• 法国银行股票担心违约而暴跌一个之后保证国家银行健康

    A day after French bank shares slumped on fears of a default, he also made assurances about the health of the nation's Banks.


  • 可是如果我们的资本净值随着股价波动暴跌,设身处言,这样好机会一多半也是心理障碍。

    But if our net worth has tumbled along with the share price, it may be psychologically difficult to add to the position.


  • 由于世界其他各国外贸进口额金融危机全球衰退影响暴跌美国11月贸易逆差急剧下降。

    The United States trade deficit dropped sharply in November as imports from the rest of the world plummeted in response to the financial crisis and global recession.


  • 危机期间收益掉期对对冲基金获得抵押品银行造成了严重冲击,它们最后落得资产价值随着总体市场暴跌的下场。

    During the crisis, the swaps burned Banks that seized collateral from hedge funds, only to find that the assets' values had plunged along with the overall markets.


  • 评委喜欢这种新式平均主义:避免任何人因为某个到底暴跌遭遇受伤,这个介词赋予这种遭遇较少层次感

    The judges liked the new egalitarianism of this: lest anyone be offended at the idea that a cascade falls from top to bottom, this new preposition makes the idea less hierarchical.


  • 想到800暴跌引起美联储注意统一的降息行动将有助于”缓解信贷危机

    "You would think the fall of 800 points would catch the Fed's eye. And a coordinated rate cut would help" ease the credit crisis.


  • 美国暴跌了30%。

    In America they plummeted by 30%.


  • 安然破产了市场这笔堪称榜样的能源交易失去了信心Dynegy股票暴跌

    Then Enron imploded, the markets lost faith in the energy-trader model and Dynegy's shares plunged.


  • 上世纪八十年代九十年代期间,印太地区皮龟数量暴跌90%以上,此后,棱皮龟生存的关注便因此明显增加。

    Concern for the leatherback grew after populations in the Indo-Pacific crashed by more than 90 percent in the 1980s and 1990s.


  • 巴克莱资本凯文·诺里什指出,2008价格暴跌—价格下跌萧条期间相似(但是这次仅用了5个多的时间不是5年)—是一种反应过度

    According to Kevin Norrish of Barclays Capital, the rapid price crash of 2008, when prices fell as far as during the Depression (but over five months rather than five years), was an overreaction.


  • 其它东亚经济体相比日本由于出口暴跌急需需求

    As with other East Asian economies, Japan has seen demand for its exports slump.


  • 欧元区最大经济体德国下滑的尤为严重:GDP三月之前三个月里下降了3.8%,年前的衰退现在,GDP暴跌7%。

    Germany, the largest economy in the group, fell even harder: its GDP shrank by 3.8% in the three months to March and has plunged by almost 7% since its recession began a year ago.


  • 这个IT巨头公司股价赫德管理的五年之间翻了一番赫德辞职消息使得股价暴跌10%。

    The giant IT company's shares have doubled in value during Hurd's five-year stewardship; news of his resignation sent them tumbling almost 10%.


  • 由于投资人担心希腊可能无力偿还为了挽救经济困境下的贷款星期一全世界许多股票市场暴跌

    Stock prices plunged on many global markets Monday as investors worried that Greece might not be able to repay the loans used to rescue its troubled economy.


  • 但从那时开始日本股市暴跌已经侵蚀银行资本金了,急升的日元在吞噬企业利润

    Since then, huge losses on the Japanese stock market have eaten into Banks' capital and the surging yen is battering corporate profits.


  • 一旦某种药物失去专利保护仿制药生产商会一拥争夺市场份额,导致价格暴跌

    After a drug loses its patent protection, its price plunges as generic drugmakers fight for market share.


  • 道琼斯工业指数上扬50科技股却止于暴跌

    The Dow finishes up 50 points, but techs end sharply lower.


  • 即便经过暴跌总体市盈率也只不过接近发达国家不是其历史水平上进一步低估

    Even after their tumble, the aggregate price-earnings ratio is in line with developed markets, rather than at the discount that has been the historical norm.


  • 1994- 95年2000年,发生了2新兴市场股票暴跌迅速蔓延的事件。

    The last two times this happened (1994-95 and 2000) were quickly followed by sharp falls in emerging-market shares.


  • 一旦市场跌落那将一场急速暴跌,这时若想付出巨大亏损退出的话,已经太迟了

    When such markets drop, it is alarmingly rapid and generally too late to exit without big losses.


  • 2007年2009年,法国报业收入下降了4%,德国英国分别下降10%和21%,美国暴跌30%。

    Between 2007 and 2009 newspaper revenues in France fell by 4%, in Germany by 10% and in Britain by 21%. In America they plummeted by 30%.


  • 杰克一跃下,镜头也随之暴跌冲向只巨大野兽然后

    JAKE DIVES and WE RUSH DOWN toward the great beast and our own shadow then.


  • 怎么看了,如果每月失业人数减至30万以下我们这是进步个月则会形容灾难性暴跌

    It is a matter of perception. If the monthly declines now fall to less than 300, 000, we would call that progress... Two months ago we would have described a drop of that magnitude as a catastrophe.


  • 抱怨美国国际集团股价暴跌损失数十亿美元后,格林伯格并不隐瞒购买这个曾经掌管帝国尽量可能多的股份。

    After complaining of having lost billions of dollars through the collapse in AIG shares, he has made no secret of his desire to buy as large a chunk as possible of his former empire.


  • 抱怨美国国际集团股价暴跌损失数十亿美元后,格林伯格并不隐瞒购买这个曾经掌管帝国尽量可能多的股份。

    After complaining of having lost billions of dollars through the collapse in AIG shares, he has made no secret of his desire to buy as large a chunk as possible of his former empire.


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