• 鼓励毕业生选择薪资较低职业进一步降低教育经济回报

    It also encourages graduates to choose lower-paying careers, which reduces the financial return to education still further.


  • 学习时间投入参与技术社区活动对我职业发展产生回报

    A small investment of one's own time in learning and participating in technical community activities pays back in career advancement


  • 也许是因为it愉悦性强回报率高的职业-尽管我已经不再直接从事IT工作了。

    That's probably because I still view IT as an enjoyable and rewarding career - even though I don't work directly in IT any more.


  • 人们需要看到教育带来回报什么,”已经和人们进行过专业谈话通过国家劳工分析数据了解职业薪金

    "People have to look at what the payback of the education is," he says. Talk to people already in the profession, and look at state labor statistics to see their average salaries.


  • 更为正统的方法着眼于职业选择如果愿意伐木工人,这个决定一部分,便是承受风险以此换取金钱上的回报

    More orthodox approaches look at career choices: if you're willing to be a lumberjack, part of that decision is to accept risk in exchange for financial reward.


  • 这份职业本身风险特征就像空头期权(头寸)一样,正回报有限,负回报(即损失)无限,这一个优秀的风险经理人都尽量避免的。

    The job is said to have the risk profile of a short option position with unlimited downside and limited upside-something every good risk manager should avoid.


  • 正在攻读计算机学位,我编程使用Pascal汇编C语言,事实上从来没有它当成职业以求获得回报

    In classes I took to get my degree in Computer Science, I programmed in Pascal, Assembly, and C—languages I never actually got paid to program in professionally.


  • 发送100万封电子邮件成本低,潜在回报哪怕只有1%的读者反馈职业广告邮件发送者而言足具吸引力了。

    The cost of sending out a million e-mails is minimal, and the potential return, even if just 1% responds, is appealing to professional spammers.


  • 然而这个时常被中伤职业也伴随着很多回报

    However, there are many rewards that come with this oft maligned career.


  • 许多律师通过自己职业特权属性定位自己公司承认专业特权时,他们就提供了一种重要回报形式

    Many lawyers define themselves with reference to the privileges and attributes of their profession. When firms recognize professional prerogatives, they provide an important form of compensation.


  • 所有员工都有机会全球客户紧密工作一起,他们职业生涯带来长期的回报

    All employees having the chance to work closely with our customer in the world will be the most rewarding part of their career.


  • 他们也可能因此变得过于保守:对于那些职业生涯受过经济低迷严峻考验的老板,他们的企业资产回报相比其他老板

    They may thus be too conservative: firms with bosses whose professional baptism came in a weak economy have lower returns on assets than those run by other managers.


  • 通过提供持续知识增长机会律师事务所可以同时提供某种形式回报加强这一职业核心价值

    By providing opportunities for continued intellectual growth, law firms can simultaneously provide a form of compensation and reinforce a core value of the profession.


  • 无论有没有谈判经验职业生涯一开始就奋力争取以后职业生涯带来回报

    But whether you have negotiating experience or not, pushing for what you want at the beginning of your career will have payoffs later on in your professional life.


  • 发现这些女生非常聪慧,编程也有足够的求知欲,但对风险的惧怕,可能她们追求回报计算机科学职业畏缩不前。

    I saw that while these girls were bright and curious enough to take up coding, their aversion to risk could hold them back from pursuing highly-rewarding computer science careers.


  • 如果能力兴趣一个研究职位带来其他任何职业不能比的回报

    If you have the capability and interest, a research career can bring rewards unequaled in any other profession.


  • 不同于传统管理职位的提升荣誉奖励我们也为技术专家提供职业获得同等回报机会

    This gives our technical experts the opportunity to have a rewarding career that is equivalent in terms of recognition and rewards to our more traditional managerial ranks.


  • 一方面职员雇佣因为他们辛勤工作老板提供薪水应该得到回报上班时间网明显违背职业道德

    On one hand, workers are being paid because of their hard work, the boss offer wage and should be repaid. Chatting during workday is obvious to against profession morality.


  • 忠诚意味着敬业,忠诚一位职业经理人必备的职业道德而且一直认为相应成就一定能获得相应的回报

    Their loyalty mean, loyalty is a critical ethical professional managers, but he has always maintained that the corresponding results will certainly have a corresponding return.


  • 这个夏天首份职业合同之后,这位年轻多面手充分意识到了艰苦努力之后获得回报

    After signing his first professional deal in the summer, the versatile youngster is well aware of the rewards that hard work can bring.


  • 对于大多数人而言,在成功职业回报关系舞蹈歌唱音乐技巧远远不如倾听技巧来得重要

    For most of us, dancing, singing and music skills are far less essential components of a successful career and rewarding relationships than listening skills are.


  • 职业生涯中的第三十年会获得回报

    In the third decade of your career, you sort of reap the rewards.


  • 理想职业通常不能带来理想经济回报

    It is usually the case that one's dream job cannot bring adequate monetary rewards.


  • 无论有没有谈判经验职业生涯一开始就奋力争取以后职业生涯带来回报

    Butt whether you have negotiating experience or not, pushing for what you want at the beginning of your career will have payoffs later on in your professional life.


  • 分自己满意有所回报工作职业

    A satisfying and rewarding job or career.


  • 15之后下半月发生建立起来职业名誉获得回报

    This will occur in the second half of March, after the new moon appears, March 15. Your dividends will accrue from the career reputation you have already built.


  • 我们仆人这个词来描述准确会带来惊人的职业个人回报

    We are all servants in the best sense of the word, which brings amazing personal and professional rewards.


  • 我们仆人这个词来描述准确会带来惊人的职业个人回报

    We are all servants in the best sense of the word, which brings amazing personal and professional rewards.


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