• 谷歌搜索引擎全球如此流行以至于搜索变成谷歌谷歌也变成了一个动词

    Google's search engine is so widespread across the world that search became Google, and google became a verb.


  • 谷歌的这份协议却没有这样承诺

    The Google agreement contains no such promise.


  • 谷歌移动搜索程序也可在搜索框中输入语音问询

    And Google's mobile search app can type spoken queries into its search box.


  • 中国一个非常不一样市场谷歌没有很好的了解它。

    China is a very different market and Google was not close enough to feel the market.


  • 为什么本土搜索百度占据市场62%份额谷歌仅占20%的市场份额呢?

    Why has a home grown engine, Baidu, captured 62% of the market, compared to Google's 20% share?


  • 目前据说Facebook游戏开发商手中提成30%,谷歌仅仅提成5%。

    Currently, Facebook reportedly takes 30% from game developers, whereas Google takes just 5%.


  • 谷歌整合搜索以及搜索百宝箱推出用户获得最好的搜索体验

    The integration of Google search, and the introduction of Treasure, so that users receive the best search experience.


  • 谷歌业务正携手谷歌钱包一同涉足金融服务谷歌货币有发展前景。

    The business is already dabbling in financial services with Google Wallet, but a Google currency could really take off.


  • Verizon拥有全国最大无线网络谷歌最大的网络搜索引擎

    Verizon has the nation's biggest wireless network while Google is the biggest Internet search engine.


  • 谷歌错误深表歉意,表示街景计划负责人软件允许巡游收集电邮信息并不知情。

    As for Google, it has apologised for its "mistake" and says that leaders of its Street View project knew nothing about the software that allowed its roving vehicles to capture snippets of e-mails.


  • 百度中国网络搜索占有超过60%市场份额谷歌中国只持有其二分之多些的市场。

    Baidu holds over 60% of the market share in Internet search in China, while Google. cn holds a little over half of that.


  • 中国代表了很有意义的问题为什么本土搜索百度占据市场62%份额谷歌仅占20%的市场份额呢?

    China presented another interesting question. Why has a home grown engine, Baidu, captured 62% of the market, compared to Google's 20% share?


  • Youtube广告很少赚钱不多2006年被谷歌收购谷歌尚未宣布Youtube盈利

    YouTube runs few ads, for not much money. Google, which bought the outfit in 2006, has yet to announce that YouTube has turned a profit.


  • 微软Office 365的起始每月用户6美元,谷歌应用程序的定价方案只有一种,每月每用户5美元。

    Microsoft's Office 365 starts at $6 per user per month, while Google Apps costs a flat $5 per user per month.


  • 谷歌方式不断分析物品、分析机器物品之间的关系使具有强的随机应变能力,就人类一样。

    Google's approach continuously analyzes the object and the robot hand's relation to it, making it more adaptable, like a human.


  • 预计假定是,中国互联网广告市场规模届时增长至150亿-200亿美元,谷歌继续持有将近三分之一市场份额

    The estimate is based on the assumption that Google would otherwise continue hold roughly a one-third share of a market that could grow to $15 billion to $20 billion by then.


  • 因为苹果凭借硬件挣钱而谷歌一家服务广告公司希望产品能够苹果产品这样的受欢迎平台广泛使用

    Because, while Apple makes its money from hardware, Google is a services and advertising company, and wants its products to be heavily used on a popular platform like Apple's.


  • Facebook完成其创始人使命——成为网络世界的“社交工具”——还有很长的路谷歌已经建立了一个竞争性业务

    Facebook has far to go before it fulfils its founder's mission to become the "social utility" of the online world and Google has launched a rival service.


  • Windows手机综合测评不错第二季度只有售出智能手机只有1.6%安装其操作系统而谷歌的安卓操作系统却走了43%的市场份额。

    The phone version of Windows has had good reviews but was installed in only 1.6% of smartphones sold in the second quarter; Google's mobile operating system, Android, scooped 43%.


  • 一些蚂蚁养殖一种叫做蚜虫的小,以获取它们进食产生露一样,谷歌为了获取我们数字生活中产生数据养殖我们

    Just as some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew they produce when they feed, so Google farms us for the data that our digital lives yield.


  • AppleHomePodSiri谷歌 Home 有助手即将推出的Galaxy Home设备配备Bixby

    Apple Home Pod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby.


  • 他们的客户是从他们那里购买广告人,脸书谷歌两大虚拟巨头控制着数字广告,这对于其他媒体和娱乐公司很不利

    That would be the people who buy advertising from themand Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants, dominate digital advertising to the disadvantage of all other media and entertainment companies.


  • 谷歌苹果公司已经调整这些设置变得非常困难,所以我们决定采取措施确保我们设置这些触发器符合我们自己的需求不是应用程序制造商需求。

    Google and Apple have made it far too difficult to adjust these settings so it's up to us to take steps to ensure we set these triggers to suit our own needs, not the needs of the app makers.


  • 谷歌苹果公司已经调整这些设置变得非常困难,所以我们应该采取措施确保我们设置这些触发器是为了满足我们自己的需求不是应用程序制造商需求。

    Google and Apple have made it far too difficult to adjust these settings so it's up to us to take steps to ensure we set these triggers to suit our own needs, not the needs of the app makers'.


  • 除了已经作为电子邮件服务组成部分推出存储服务,谷歌发言人没有就网络存储计划发表任何评论

    A Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.


  • 除了已经作为电子邮件服务组成部分推出存储服务,谷歌发言人没有就网络存储计划发表任何评论

    Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.


  • 谷歌选择鲸吞摩托罗拉不是购买专利库,引起了一些非议

    Google's choice to purchase Motorola outright rather than simply license its patent portfolio has raised some eyebrows.


  • 谷歌选择鲸吞摩托罗拉不是购买专利库,引起了一些非议

    Google's choice to purchase Motorola outright rather than simply license its patent portfolio has raised some eyebrows.


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