• 他们因为缺少本地服务诸如提供资金而担当替代者。

    But they also act as substitutes for the lack of local services such as access to finance.


  • 试图演奏力所不能及的乐曲而担当风险,这明智的行为。

    It is unwise to expose yourself by trying to perform music that is too difficult for you.


  • 证明凡是行为善良高尚,定因之担当患难。——贝多芬

    I wish to prove, that kind of behavior and noble man, can have a bear. — Beethoven.


  • 可以角色分配任意数量任务一个实体可以担当任意数量的角色。

    A role might be assigned to any number of tasks and an entity might act in any number of roles.


  • 例如,某个人同时某个功能担当产品负责人产品经理角色一个人为其它功能集同时担当角色

    For example, an individual takes on both product owner and product manager role for one set of features, while another individual takes on both roles for another set of features.


  • 一旦需要购买汽轮机上用的轴承或者石油,或者化肥,外汇简直这些国家担当不起的风险

    Not to have the foreign exchange to buy a new bearing for a steam turbine, or oil, or fertilizer, when the need arises is a risk they simply cannot afford.


  • 同步消息代理一样一对消息队列担当使用者用来调用服务单个地址不管多少提供者可能正在侦听,如图5所示。

    Like a synchronous service proxy, the pair of message queues ACTS as a single address the consumer USES to invoke the service, regardless of how many providers may be listening, as shown in Figure 5.


  • 过去例子现在例子美国也同样向世人展现了它担当

    This is an instance from the past, but present-day America has afforded instances equally remarkable.


  • 巴马再三表示,最好议会负责管理污染气体排放的工作,不用EPA清洁空气法案其进行管制最高法院表示议会担当此任。

    Mr Obama has repeatedly argued that it would be better for Congress to take charge of emissions than for the EPA to regulate them under the Clean Air Act, as the Supreme Court has said it can.


  • 另一半则告知担当下属

    The other half were told they would be subordinates.


  • 澳大利亚新秀米·瓦斯科斯瓦担当女主角爱丽丝德普则将演绎帽子先生,他们将协同蒂姆·波顿再现刘易斯·卡罗尔这部经典之作

    Little known Australian actress Mia Wasikowska has landed the lead role of Alice, while Depp will portray the Mad Hatter in Pal Burton's take on the Lewis Carroll classic.


  • 柔和的眼睛似乎眯眼仿佛他们试图担当更多,他们总是副惆怅表情

    Pigs have small, rather weak eyes and appear to be squinting, as if they are trying to get a better take on the world. They seem often to wear a wistful look.


  • 个人来说怀疑老师家长是否合适担当这项任务,因为老师总是孩子觉得滑稽可笑医学专业术语来教育孩子,家长则用猜谜一样的婉转语言使得孩子听得云里雾里。

    Personally, I doubt whether teachers or parents are better suited to the task, as both use either clinical candour, which children find hilarious, or a stream of inscrutable euphemisms.


  • 英国每日星报报道,这位影人表示考虑由英国演员鲁伯特·格林罗伯特·丁森担当主角傲慢偏见》中扮演维克姆的RupertFriend会出演。

    The filmmaker is said to be considering British actors Grint and Pattinson for the lead, as well as Pride and Prejudice star Rupert Friend, according to Britain's Daily star newspaper.


  • 雪上加霜的是,债券保险人抵押债权凭证中泥足深陷,它们担当着为价值25000亿美元的美国市政债券市场进行评级的重任。

    To make matters worse, bond insurers, which rate America's $2.5 trillion municipal-bond market, are also up to their necks in CDOs.


  • 但是由于一直以来担当角色资源不是资源管理者很少机会锻炼方面的能力

    Since my primary role has traditionally been a resource rather than a manager of resources, I have had few opportunities to practice these skills.


  • 这个转折不仅词语转换也是意义转换主张是“理性不是直觉适宜担当中国现代性价值依托

    This transition is not only the words change, as well as the transformation he insisted that "rational" and not intuitive to play more suitable for modern China based on the value.


  • 不要因贪求清闲,希求减轻责任;应该增强自己的力量担当重大的责任。

    Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxed; ask for more strength.


  • 平台稳定性直接影响导航系统精度平台稳定回路担当平台稳定惯性空间的任务。

    The stabilization of the platform determines the precision of INS, while the platform stabilization loop forces the platform to the inertial space.


  • 因为基督担当我们刑罚我们能够活上帝恩典中,罪完全得到赦免接纳成为上帝儿女

    Because he bore our judgment, we now walk in his grace as those who are forever pardoned, accepted and adopted as God's children.


  • 格雷米奥的时候是个攻击型中场因为两个防守后腰做搭档,到了英国,我需要担当更多责任

    I was able to attack more at Gremio because I played with two defensive midfielders, In England you have more responsibility.


  • 作为具有文化自觉的当代知识分子,不仅立足学术知识,更要立足于人格担当具备一种忧患意识

    As an intellectual with culture consciousness, we should have academic knowledge and consummate personality, as well as consciousness of suffering.


  • 假如不得不强迫某些人担当一个角色,这明显说明,这个角色适合他们,亚里士多德承认这点。

    If you have to coerce someone into a role that's a pretty good indication that they don't belong there, that that role isn't fitting for them. And Aristotle recognized this.


  • 任何艺术家诗人社会上担当角色在于尝试表达我们感受不是人们应该怎样感受。

    My role in society, or any artist's or poet's role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel.


  • 残酷现实又逼迫哈姆莱特担当复仇重振乾坤重任

    The cruel reality obliges him with the task of revenge and regenerating the imperial regime.


  • 他们1982年结婚了,莎拉也韦伯一系列音乐剧中担当了女主角,特别是《歌剧魅影》其中的女主角克里斯廷就是量身订做的。

    They were married in 1982, and she went on to star in a number of his shows, particularly The Phantom of the Opera, in which the role of Christine was written for her.


  • 不要因贪求清闲,希求减轻责任应该增强自己的力量担当重大的责任。

    Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxed-ask for more strength.


  • 如果用户只是担当一个普通角色可能需要该用户添加到项目组集合不是直接添加到项目或集合。

    If the user is performing a common role, you might want to add the user to a project group or collection group, instead of to a project or collection directly.


  • 如果用户只是担当一个普通角色可能需要该用户添加到项目组集合不是直接添加到项目或集合。

    If the user is performing a common role, you might want to add the user to a project group or collection group, instead of to a project or collection directly.


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