• 最重要把目标放在真正重要事情上,不是那些认为自己应该或者其他人希望你做的事情上。

    Above all, aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect of you.


  • 最后还有观看节目观众,即那些所有真正接触营销节目考虑是否需要想要产品的人。

    Finally, there is the program audienceall people who are actually exposed to the marketing program without regard to whether they need or want the product.


  • 一类参数那些不是选项参数,也就是说它们并不真正更改程序行为象是数据名称

    The other kind of arguments are those that are not options, in other words, they do not really modify the behavior of the program, but are more like data names.


  • 第二问题就是任何重要样式表执行中都会产生许多注释这样可能由于注释太多难以找到那些真正兴趣的注释。

    A second worry is the generation of a lot of comments in any nontrivial stylesheet executionperhaps so many that it would be hard to find the ones you're really interested in.


  • 下面几个问题可以帮助找出并关注那些真正重要的事,剔除无关紧要的生活琐事。

    Here are a few question to help you focus on what truly mattersand cut from your life items that don’t.


  • 警察觉得找出诸如穿着异性服装这样的目标比较容易,那些真正坏人逍遥法外

    The police feel it is easier to pick up soft targets,such as the alleged cross-dressers, and leave the real villains alone.


  • 本书真正力量源自他的大量读者重要的那些讨论

    The REAL power of a book comes from lots of people reading it and, MORE importantly, people talking about it.


  • 往往发觉如果允许自己真正经历那些感觉火气不再那么大,宽恕也变得容易了。

    Often you will find that if you allow yourself to really experience these feelings, the anger isn't as strong anymore and forgiving comes easier.


  • 或许只有那些质量一般、胡编乱造所谓“热销作品”才无法长久立足,真正受欢迎的作品一如既往地强势

    It may be that only the middling, manufactured sort of hit will fall by the wayside: the genuinely popular variety will remain just as powerful.


  • 其实真正的“无辜者自己,那些名字只不过是为了报销账单虚构出来陪吃饭的陪客们。

    The innocent is me, and the names weren't changed so much as invented to make it look as if I didn't eat expensive meals alone.


  • 金融机构角度来讲,它们宝贵资产莫过于机构内的人才——那些真正愿意金融机构兢兢业业工作人才。

    On the demand side,the most important asset of the global financial institutions continues to be its people who leave the office at the end of each day,and return to work the next.


  • 他们相信真正能够提高工人生产积极性一个很好的午间小睡不是那些奖金鼓励

    They believe what would really pump up the pulse of worker productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses and incentives


  • 那些小鼠(p53仍然有功能),肿瘤真正缩小了,药物在p 53缺陷小鼠升上减慢肿瘤生长

    In those mice, tumors actually shrank, while the drug only slowed tumor growth in mice with defective p53.


  • 不过现在可以肯定,我们一些用词警察’,也就是编纂韦氏大辞典的那些“言词君子”(wordinistas ——真正的英语单词,仅用于搞笑,此处根据原文意境赋予中文“含义”——编者注),一定会,喂,伙计,这也叫‘词’?!

    Now I'm sure some of the 'word police,' the 'wordinistas' over at Webster's are gonna say, 'hey, that's not a word.'


  • 那些患病者需要真正帮助治疗不是还无依据对于好莱坞电影影响的指责。

    Those who suffer from these diseases need real help and treatment instead of misguided concern over the influence of Hollywood films.


  • 他们摒弃梦想家,真正梦想家是那些认为事物可以无限地继续所是方式,仅仅做出一些表面之改变的人。

    They are dismissed as dreamers, but the true dreamers are those who think things can go on indefinitely the way they are, just with some cosmetic changes.


  • 再者,如果仇恨德国一切仇恨如今支配德国人的那种特定观念非常危险的因为使那些沉溺之中的人看不到真正威胁

    Mere hatred of everything German, instead of the particular ideas which now dominate the Germans is, moreover, very dangerous, because it blinds those who indulge in it against a real threat.


  • 进军白宫失败那些肯尼迪致力于把自己打造成真正立法者”,不是仅仅出现报刊标题上,用来指代国会任一成员词汇

    In the years after his failed White House bid, Mr. Kennedy also established himself as someone who made "lawmaker" mean more than a word used in headlines to describe any member of Congress.


  • 他们真正那些他们应该问的问题收到惩罚时开发者经常学会不问问题。

    Developers all too often learn not to ask questions when they are punished for asking exactly those questions that they should be asking.


  • 代之是,未来的“极客真正成为商业团队不是那些在角落里,如果电脑不出问题绝对不会想到他们

    Instead, tomorrow's computer "geek" will be a true member of the business team as opposed to the mysterious man behind the curtain who you only notice when something goes wrong.


  • 那些东西重要仅仅代表虚假需要不是真正的需要。

    That kind of stuff just doesn't matter and represents artificial needs, not real needs.


  • 只是觉得我们应该关注这些真正存在的问题不是那些的。

    I just think we should talk about the actual issues, not the fake ones.


  • 另外灵感源于古老英雄传说那些传说常常声称英雄并非真正过世了只是沉眠不起,等待着需要时醒来。

    The other inspiration lay in old legends about heroes, which often claimed the hero wasn't really dead, but only sleeping and would awaken to save the day when the need was greatest.


  • 布兰登:“心目中的英雄那些了解哪里需求真正采取行动解决问题人,不是那些空想家。”

    Brandon says, "My heroes are the ones who understand there's a need and really take action to eradicate the problem instead of just sitting back and thinking about it."


  • 然后我们容易看到在线社区由于不够不当治理受损害了;太容易被“废品”所掩埋能够彰现出那些真正存在有价值内容

    However, too often we've seen online communities poisoned by insufficient or improper governance; it's too easy to get buried in "junk" and not be able to highlight the valuable content that exists.


  • 许可营销种特权(不是权利),可以将被期待个人化相关信息传递给那些真正需要这些信息的人。

    Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them.


  • 许可营销种特权(不是权利),可以将被期待个人化相关信息传递给那些真正需要这些信息的人。

    Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them.


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