• 客(宾)特性通过虚拟的本体改变吗?

    Is the identity of subjects and objects transformed by that which is virtual?


  • 自然选择保存重要功能基因序列但是其他基因因为漂变而被改变

    Natural selection will preserve sequences with vital functions, but the rest of the genome will change because of drift.


  • 唯有我们自己原原本本的献上,我们的生命才能透过服侍恩典荣耀上帝改变

    Only when we give ourselves as we are can our lives be transformed through grace to serve and glorify God.


  • 基因功能可能通过DNA序列变化通过缺乏序列变化的一个基因在表观编程中的一个变化而被改变

    Gene function may be altered by either a change in the sequence of the DNA or a change in epigenetic programming of a gene in the absence of a sequence change.


  • 这项研究中,我们没有告诉学生他们聪明才智可以改变的,告诉他们,他们的社会地位是可以改变的,也就是,无论他们是否受到欺凌排挤,都会随着时间的推移改变

    In this study, instead of teaching students that their smartness can change, we taught them that their social standingthat is, whether they are bullied or excluded or left out—can change over time.


  • 现在他们可以改变他们信念不用承担社会抛弃的风险

    Now, they can change their beliefs without the risk of being abandoned socially.


  • 许多宣传解放现代女性家用电器往往起到了相反作用因为它们只是改变工作性质不是消除了

    Many of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modern woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simply change the nature of work instead of eliminating it.


  • 一个演员可以冒充一下,不能命令随意改变我们情绪

    Just like an actor, you can fake it, but we're not wired for our emotions to change on command.


  • 创造出形式能够暗示时间段季节变换自然界基本元素空气)改变获得意义

    The forms I have created have altered and acquiered meaning through elementary nature (light and air) that give indications of the passage of time and changing of the seasons.


  • 尽管期望改变他们行为经常处罚孩子们,但大多数孩子并不什么进步

    Although many of these children will not develop problems, the ones who do are often punished in the expectation that it will change their behavior.


  • 日本研究员理论,受到快餐食品便宜食品出现影响改变行为方式广泛地指责流行性肥胖的罪魁祸首。

    Changing patterns of behavior, driven by the advent of fast food and cheap food, are widely to blame for the obesity pandemic, according to Japanese researchers.


  • Coude游戏规则中途改变正是工人为此付出代价

    Couder says the rules of the game changed midcourse, and it's the workers who are paying the price.


  • 一趋势改变公司态度使仿制药只是看作需要容忍冒风险的有害之物,更应该看作是能触发完全不同商业模式的灵感。

    This trend too should change attitudes at big firms, so that generics are not seen merely as pests to be tolerated or paid off, but rather as inspiration for a radically different business model.


  • 当时精钻一个没有征服机器人领域——即适应性能力。即机器人可以根据周围环境改变调整计划能力那样。

    But he wanted to try to master an area of robotics that remains unconquered - adaptability, the ability of the robot to rethink its plans as the environment around it changes, as would a human.


  • 批准过程可以在任一步修改改变这一过程业务语义。

    The approval process might be altered at any step without changing the business semantics of the process.


  • 这本真的改变我的生活,可以向前看不是永远过去所羁绊。

    My writing the book really changed my life, and it allowed me to move forward and not be burdened by the past.


  • 他们摒弃梦想家,真正梦想家是那些认为事物可以无限地继续所是方式,仅仅做出一些表面之改变的人。

    They are dismissed as dreamers, but the true dreamers are those who think things can go on indefinitely the way they are, just with some cosmetic changes.


  • 作弊哈佛,他自己的哥哥们一样热衷玩弄女人和后者不同的是,他得太久,游戏规则逐渐发生了改变

    He was thrown out of Harvard for cheating in an exam. He chased women as keenly as his brothers did but, unlike them, he lived to see the rules change.


  • 由于存在改变科学结论压力,有时情况科学家们激烈反对项目辞职赶走。

    Situations in which scientists have actively objected to, resigned from, or removed themselves from a project because of pressure to change scientific findings.


  • 利润总额增长受益于华尔街公司业绩变得光彩夺目,由于存货利润折旧会计处理的一次性改变而被扭曲

    Aggregate profits growth has been flattered by the performance of Wall Street firms and distorted by one-off changes in the accounting treatment of inventory profits and depreciation.


  • 这种环境期望的,成功的构架师非常满意这种环境改变

    Such an environment is to be expected, and successful architects acknowledge the situation, rather than try to change it.


  • 协作工具没有的要有效利用但是这种情况可能因为智能手机作为通讯设备同时用作办公用具改变

    Collaboration tool are not being heavily used but this could change if smart phones were treated as tools as much as communication devices.


  • 受害者经常因此而被强迫改变他们日常习惯或者搬家

    Victims are often forced to change their routines or move house.


  • 这种基因重要不能被改变

    This must be so important that it can't change.


  • 单个粒子动量,会发生改变但是动量不变,动能损耗。

    The momentum of the individual particles gets changed, but the net momentum did not change but the kinetic energy was destroyed.


  • 我们读过一些鼓舞人心的文章那些文字描绘的美好图景所感动改变我们自己。

    We all read an inspiring article, get caught up in its vision, and make a change.


  • 如果不再通过人口数据统计研究定位读者群,电子书的读者们最后一种新的购买方式影响产生了改变

    Instead of targeting buyers using general demographics studies, e-readers gently steer consumers to new purchases inspired by their last choices.


  • 目前大多数可能采纳水烟立法议案倾向于通过改变室内禁烟法对水烟网开一面的条例,结束水烟因此四处泛滥的局面。

    Most of the anti-hookah laws now under consideration are intended to end exemptions in state indoor-smoking bans that allowed hookah bars to thrive.


  • 目前大多数可能采纳水烟立法议案倾向于通过改变室内禁烟法对水烟网开一面的条例,结束水烟因此四处泛滥的局面。

    Most of the anti-hookah laws now under consideration are intended to end exemptions in state indoor-smoking bans that allowed hookah bars to thrive.


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