• 全世界认为电影中饰演的角色认识你当初可以说是以《非常嫌疑犯突然蹿红因此城得了奥斯卡最佳配角奖。

    The world does know you for your movie roles, and you just sort of burst onto the scene, really, with Usual Suspects, and you got a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for it.


  • 他们也会因为能力成就不是体重认识

    They'll come to know you for your skills and achievements, not your weight!


  • 怎么会一个几乎不认识人哭泣为什么要s还是故事哭?

    How do you cry for someone you hardly know? And for what was I crying? S or her story?


  • 相反认识一个女人宁可观察行动不是去听她说的关于自己的话

    Instead, recognize that a woman would rather observe your actions for herself, rather than hear you talk about yourself.


  • 意思看到认识某人正在危害到他们自己或者他人的事情自知的时候,得说出来。

    I'm saying to speak up when you see someone in your life doing something which they don't realize is harming them or those around them.


  • “,,不会坐下来谈谈目标,不是认识一周光激动了,现在在经历什么

    " Let me take do you sit down and talk about the goals of other than the first week of excitement, what happens to yourself now?


  • 认识作为北京人意味着什么开始自己北京的生活视为其悠久绚烂历史一部分。

    You realize what it means to be a Beijinger, and you begin to see your life in your city as part of a long and wonderful history.


  • 它们都会分散精力并且对于认识毫无益处下来写写字可以做到一点。

    You receive and create barrages of useless distractions that don’t help you or the people you know; sitting down to write lets you get away from it all.


  • 情况一直所以现在人们开始认识可以患有这些疾病实际上,还可以变得更好

    There's been a sort of shift, so now, people are beginning to recognize that you can have these disorders and you can actually get better.


  • 当然是希望孩子认识慈善意义不是别人分享自己零花钱感到耿耿于怀。

    Ideally, you want your kids to appreciate the importance of charity, rather than feel resentful over having to part with the proceeds of their piggy Banks.


  • 内心达到不同境界自己所犯的错误也会有一个全新深刻认识

    Consequently, your mind works on a different level and you get a new perspective and deeper understanding about your error.


  • 的国里,认识自己趟旅程累,本来不必这么累的,就是因为舍弃一样东西时都很勉强这些东西新的生命中毫无用处。

    Inside the kingdom, you realize you’ve made your journey more difficult than it had to be simply because everything you’d been so reluctant to leave behind is useless in your new life.


  • 所以侄女无缘无故因愤怒暴走时应该认识也许正是因为的刺激才导致了她的失态。

    So you may think your niece flies off the handle without any reason, but she's furious because she thinks you're needling her about her appearance.


  • 这些小小的冒险会扩展的安逸领地范围,认识新的朋友,有趣的随着生活越来越活跃更多谈资

    By taking on these little risks, your comfort-zone will be stretched, you'll meet new and interesting people, and you'll have more to talk about as your life gets more active.


  • 我们应当步那些控告苏格拉底后尘最好仔细想想他“认识自己”的忠告,自己诚实我们自己,不是旁边什么人,知道什么正确的。

    Rather than follow the example of his accusers, we should perhaps honour Socrates's exhortation to "know ourselves", to be individually honest, to do what we, not the next man, knows to be right.


  • 如果看到认识不要因为不想说话因为害怕谈话自然假装看到他们避开他们。

    If you see someone you know, don't avoid them because you don't feel like talking, or pretend not to notice them because you're worried the conversation will be stilted.


  • 安静中,聆听自己思想深入认识自己,从专注于规划有序丰硕下一步人生

    With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, and you can focus on mapping out the next logical, productive step in your life.


  • 虽然认识了解他们他们在为这个社会工作着

    Although you do not know do not know them, but they are also for the society and the job.


  • 同时可以心底认识不管从事什么样职业很多机会学习宝贵的工作技能正是这些技能职业生涯带入到一个全新的水平高度。

    In the meantime, you can take heart in knowing that whatever job you do, you will have many opportunities to cultivate valuable skills that can take you to the next level in your career.


  • 要真正认识工作作的

    Understand who you really work for.


  • 激光手术一种美容程序是不可逆的,所以,必须认识局限性

    And laser surgery is a cosmetic procedure and irreversible, so you have to go into it knowing the limitations.


  • 不要poke认识没有过话过的,仅仅是由于他们有吸引力

    Never poke someone you dont know and haven't spoken to, simply because you find them attractive.


  • 认识人谁长途旅行选择火车不是飞机?

    Anyone you know prefer trains over planes for long trips?


  • 或许通过更为出名名字艾尔斯岩认识它的。

    You may recognize it by its more popular name of 'Ayers Rock'.


  • 时间缓和所有悲伤悲伤安抚以后因为认识感到满足

    Time will ease all the sadness and when your sorrow is calm after, you'll know because I feel satisfied.


  • 如果决定进入商的行列中,那么最少自己一个大致认识不是一无所知

    If you decide to enter the wechat business, then you at least have a general understanding on their own, rather than nothing.


  • 这样振动随着时间流逝遍布周围扭曲灵魂容许清晰地认识真相

    Such vibrations will clear away the distortions that have prevailed around your field and soul over time allowing for a clearer recognition of your truth.


  • 未来可能任何过去认识不期遇。

    You could run into anyone from your past in your future.


  • 未来可能任何过去认识不期遇。

    You could run into anyone from your past in your future.


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