• 如今

    And I now.


  • 不过到此为止,以前也如今更加深信:现在不是第一个100”,是“唯一的100天”。

    That’s over. I’ve said this before, and I believe it even more strongly today: We’ve gone from the first 100 days to the “Only 100 Days.”


  • 诺曼·洛克威尔20世纪艺术家,他从未过《屏幕上滑动手指男孩》这幅画,完美童年时代的幻想也从未调整适应这种如今常见的场景

    Norman Rockwell, a 20th-century artist, never painted Boy Swiping Finger on Screen, and our own vision of a perfect childhood has never been adjusted to accommodate that now-common scene.


  • 如今不断成长熟悉世界变得越来越复杂了。

    Now that I'm growing and the world I once knew is becoming more complex.


  • 如今用户以往任何时候经常连接互联网中,需要音乐服务好好利用一点。

    Users today are connected to the Internet more than ever, and we need music services that take full advantage of this.


  • 由于他们勇气胆魄毅力伊拉克一个改变未来机会如今成功地伊拉克留给他们。

    Thanks to their courage, grit and perseverance, we have given Iraqis a chance to shape their future, and we are successfully leaving Iraq to its people.


  • 美国人感到难过,菲利普·普尔令人回想的《北极之光》现如今也变成单调乏味的《黄金罗盘》。

    And I was sad that, for Americans, Philip Pullman's evocative "Northern Lights" became the tedious "Golden Compass".


  • 如今车代步成为一种时尚却喜欢步行

    Now, with cars as a fashion, but I like walking.


  • 如今身旁出当年泪光。

    Now you're in the side who, and I can not shed tears.


  • 虽然如今很多无私乐于助人的必要性,然看到的却是很少有人言行一致。

    Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and helpful, we see very few people practicing what they preach.


  • 即使这样,如果如今希望回到苏联极其愚蠢的,也很干脆的说一点不想因为根本适应不了。

    Still it would be insane to wish for USSR to return at this point, and I definitely would not want that - I wouldn't be able to adapt.


  • 如今很多同学已经开始着手工作面试告诉自己冷静实际上自己将来一无所知,因此没有采取行动

    Nowadays, many of my classmates have taken the action to find the job interview, while I tell myself to calm down, actually, I have no idea about my future, so I haven't taken the action.


  • 可是如今却走了呵呵真的打破了未知恐惧却无法接受未知的恐惧结果需要你,如今何方

    But now, you go, ha ha, really broke the fear of the unknown, and I cannot accept the fear of the unknown as a result, I need you, you now in where?


  • 人生观发作天翻地覆变化最初的无知者无畏,如今万事万物生敬畏

    And my outlook on life also attack earth-shaking change, from initial they that know nothing fear nothing, to now, for all things mind fear.


  • 一直记得他们的话如今多年过去了,发现大部分同学上了眼镜没有戴。

    I keep it all the time, now so many years have passed, I find most of my classmates have worn glasses, while I not one of them.


  • 如今就职跨国公司,银泰公司现在世界最大软件制造商之一同时更是世界最大的软件供应商而我正是这家公司的销售部执行总裁

    Nowadays, I am working in Yintai International company which is one of the largest software manufactures in the world as well as the largest software supplier. I am the sales CEO of this company.


  • 如今很多时间电视面前仅仅切换频道没有时间跟一个很好的朋友或是家庭交谈

    Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family.


  • 如今一切都随风去,夏天里,任由思绪迷失方向

    Now , everything has gone with the wind , and I'm staying in the summer that is disheveled by the wind , allowed my mind to wander.


  • 媒体新闻如今奇怪的含义所有人和扎克伯格一样必须清楚它们对于影响

    The words "media" and "news" have taken on strange new meanings, and we all, like Zuckerberg, have to figure out the implications for ourselves.


  • 可是如今却走了呵呵真的打破了未知恐惧却无法接受未知的恐惧结果需要你,如今何方如今你在何方?可能再也不会回来

    But now, you go, ha ha, really broke the fear of the unknown, and I cannot accept the fear of the unknown as a result, I need you, you now in where? You now in where? You may never come back.


  • 这个头顶上方看到监控摄像头看不到的则那些如今已经问世的微型摄像头或是那些识别的身份日益复杂的软件

    Above the man's head we see surveillance cameras. What we don't see are the very small surveillance cameras now obtainable, or the increasingly sophisticated software for identifying individuals.


  • 意思是如今市面上产品消费者的需要之间存在很大差异,们之前完全领会到一点。

    I mean, there is a big difference between the product that we've got on the floor today and what the consumer is looking for. And we just flat-out missed it.


  • 从不轻易开启沉醉如今如何面对伤了心为你流了还是独自一个人

    Never easy open heart for you and let you get drunk, today I again, how to face your heart to hurt you shed tears, but I still alone regrets!


  • 从不轻易开启沉醉如今如何面对伤了心为你流了还是独自一个人

    Never easy open heart for you and let you get drunk, today I again, how to face your heart to hurt you shed tears, but I still alone regrets!


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