• 理论上这种交易是讲不通的。

    In theory the trade made little sense.


  • 理论上讲,互动广告可以吸引观众30的广告不行。

    In the theory, interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not.


  • Vernick理论上讲,它们山羊绵羊或者驴子不是人类。要是那样的话它们就人类疟疾传播影响很小。

    In theory, they could feed on cattle, goats, sheep, or donkeys rather than people, says Vernick, in which case they wouldn't be important for human malaria transmission.


  • 因此理论上这个就能够一些事情其他人被察觉到

    So, theoretically, this person might be able to do something and you wouldn't notice!


  • 归根结底如果必须毕生积蓄押赢得这场理论上存在比赛上,我怎么可能放弃这个星球炙手可热的球员选其他人呢?

    But when it comes down to it, if I had to put my life savings on who would win that theoretical match, how could I go with anyone but the hottest player on the planet?


  • 理论上这样系统节约加热屋子冷却机器的花销,使得计算机房在保持低温下,办公室工作人员享受电脑带来的温暖

    In theory, such a system would save on heating and cooling bills by exposing computers to low-temperature offices while exposing office workers to the warmth of the computers.


  • 如果我们检测解释这些电信号这个论点就证毕了。理论上没有理由认为他们只能操纵思考者身体不能操作其他物体

    If these electrical signals could be detected and interpreted, the argument goes, there is in principle no reason why they could not be used to steer objects other than the thinker's own body.


  • 这样练习学习侧重日常生活中真正的使用外语一般学习课程那样侧重于理论上应用

    Thanks to this practice, any studying you do will be focused on real use of the language relevant to your life, rather than theoretical applications recommended in generic courses.


  • 现在理论家称,至少理论上这些假设维度可能另一种微妙的方式显现出来。

    Now, however, one theorist suggests that, at least in principle, these hypothesized dimensions might reveal themselves in another subtle way.


  • 尽管理论上大家反对撒谎,实际上大多数多或少会这么做。

    All are against it in theory, but in reality, most practice it to some degree.


  • 重要的是这次成功证明没有追随公认广播套路理论上商业规则跟从自己信念完全正确的选择。

    Even more importantly, this success would prove he was right to follow his own beliefs, rather than trying to work within accepted broadcasting formats and supposedly commercial formulae.


  • 理论上谈论死亡一回事面对非常、非常死亡则完全另外一回事。

    It is one thing to talk about death in the abstract. It is entirely another to cope with the death of someone you love very, very much.


  • 理论上谈论死亡一回事,面对非常、非常死亡则完全是另外一回事。

    It is one thing to talk about death in the abstract.It is entirely another to cope with the death of someone you love very, very much.


  • RUP通过软件工程过程权威(SEPA)进行质量保证——尽管理论上SQA,这职责不是个体角色

    RUP addresses quality assurance through the Software Engineering Process Authority (SEPA), although SQA is treated abstractly — as a group responsibility and not an individual role.


  • 理论上讲,如果居民收入更多地投入房地产市场(例如购买公寓不是购买更大的轿车),那么房价增速将暂时超过GDP增速。

    In theory house prices can rise faster than GDP for a while if citizens decide to devote more of their incomes to housing services (for example, they may prefer a bigger flat to a bigger car).


  • 言之,良好映射系统使数据绑定能够真实环境发挥作用,不仅仅停留在理论上

    In short, a good mapping system makes data binding useful in the real world, and not just a theoretical exercise.


  • 理论上生产率增长应该是影响币值波动主要因素官方给出数据则夸大了美国领先地位。

    Official figures of productivity growth, which should in theory be an important factor driving currency movements, exaggerate America's lead.


  • 核电站理论上可以建在几乎任何地方

    That compares to a nuclear plant that could theoretically be built almost anywhere.


  • 如果一个投资者在交食卖出然后在交结束后马上买入理论上获得55的回报。

    One who sold before each eclipse and bought back straight after would have multiplied the principal 55 times.


  • 法老维持整个国家秩序奖励给长久统治理论上是这样)。

    Thus the king did his job of maintaining the country in good order and the gods rewarded him with a long reign (or so the theory goes).


  • 理论上可以选择0到65535之间任何一个数字作为端口,实际上大部分数字因为一些特定的服务比如FTPNETBIOS等等保留了。

    Theoretically you may choose any number between 0 and 65535. Practically, most Numbers are reserved by typical services like FTP, NETBIOS etc.


  • PC制造商理论上宁愿只Intel购买单个集成套装不会从其他供应商们购买配件组装

    PC-makers, goes the theory, would rather buy a single integrated package from Intel than assemble components from several other suppliers.


  • Rip能够(理论上)安装任何类型RubyGems只能安装。gem文件

    Rip can (theoretically) install any package type while RubyGems can install.gem files.


  • 因为BootStrap .groovy一个可执行脚本不是被动配置文件,所以理论上可以groovy中任何事情

    Because BootStrap.groovy is an executable script instead of a passive configuration file, you can do literally anything you can do in groovy.


  • 但是由于通常地址转换条目是160字节4Mb大小dram路由器理论上可以同时执行26214个地址转换

    But since a typical entry in the address translation table only takes about 160 bytes, a router with 4 MB of DRAM could theoretically process 26,214 simultaneous translations!


  • 使得UML2.0中不同厂商的工具之间模型交换成为可能不仅仅只停留在理论上

    Consequently, in UML 2.0, model interchange between compliant tools from multiple vendors becomes more than just a theoretical possibility.


  • Ubiquity可以处理自然语言形式命令(译者注:当然是指英语),因此理论上可以直觉直接输入命令,不用学习那些繁琐的语法

    Ubiquity handles natural language command phrases, so you can theoretically enter a command the way you intuit it, without having to learn the formal syntax.


  • 但是如果几例人类克隆体的结果是不健康或者是畸形那些甘愿冒险孤注一掷夫妇发现他们掉的远远不只是一场理论上辩论了

    But if the first human clones turn out sickly or malformed, desperate couples who take the risk may find that they're lost a whole lot more than just a theoretical debate.


  • 但是如果几例人类克隆体的结果是不健康或者是畸形那些甘愿冒险孤注一掷夫妇发现他们掉的远远不只是一场理论上辩论了

    But if the first human clones turn out sickly or malformed, desperate couples who take the risk may find that they're lost a whole lot more than just a theoretical debate.


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