• 研究发现,想法或者说是他们愿意承认的想法上,女人男人受到社会意愿的影响。

    The finding suggests that women, but not men, are influenced by social desirability concerns in what they were thinking or what they would admit to thinking.


  • 研究发现,想法或者说是他们愿意承认的想法上,女人男人受到社会意愿的影响。

    The finding suggests that women, but not men, are influenced by social desirability concerns in what they were thinking or what they would admit to thinking。


  • 也极其赞同Belkin评论女人们将会担心另一个问题,男人

    Yet, I take to heart Belkin's comment that this might just be another thing that women will worry about – rather than men.


  • 不管是不是骑士毕竟我们彼此相爱;因此,一切都和以往一样,改变只是时间而非男人情怀

    After all, though, we can love, knights or no knights; and so, as ever, only The Times change, not men's hearts.


  • 往往,我们将所有刚果男人被当成敌人持枪威胁刚果人民的士兵

    Too often, the enemy becomes all Congolese men rather than men with guns terrorizing the Congolese people.


  • 52%男人44%的女人希望他们的伴侣是个情人富人

    But 52% of men and 44% of women would like their partner to be a good lover rather than rich.


  • 认为我们期望自我认识成长而非一夜之间让每个男人马上变成超级英雄。

    The best I think we can hope for is self-awareness and growth, not the instant transformation of every man into a superhero overnight.


  • 如果你们关系建立行动而非言语上,身边男人合拍,更安全感,你们之间也就没有那么需要解决问题

    If you build your relationship on what you do, not what you say, Dr Love says the man in your life will feel more in tune with you, less threatened and there will be fewer issues to sort out.


  • 不会是一部女性主义电影,事实上电影专注男人之间友谊男女之间的关系

    I wouldn't call this a feminist movie by any stretch-it's much more preoccupied with male friendship than with relationships between men and women.


  • 自然灾害恐怖袭击金融危机负面事件通常会男人愤怒不是更恐惧女人倾向感觉到恐惧而非愤怒。

    Negative events like natural disasters, terrorist attacks or a financial crisis usually make men more angry than fearful. Women, on the other hand, tend to feel more fearful than angry.


  • 但是差不多四分之三女人她们看重男人头脑而非外表因为帅哥没用聪明的能力供养她们

    But almost three quarters of women said they would go for brains over good looks because handsome men are too vain and those with brains will be able to provide for them.


  • 男人可能有种不自在的感觉女人能读懂人的思想人内心想法,布里曾丹女性的自觉更多她的生理本能,高深莫测。

    Men can have the uncomfortable feeling that women are mind readers or psychics, Brizendine said. But women's intuition is likely more biological than mystical.


  • 男人女人应当伙伴而非主人仆人

    Men and women ought to be more like partners, less like master and servant.


  • 那些从中年时期就开始长着难以对付的大肚子男人的日子将会因此不好过

    Older guys with the intractable paunches that sometimes come with middle age have a very hard time with these fashions.


  • 年轻中产阶层男人女人越来越渴望挑战他们家庭期望,他们中许多人自由选择自己配偶服从包办婚姻

    Young middle-class men and women have grown increasingly willing to challenge their families' expectations, with many now bidding to choose their own spouse rather than submit to an arranged marriage.


  • 大龄男人则恰恰相反,他们应该展示经济能力而非身材

    Male online daters, if not young, should show off a sound economic status rather than body.


  • 正如艾丽卡·戈登青年网站精英日报上写那样:“对于我们这一代女性来说,遇见放在首位而非看做一选择男人少见了。”

    As Erica Gordon wrote on youth website Elite Daily: "it's rare for a woman of our generation to meet a man who treats her like a priority instead of an option."


  • 每个成功男人背后一张规整紧凑日程安排女人

    Behind every successful man is a devotedly followed hectic schedule rather than a woman.


  • 因此他们现在不再朋友那些男人女人而非普通朋友。

    Thus, they are no longer friends of the men and women, not ordinary friends.


  • 真正男人看重方向是否正确,而非结果如何。战胜恐惧时,便成为真正男人

    He feels even more like a man when he advances in the direction of his fears, as if sailing on the winds of an inner scream.


  • 真正男人看重方向是否正确,而非结果如何。战胜恐惧时,便成为真正男人

    He feels even more like a man when he advances in the direction of his fears, as if sailing on the winds of an inner scream.


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