• 这个回答不能让人满意这个抽象类和接口究竟有什么区别什么接口用这个抽象类不能做?

    That's not a very satisfying answer. How does it differ from an interface? What can you do with an interface that you cannot do with that class?


  • 项目管理人员可以控制这个版式,从而用保存文档激活项目扩展编辑功能

    Project administrators can control the format for saving documents and enable the extended editing function for the project.


  • 这个漏洞出现在浏览器里,允许键盘记录软件,因而用户很容易被骗取身份信息密码

    According to the New York Times, the flaw enabled keystroke logging software to be installed, making it an easy trick to steal identity information and passwords.


  • 据说加拿大海豹就是出于这个目的海豹制革只是附带

    The killing of the Canadian seals is claimed to be for this purpose, and the use of their skins for furs is only a by-product.


  • 是在重启系统wrightxe”之后不久捕捉这个屏幕,在此时的系统中,空闲内存(930MB)占很大百分比而用缓存的内存则很少(28 MB)。

    I rebooted the system "wrightxe" shortly before taking the screen capture, yielding a system with a large percentage of the overall memory free (930 MB) and very little cached (28 MB).


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,这个31岁的艺术家为了完成幅3D“钉子画”,竟可以花掉6个的时间,钉子也是上万之多!

    According to the Daily Mail, the 31-year-old could spend over six months and uses up to ten thousand screws to create just one of his three-dimensional portraits!


  • 只要做到一点,你就可以理解为何这个系统又是怎样从中获益的。

    Once you've achieved this, you can communicate why the system is useful and how users can benefit from it.


  • 希望这个系列文章能启发其他开发人员出于乐趣技术学习挑战的目的而用php实现数学例程

    I hope that this series of articles inspires other developers to implement math routines in PHP for the pleasure, technical, or learning challenges involved.


  • 这个是否达到了实际上并不重要重要内容是否很好地理解了,是否觉得他们这个系统交互非常舒服

    It doesn't really matter how this is achieved. What matters is that the content is well-understood and visitors feel comfortable with the way they interact with the system.


  • 这个可视化组件能够展示来自多个后端系统内容看到的是无缝的单个程序

    The visual components may display content from multiple back-end systems. To the user, it appears as one seamless application.


  • CFS调度模块使进行调度,实时任务调度模块则不会使这个函数。

    The CFS scheduling module uses it for group scheduling, while the scheduling module for a real-time task does not use it.


  • 程序必须重新建立这个被激活数据库连接

    The user applications will have to make new connections to this activated standby database.


  • 这个美好愿景曾经出现彼得杰克逊金刚最初剧本里,来形容当前四面楚歌娱乐工业相信再合适不过。

    That hopeful thought, which found its way into the original script of Peter Jackson's recent re-make of “King Kong”, might be seized upon by today's beleaguered entertainment industry.


  • 取代通常天然气火苗或者电炉丝而用微波来加热陶瓷这个系统近乎完美地均衡加热平底锅并且使我们能难以置信精确度控制加热水平

    Using microwave-heated ceramic chips instead of standard gas flame or electric coil, the system heats pans with near-perfect balance and lets you control the heat level with incredible precision.


  • 修改生成代码依赖某些内容后这个问题会变得尤为明显,因为此时生成的代码将会出错通常都会删掉代码重新运行生成工具。

    This is a particular problem if you change something the generated code relies on, as the generated code will go into error and users will generally delete the code and re-run the generator.


  • 生活方式这个西非国家描述成“处于近乎石油海盗统治之下”,来描述这个统治家族实在再好不过

    Lifestyle: This West African country has been described as a "parody of an oil kleptocracy," and that's certainly true of the jet-setting life of its ruling family..


  • 注意使注释提供了帮助理解这个模式语义重要信息评注传达附带信息。

    Notice that in this example I use annotations to provide information that's important to understanding the semantics of the schema, whereas I use the comment to convey incidental information.


  • 通常也会为什么不能连接实例XXX端口?”的形式这个问题

    The question most frequently comes in the form of "How come I cannot connect to port XXX on my instance?"


  • 本文开始部分示例就是本书上抽取出来这个关于性能优化的示例中,Aspect需要35,000代码它只要1,000行。

    The example cited in the beginning of the article, regarding performance optimizations that required 35,000 lines of code without aspects and 1,000 lines with, was drawn from this paper.


  • 在下面这个例子里,左边距离、顶端距离高度由于差异红色字体高亮显示

    Below, the differing Left, Top, and Height values are shown in red text.


  • 而用LiveMocha这个名字唤起一种咖啡店里那样轻松氛围

    The name “LiveMocha” is meant to evoke the relaxed atmosphere of a coffee shop.


  • 这个例子中,所有处理16毫秒限制发生,所有按时交付户则获得平滑流畅体验

    In this example, all the processing happens within the 16ms time limit, all the frames get delivered on time, and you get a smooth, buttery experience.


  • 一个如果为了追求自己快乐而用折磨同样要求快乐的生物;从此,这个人不会再得到快乐。

    He who, seeking his own happiness, torments with the rod creatures that are desirous of happiness, shall not obtain happiness hereafter.


  • 好了!到了商家开始从根源上解决这个问题停止拥有太多垃圾罚款威胁人们时候了。

    Hooray! It's about time they started dealing with the problem at it's source and stopped threatening people with fines for having 'too much' rubbish.


  • 海啸这个极少几个源于日语而用全球的词汇之一,专指该国非常熟知的自然灾害

    THAT "tsunami" is one of the few Japanese words in global use points to the country's familiarity with natural disaster.


  • 而用特别紧张快递员了,他们春节这个快递高峰期只能处理平时快递量的一小部分。

    Particularly under strain are the country's couriers, which have to cope with the Spring Festival peak season with only a small fraction of their normal manpower.


  • 这个问题下跌债券价格保险会计惯例允许公司不论债券市场价值而用成本持有债券。

    This problem arises from the decline in bond prices and the insurance accounting convention that allows companies to carry bonds at amortized cost, regardless of market value.


  • 这样人类就可以变成一棵树只鸟、一头动物或者甚至一只鲸鱼,从而用段时间体验这个王国实相

    As such the human can become a tree or bird or fish or animal or even a whale and then experience the kingdom's reality for a time.


  • 这样人类就可以变成一棵树只鸟、一头动物或者甚至一只鲸鱼,从而用段时间体验这个王国实相

    As such the human can become a tree or bird or fish or animal or even a whale and then experience the kingdom's reality for a time.


- 来自原声例句

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