• 远处鸟儿也开端高歌加进自然舞场

    And the birds in the distance add their music to nature's chorus.


  • 近视是指可以看清近处物体远处的物体则一片模糊的症状。

    Nearsightedness, or myopia, means nearby objects appear clearly, but those farther away look blurry.


  • 今天发生的一切我们了然心,远处未来还是部分完全隐藏起来的——我们对它有所期望无法得透彻

    This is today: we know what's going on. The things far away are partly or completely hidden: This is the future - we have expectations but we don't really know.


  • 近视是指一个近距离物体比较容易看清远处的物体看不清楚的现象,产生由于光线的聚焦点落视网膜之前。

    When you are short-sighted, your eyes focus well only on close objects, while more distant objects appear blurred. This is because light rays focus in front of the retina.


  • 北京冬季地上还有积雪灰黑色的秃枝丫叉于晴朗天空中远处一二风筝浮动一种惊异悲哀

    Beijing's winter, with snow still on the ground, dark-gray bare tree branches in the clear skies, and the distance is one or two floating kite, I was in a shocked and sad.


  • 穿过一些人家以及门外栅栏最后来到了一个布满了冰舌的斜坡而远处高高的瀑布一级一级的流下并冲刷着它。

    Through the gates and over a fence or two, we came to the spot where a high waterfall cascaded down the glacier-carved slopes.


  • 山下大气懒洋洋并且染上那样一片天蓝色,因连这片景物上艺术家叫作中景一部分都沾润了那种颜色远处天边一片最深的海蓝色

    The atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.


  • 远处黑色,就像许多享受建造的乐趣建造东西一样,给人一奇怪美丽的感觉

    The tower in the distance was black and felt strange and beautiful the way that many things built for the joy of building do.


  • 同样也是社会认同效用这里起了负面效用是因为故事本身在远处需要额外的努力

    This, again, is the effect of social proof, exacerbated because the stories are at a distance and it is extra effort to read them.


  • 尽力徒然倾听,渴望听到军号吹奏起床导对那微弱迷人旋律,以及远处战鼓急促敲击的动人节奏。

    I listen vainly, but with thirsty ears, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the long roll.


  • 比赛结束的哨声响起时候,老马球场的中走了过去,许丁茂就在远处静静地看着,看着他每个队员拥抱执法裁判一一握手

    When the final whistle sounded, Maradona marched out to the center circle and, while Huh watched quietly from a distance, hugged every player and shook hands with the referees.


  • 那日众人欢乐因为使他们大大欢乐,连妇女孩童都欢乐,甚至耶路撒冷中的欢声听到远处

    Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.


  • 绝大多数给同城不是远处发电邮。

    People are overwhelmingly e-mailing others in the same city, rather than those far away.


  • 北面加勒比海浪起纷呈,南面传来游船嗡嗡声星光下远处群山摩摩挲

    The waves of the Caribbean break to the north, cruise ships hum in the south and a constellation of lights illuminate the mountains of Puerto Rico in the distance.


  • 最后,保养得好的索菲亚·罗兰(Sophia Loren)出场,她扮演的是母亲楼厅探着身子,向远处的圭多投向严厉慈爱目光

    Finally, an astoundingly well-preserved Sophia Loren, playing Guido's mother, makes her entrance, leaning over the balconyand shooting a stern but loving look toward Guido far below.


  • 所有我们银河系远处观察研究都会银河系的断开变得难以解释”,指出所以怎样来解释它们我们需要谨慎小心。

    "All observations beyond our galaxy are obscured by the disc of the Milky Way," he points out, so we need to be careful how we interpret them.


  • 研究人员一场景描绘了很久很久以前我们不远处星系内部壮观暴烈的缠斗撞击。

    The researchers say the scene depictsthe dramatic - and violent - clashes that were taking place long, long ago, in a galaxy not very far away.


  • 牺牲者反正于遭受煎熬状态;只消知道控制引擎的弹簧就成了,医生对此恰恰了如指掌!

    The victim was for ever on the rack; it needed only to know the spring that controlled the engine- and the physician knew it well!


  • 来自上海其中一个大户人家,住富丽堂皇的大楼大楼的不远处就是每天来往学校都会经过法语协会

    She came from one of Shanghai's wealthiest merchant families andlived in an imposing mansion near the French Club, which I passed daily on myway to and from school.


  • 结果这些背景星系多重影像被扭曲成长——透镜效应的例子,类似于透过酒瓶底的玻璃远处街灯

    As a result, multiple images of these background galaxies are distorted into long faint arcs — a simple lensing effect analogous to viewing distant street lamps through a glass of wine.


  • 莫斯科专属看上去美国郊区购物中心一样气派远处乡村被抛弃了

    Moscow's exclusive outskirts look like American suburban shopping malls writ large, yet villages not far away lie abandoned.


  • 这个恒星系统在400光年远处多彩的环绕物质著名,包括一个红色发射星云众多棕、浅棕色的带。

    The star system, located only 400 light years away, is distinguished by its colorful surroundings, which include a red emission nebula and numerous light and dark brown dust lanes.


  • 晚上看到了两年来的第一只雪离它不远处还有一看上去像是鸮的鸟。

    Saw a white owl two nights agothe first in about two years. Also in the distance another bird probably a little owl.


  • 远处真正布告栏却让人误以为绘制的。

    Nearby, another bulletin board fools the viewer into thinking it is painted.


  • 距离深海钻塔原始位置远处油膜痕迹,显示海面石油可能被控制燃烧

    A small, dark plume along the edge of the slick, not far from the original location of the Deepwater Horizon rig, indicates a possible controlled burn of oil on the ocean surface.


  • 远处地平线线——心中永恒的渴望召唤我们时候,便是我们奔跑时候了。

    And when the horizon in the distance, the heart of the eternal thirst when call upon us, that is the time we run.


  • 为了远处引起我们注意大声疾呼。

    She called aloud to catch our attention from afar.


  • 看到远处高大岩石下的巨大凉爽阴影时,她俩高兴极了。

    How glad they both were when they caught sight of a tall rock in the distance, which cast a gloriously cool shadow.


  • 邓布利讲述坦率冷漠此刻目光掠过哈利的头顶,望向远处

    Dumbledore stated it baldly, coldly. He was looking now over the top of Harry's head, into the distance.


  • 邓布利讲述坦率冷漠此刻目光掠过哈利的头顶,望向远处

    Dumbledore stated it baldly, coldly. He was looking now over the top of Harry's head, into the distance.


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