• 他们职业生涯早期挫折可能惜败职业生涯产生强烈负面影响

    Minor setbacks in their early career may have a strong negative effect on the career of close losers.


  • 他们机会他们毕业时能够获得满足职业要求的技能——他们能在自己的职业生涯领域作出贡献

    I want to give them every opportunity to graduate with skills that allow them to have fulfilling careers-careers where they contribute to the field.


  • 但是我们抓住人生职业中的机会时候我们就能够结束时常平淡(甚至是)空虚人生职业生涯

    But when we leave our lives and careers to chance, we can end up with a life and career that are at times lackluster and perhaps even unfulfilling.


  • 可能职业声誉扫地破坏你的职业生涯

    It can take away all your professional esteem and destroy your career.


  • 这家快递服务供应商拥有在线招聘工具职业中心”,员工可以借助这一工具公司内部寻找新的工作机会自己职业生涯进行规划

    The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool, career Hub, which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers.


  • 帮助他们不仅完成工作而且成为专注职业开发人员一部分进入他们职业生涯之前那种支持无价的。

    This helped them not only to get the job done, but also to become part of a group of dedicated, professional developers; that support will be invaluable as they move ahead in their careers. 4.


  • 找出职业生涯胜任地方准备必要改变职业方向

    Figure out where your career fits in, and be prepared to change directions if necessary.


  • 最想分享年轻的职场女性,我后来终于意识到的这些道理对之后的职业生涯很大帮助职业生涯一个重要部分不是全部

    What I've come to realize, and share with younger women, is that it also helped me in my career. It helped me see that my professional life was a big part of my identity, but not the whole of it.


  • 一张强大的关系网使获得可信建议,可使职业信息保持畅通,你有机会找到工作可以支持别人职业生涯

    A strong network allows you to get advice from trusted sources, to keep your professional knowledge current, to find career opportunities, and to support the careers of others.


  • 上个月下旬满月使得职业生涯出现了一些折腾,所以应该继续跟进任何职业有关的状况。

    The new moon that appeared in late April started the ball rolling in your career, so you should continue following up on any career offers that surface.


  • 许多女生母亲职业生涯后期已经建立起自己的事业,有些是离婚之后而且她们敦促女儿更快开始自己的职业

    Many of the women’s mothers had established their careers later in life, sometimes after a divorce, and they had urged their daughters to get to their own careers more quickly.


  • 大学起,我就已经摸索自己的职业兴趣准备职业生涯规划了。

    Since I entered university, I have been meditating on my preferred job and planning for my future career.


  • 有许多职业都可以通向国会大厦,如律师商人医学房地产——但是一名成功的国家职业政客职业生涯通常年青的时候就地方开始。

    Many careers feed into the Capitollaw, business, medicine, real estatebut a successful career in national politics usually starts at a young age at the local level.


  • 今年一月,也是职业生涯中的第二放弃了舒适全职工作,彻彻底底的当了一名自由职业者。

    This past January, for the second time in my career, I abandoned a comfy full-time gig and jumped whole hog into a completely open calendar.


  • 毕竟到处也少不了想要一个军事职业生涯印度年轻人或者事实上可以这么说,现在持续的失业率任何职业都会很受欢迎。

    After all, thereis no shortage of young Indians who want an army careeror indeed, givenpersistent high unemployment, any sort of career.


  • 建立职业关系网目的为了获取信息,开阔专业视野,构建有助于提升职业生涯人际关系。

    The purpose of professional networking is to gain information, increase your visibility in your field, and establish personal connections that will help you advance in your career.


  • 作为一个几乎整个职业生涯都在史克度过的意味着公司非常的了解,这种公司精神上紧密结合那些外来的职业经理人所具备的。

    Being a career GSK man, he says, means he knows the firm intimately, and gives him an emotional bond that no "hired gun" could have.


  • 年时间获得了美国女子职业高尔夫巡回赛的参赛资格职业生涯第三个赛季刚刚结束——当时为止是成绩最好的一次,完成比赛时次获得前

    It took me three years to qualify for the LPGA Tour, but I just finished my third season-my best yet, with six top-ten finishes.


  • 星运也会照顾职业生涯可以帮你达到新的职业高度,脱离陈规

    This energy has a way of bringing out the best of your career possibilities too... It can raise you up to new & higher levels or cause you get out of dead-end ruts & routines too...


  • 这个挑战前提下按照时间顺序组织一下我提过的各种不同职业建议希望它会体现职业生涯的样子。

    In this challenging context, let me organize my sweep of career advice along a roughly chronological order, one that will hopefully characterize your professional life.


  • 可能知道如果你想要获得职业生涯成功,表现得更职业非常重要的。不过到底什么意思呢?

    You probably know that it's important to be professional if you want to have a successful career, but what does that actually mean?


  • 张表,写清楚什么,也就是你明年职业目标明年想要达到职业生涯一阶段。

    Make a list of what you need to docareer goals for the coming year — to get to where you want to be next in your career.


  • 我们人文科学、工程等专业的在校本科生举行名为职业生涯实验室”的校园活动,来鼓励他们考虑从事商界职业

    We're also reaching out to undergraduate students in fields like liberal arts and engineering, holding on-campus events called "career Labs" that encourage them to consider business careers.


  • 同时可以心底认识到不管从事什么样职业,你都很多机会学习宝贵的工作技能,而正是这些技能你的职业生涯带入到一个全新的水平高度。

    In the meantime, you can take heart in knowing that whatever job you do, you will have many opportunities to cultivate valuable skills that can take you to the next level in your career.


  • 如果基于薪酬,你自己的工作职业生涯无法感到满足,那么时候想想这份职业带给什么样的未来了。

    If you're feeling unfulfilled at work or uncertain about a career path you chose based on the salary, it may be time to look at your future in that career.


  • 但是除了极少部分人之外,对大部分人来说,职业提升职业生涯结束之前就会停止。

    But for all but a tiny fraction of workers, that climb ends before their career does.


  • 但是除了极少部分人之外,对大部分人来说,职业提升职业生涯结束之前就会停止。

    But for all but a tiny fraction of workers, that climb ends before their career does.


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