已经太多了”作为这个组织的60周年纪念日。

    For this year's World Refugee Day, the UN High Commission for Refugees has set the theme "One Refugee Without Hope is too Many", marking the 60th anniversary of the organization.


  • 联合国难民署报告说几千名刚果难民过去几天乌干达卢旺达寻求安全庇护地点,躲避日益升级战斗

    The UN refugee agency reports thousands of Congolese refugees have fled to Uganda and Rwanda in the past few days seeking safety from escalating fighting in North Kivu province.


  • 联合国难民署发言人克里斯·雅诺斯基称,下周一茱莉将会该署日内瓦总部举行活动正式任命为爱心大使。

    Kris Janowski, spokesman for the U. N. High Commissioner for Refugees, said Jolie would be appointed a goodwill ambassador Monday during an event at the agency's Geneva headquarters.


  • 宜家基金会会给联合国难民署提供更好庇护所房屋,这些房屋将会在今年晚些时候分发全球那些流离失所的家庭社区

    The Ikea Foundation will supply the Better Shelter units to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), which will distribute them globally to displaced families and communities later this year.


  • 根据联合国难民署表示,除非索马利亚和平修复,不然必须大批营区的难民移居第三国家,才是仅有可行性解决办法

    According to the UNHCR, unless there is restoration of peace in Somalia, the only viable solution for the overwhelming number of refugees in the camp would be resettlement to a third country.


  • 城镇郊外联合国难民署建立起了一个临时户外帐篷城市,那里的难民苦不堪言知道何时回家甚至知道能否重返家园。

    On the outskirts of town a small tent city has been thrown up by the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR) and its miserable inhabitants have no idea when, or even if, they are going home.


  • 6月20南斯拉夫军队完成了全部撤离。 据联合国难民署高级专员估计仅仅已经有76.5万名难民返回了科索沃

    On June 20, the Yugoslav military completed its withdrawal, and just two weeks later the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimated that more than 765, 000 refugees had already returned to Kosovo.


  • 联合国难民署报告说,一艘偷渡船在穿越亚丁海前往也门时抛锚,船上人员漂流18没有喝也没有进食,至少52名索马里人丧生

    UNHCR reports at least 52 Somalis died when the boat smuggling them across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen broke down, leaving them adrift with no food or water for 18 days.


  • 古特雷斯曾经出任联合国难民署高级专员长达10。在15委员会成员非正式投票中,已经确保有12支持、2票反对、1票弃权

    Guterres, who served as UN refugee chief for 10 years, received 12 votes of encouragement, two "discourage" votes and one "no opinion" during the 15-member council's informal vote.


  • 联合国难民署警告说,任何将难民一律遣返做法都可能会违反国际法警告说,计划穿越爱琴海的叙利亚伊拉克难民没有减少的迹象。

    The U. N. refugee agency has warned any blanket return may violate international law and warns there is little sign of any let up in Syrian and Iraqi refugees planning to cross the Aegean.


  • 联合国难民署警告说,任何将难民一律遣返做法都可能会违反国际法警告说,计划穿越爱琴海的叙利亚伊拉克难民没有减少的迹象。

    The U. N. refugee agency has warned any blanket return may violate international law and warns there is little sign of any let up in Syrian and Iraqi refugees planning to cross the Aegean.


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