• 报纸头版封面图片像是万圣节的南瓜灯,日本恶鬼或者是天空贪婪的恶龙;浓浓黑烟像是巫婆眉毛或是魔鬼犄角

    In the picture on the front page of the newspaper, the face is an angry pumpkin, Japanese demon, dragon of avarice hanging in the sky, and the smoke is a witch's eyebrows or devil's horns.


  • 昨夜入眠之时,著名双子(twinPetronas Towers)还辉煌地照耀着夜空等到打开窗帘时候,双子塔已经消失浓浓迷雾之中

    The famous twin Petronas Towers, which gloriously lit up the night sky when I went to bed, are lost in heavy mist when I open the curtains.


  • KingsleyAmis于1954年出版本名为《幸运吉姆》的滑稽小说,将大学讲师生活描述成丑陋、艰辛人厌烦贯穿其中的浓浓幽默感

    A COMIC novel, “Lucky Jim”, published by Kingsley Amis in 1954, portrayed life as a university lecturer as a grubby, tiresome slog, for all that it was shot through with humour.


  • 每个故事里,父爱母爱一样的伟大一个个温暖心灵亲情故事,是每个人对父母关爱深情回忆感受到浓浓亲情。

    Each person's story, a father and a mother's love is great, and a warm heart of love story, is the deep memories of the parents care for everyone, you will feel great affection.


  • 意大利面也是很棒浓浓酱汁面上,视觉味觉一种享受

    Spaghetti is also great. with thick sauce on top of it, it's a feast both to the eyes and to the tongue.


  • 整个屋子质朴优雅古典不失现代,蕴浓浓异国情愫,每一微小的细节都听到浪漫坠地的幸福之音

    The full house is simple and elegant, classical and modern which full of great exoticism. Therefore, a romantic sound can be easily heard in every tiny specific.


  • 欢乐时光因为此刻的相聚弥足珍贵,浓浓爱意味蕾中绽放我们的用心,让最真挚情感这里得到升华!

    Togetherness, makes joyful time fairly precious. Deep passion, blossoms on the taste bud. Let earnest love burst out in Modern Classic.


  • 一对年轻夫妇体现出了彼此的忠贞不渝; 一对上了年纪姐妹则体现出了浓浓亲情……羁绊似乎成为了全片的中心主题

    Love and relationships seem to be a central theme, with a young couple proving their loyalty to one another as well as two elderly sisters who serve to represent family affection.


  • 女人嘴巴似乎好象讲话,不知是因为讲话的声音太低还是因为听觉已因浓浓睡意迟钝了,总之她讲的话一个字也听清楚

    The woman's lips seemed to move, as though she were talking; but because she merely spoke in an undertone, or my senses were dulled by sleep, I did not catch a word she uttered.


  • 等到打开窗帘时候双子塔已经消失浓浓迷雾之中

    The famous twin Petronas Towers, which gloriously lit up the night sky when I went to bed, are lost in heavy mist when I open the curtains.


  • 等到打开窗帘时候双子塔已经消失浓浓迷雾之中

    The famous twin Petronas Towers, which gloriously lit up the night sky when I went to bed, are lost in heavy mist when I open the curtains.


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