• 结果证明那个时机成立个人电脑公司最好不过

    But it turned out, the 15 timing for PC's Limited couldn't have been better.


  • 官方经济学家们去年初曾经类似预测结果证明并非如此。

    But official economists made a similar forecast at the start of last year and were proved wrong.


  • 如果不得不拿出点什么东西证明自己,最终结果恰好不是那么好的怎样

    If you actually have to put something out there to prove your value then what happens if it's not good enough?


  • 它的实际意义来说,这一结果科学证明了,在生命现象中,存在着男女不平等的现象。

    In practical terms, the results are scientific proof that life is unfair.


  • 结果我们集中能够证明自己的目标不是能够提高获得新的技巧

    As a result, we focus on goals that are all about proving ourselves rather than developing and acquiring new skills.


  • 健全的业务案例根据常识财务影响以及一个交付结果证明流程断言的。

    A sound business case is predicated on common sense, financial impact, and a proven process that delivers results.


  • 结果证明绝非仅仅是个巧合——研究显示自我推荐雇佣员工通常表现更好,公司工作时间会更长久

    As it turns out, this is not just a coincidence-research shows that people hired as a result of referrals from current employees work out better, stay with the company longer, and are happier.


  • 研究人员尽管研究针对老鼠、不是针对人类进行的,但是研究结果鼓舞人心的,且该研究也进一步证明饮食健康重要的作用

    Although the study was done on mice and not people, the results are encouraging and further proof that diet plays a vital role in health, the researchers say.


  • 丈夫为了妻子证明女人男人,给一份调查结果:男人平均每天使用15000女人则每天使用30000字。

    A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showd her a study which indicated that men use on average only 15000 words a day, whereas women use 30000 words a day.


  • Lucas补充研究结果并不足以证明,过度电视缺乏锻炼直接导致抑郁牵扯其它可变因素

    However Lucas added that the results don't prove directly that watching too much television and avoiding exercise leads to depression and there could be other variables involved.


  • 研究基于美国11年间每个节日所有小孩出生出生证明信息得出的结果——总计出生小孩超过180万个。

    The study was based on birth certificate information for all deliveries in the US either side of each holiday across 11 years - in total more than 1.8 million births.


  • 目前调查结果增加文献论证证明大脑训练起作用这种训练迁移效果随着时间的流逝保持下来。”主要研究人员Susanne Jaeggi告诉每日邮报

    "The current findings add to the literature demonstrating that brain training works, and that transfer effects may even persist over time," lead researcher Susanne Jaeggi tells the Mail.


  • 实验结果证明只要设计合理工艺上严格控制,就可有效地缩短高频晶闸管开通时间

    It is proved by experiment results that rational design and strict technics control play important roles for shortening the turn-on time of high frequency thyristor effectively.


  • 试验证明方法都可用于特征信息提取并且取得一致结果相关分析法与上述两种方法具有较好的互补性。

    The test proved that these two methods can be adopted on the information abstract and can get the accordant results, while correlation analysis can fetch up the two methods' insufficiency.


  • 如果预测引起人们探取某种方法防止预测的事情发生而结果他们成功了,这证明那个预测

    Forecasting may prove mistaken if it induces men to proceed successfully in a way that is designed to avoid the happening of the forecast events.


  • 实验仿真设计典型递归MTI滤波器结果证明方法有效的设计方法,可以灵活快速地设计所需要滤波器

    Two kinds of classical recursive MTI filters are designed in this paper. The results demonstrate the validity of this design method that can design flexibly and quickly a required filter.


  • 事实证明单纯技能提高并未给我们带来令人欣慰结果,从形式主义衰落了。

    But facts show that simply raises the technique does not bring the expected outcomes, then the superficial formalism eclipse.


  • 证明水平正合性构造欧拉算子公式全同算子本文重要结果

    The higher Euler operators, the total inner product and the total homotopy operator constructed for proving the exactness of the horizontal complex are the most important results of this thesis.


  • 试验结果证明,该算法能够将计算复杂度降低快速搜索运动估计算法3%,PSNR几乎快速全搜索算法得到的结果相当。

    Experimental results show that our algorithm can reduce the computational-complexity to 3% of fast full search motion estimation algorithm, with negligible PSNR loss and bit rate increase.


  • 结果我们总是把目标证明自己不是开发获得新的技能

    As a result, we focus on goals that are all about proving ourselves, rather than developing and acquiring new skills.


  • 实验结果证明IGBT下降时间随着外延厚度增加增加

    The experimental results prove that the fall time of IGBT increases when increasing the thickness of the epitaxial layer.


  • 实验结果证明方法能不依赖科技文献网页来源自动抽取相关信息,能保证较高的数据抽取回召率和准率。

    Experimental result shows this method automatically extracts the information ignoring where Web sites the pages come from and has high accuracy in terms …


  • 研究结果初步证明句子完成启动信息整合的充分必要条件,单纯的时间缓冲不能起到这种即时启动作用。

    It can be concluded according to this research that the factor of sentence completion can prime the on-line background information integration during reading course and the buffer time can not do so.


  • 摘要实验证明甲醛测定铵盐含量,只要准确测定出较正因子结果加以校正,能够直接使用未经蒸馏去除甲醇的甲醛溶液测定结果不存在显著差异,方法简单快速

    A rapid , simple method has been developed for determination of ammonium perchlorite by using formaldehyde . this experiment proved that this method saved measuring time , raised speed and efficiency.


  • 摘要实验证明甲醛测定铵盐含量,只要准确测定出较正因子结果加以校正,能够直接使用未经蒸馏去除甲醇的甲醛溶液测定结果不存在显著差异,方法简单快速

    A rapid , simple method has been developed for determination of ammonium perchlorite by using formaldehyde . this experiment proved that this method saved measuring time , raised speed and efficiency.


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