• 缉捕行动案件侦破中的重要环节,指挥则是缉捕行动成败与否关键。

    The plain topography is of great impact on the command, organization and performance of seizing action.


  • 指挥动作指挥研究主要范畴而指挥动作表现又主要集中手势动作上。

    The conducting motion is the main category of conducting method research and the conducting motion is mainly concentrated in the hand signal.


  • 一幅叫做《死亡胜利》,看到真正战争场面,人们互相残杀,指挥们却在隔岸观火

    The first is the Triumph of Death, where you see what happens in real battle when people are just sort of slaughtered, and the commanders are off at a safe distance.


  • 美国是以卡扎菲为目标不是索赔-使眼色轻推--指挥控制目标

    The US is targeting Gadaffi but claimswink, nudgethat it is only after command and control targets.


  • 伊朗罪恶介入”,武装指挥什叶民兵,同样是个动荡因素

    But Iran's "malign involvement" in arming and directing Shia militias was also a problem.


  • 不过航空母舰培养指挥人员制定一份培训计划显示出中方雄心勃勃细致入微的长期战略

    A review of the training programs developed to cultivate the commanders for its aircraft carriers suggest an ambitious, meticulous and long-term strategy, however.


  • 一进程可能越来越慢因为反抗军指挥他们缺少武器燃料,战士们也缺乏训练北约给予帮助太少

    That push may be slowing. Rebel commanders have said that they are fighting without weapons and adequate fuel, with untrained troops and little help from NATO.


  • 引导建议不是指挥和命令孩子如何花钱

    Guide and advise rather than direct and dictate how the child's money should be used.


  • 伊拉克阿富汗战争直升机飞行员的需要很迫切,飞行员的不足使得海外指挥变得沮丧,他们拥有足够飞机完成任务很缺乏相应的机组人员驾驶它们。

    With high demand for helicopters in Iraq and Afghanistan, this shortage is frustrating commanders abroad who have enough airframes to accomplish their missions, but lack the crews to fly them.


  • 华龙网讯昨日,热浪袭,空气湿度不大,行走在大街上市民体验了一次“桑拿天”。120指挥中心统计,早晨8时至下午4,主城区共有29中暑另外还有7人因高温引发疾病昏倒。

    A total of 29 people suffered sunstroke and 7 other people fainted for heat related illness from 8:00 to 16:00 yesterday, according to Chongqing 120 Command center.


  • 指挥回报就是能够获得领导机会不是大的帐篷

    The reward of command is the opportunity to lead, not to have a bigger tent.


  • 特·金利奇愤怒地说我们成了一个主要旁观者不是指挥!”

    "We have a Spectator in Chief instead of a Commander in Chief," fumed Newt Gingrich.


  • 本杂志公开了联军最高指挥斯坦利迈克切尔斯特将军采访中对战争美国文官领导不满之后遭到解职

    General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America's civilian leadership.


  • 但是就如提到的,指导员是培养引导游戏技巧的,不是指挥命令游戏行为或者裁判的。

    But, as I mentioned, the coaches work to elicit play skills, not to dictate playground behavior or act as referees.


  • 遵从他人指挥慢慢显示价值,这不仅需要能力需要你能坚信所做的都长远价值的事,不是过多注重短期效应

    Deferring to others and revealing your worth slowly takes not just strength but belief that what you have to offer is useful in the long run. More on that soon.


  • 缅甸一位军事事务研究人员温敏,“高级指挥官们可能得到擢升,一些下级军官们着被提拔到他们原来的职位

    “It is quite likely they [the senior commanders] will be promoted, as junior officials are waiting to take over their position,” said Win Min, a Burmese researcher on Burma military affairs.


  • 我们神经系统有可能如此进化越来越复杂,实时消化排泄勿需大脑通过脊髓中间人遥控指挥

    We likely evolved this intricate web of nerves to perform digestion and excretion "on site, " rather than remotely from our brains through the middleman of the spinal cord.


  • 经理们面临挑战培养下属们实现共同目标强烈共同责任感不是盲目服从指挥

    The challenge for managers is to nurture a strong sense of common commitment to Shared goals rather than one of blind allegiance to the managers' dictates.


  • 奥菲斯乐团已经消除阻隔听众音乐之间障碍,一障碍就是指挥

    Orpheus has removed a barrier between the audience and the music, the conductor himself.


  • 出色指挥完成在当地的任务之后,最佳战略立刻被放弃。

    But too often the best initiatives are dropped when the best commanders end their Tours.


  • 剩下归功于个人,即指挥吉姆·罗威尔飞行指引金尔·克朗兹,他们做到了“泰山崩于前不惊”。

    But the rest was due to the surreal cool of two men: commander Jim Lovell and flight director Gene Kranz.


  • 演习指挥有关负责人介绍,这次演习围绕国庆60周年活动安保反恐任务进行,计划于6月中旬结束

    The exercise will focus on the safety of celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and will end in the middle of the month, a spokesman for directing headquarters said.


  • 因进攻利比亚的幕后指挥策略收到抨击,您解释一下吧。

    Now you took some heat for the whole leading-from-behind tactic here with Libya. Explain that.


  • 索顿扮演另一名指挥拉塞尔朱莉扮演年轻貌美的妻子玛丽

    Thornton is rival controller Russell, and Ange is Mary, his unfeasibly young and attractive wife.


  • 需要同盟作为看护者,他们盟友不是保姆指挥者。

    You need Allies, and part of being a carer is being an ally, not a nursemaid or controller.


  • 首尔华盛顿警告当时美国南韩指挥正在视察炮击产生残骸。

    The warning to Seoul and Washington came as the top U. S. commander in South Korea toured Yeonpyeong island to survey the wreckage from the rain of artillery three days earlier.


  • 首尔华盛顿警告当时美国南韩指挥正在视察炮击产生残骸。

    The warning to Seoul and Washington came as the top U. S. commander in South Korea toured Yeonpyeong island to survey the wreckage from the rain of artillery three days earlier.


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