• 这些妇女恶劣工作条件患上折磨人的重复性劳损

    The women developed painful RSI because of poor working conditions.


  • 人们因为久坐学习工作患上肥胖症

    People suffer from obesity because of sedentary study or work.


  • 人们久坐不动工作生活方式患上肥胖症

    People suffer from obesity because of sedentary jobs or lifestyles.


  • 不幸是,和母亲一样因为受到辐射患上血癌

    Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed blood cancer because of her exposure to radiation.


  • 糖尿病哮喘一样,任何人可能因为压力而患上这种疾病

    Like diabetes or asthma, this illness can happen to anyone due to stress.


  • 尼克现在由于呕吐咳嗽患上食道溃疡住进了医院

    Nick is now in the hospital with esophageal ulcers due to vomiting and coughing.


  • 这个房间我们偷走巧克力蛋糕患上新鲜西兰花

    And in this house we're stealing the chocolate cake mix and putting out fresh broccoli instead.


  • 因为吸烟患上心肺方面的疾病,通常导致肺动脉高压。

    Many lung as well as heart conditions can result in this, because of cigarette smoking.


  • 可是一些因为过分担心自己相貌而患上丑陋恐惧症

    However, some people worry too much about their appearance because of suffering from the ugly phobia.


  • 美国烟草公司不得不因为吸烟患上疾病大笔

    In the United States, tobacco companies have had to pay large amounts of money to people who developed deadly diseases caused by smoking cigarettes.


  • 经常见到人们满足人生问题欠缺错误解答患上神经症。

    I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life.


  • 调查结果显示80%几率因为压力患上致命的疾病,位居全班之首。

    I got highest in my class of above an 80% chance of getting a life threatening illness due to stress.


  • 这个女儿因为照顾老母筋疲力竭女儿丈夫因为妻子疲劳而患上疾病

    And the daughter was exhausted from caring for her mother. And the daughter's husband, he also was sick from his wife's exhaustion.


  • 一项癌症研究结果估计单单英国每年酒精而患上乳癌个案就多达2000例。

    A cancer Research study estimated that alcohol causes about 2, 000 breast cancer cases every year in the UK alone.


  • 近年来发生人类食用各种肉类患上事件,频频亮起的警号灯人类醒悟

    Recent incidents where people became infected with diseases after eating the meat of various animals have caused great alarm, yet still failed to wake us up.


  • 美国官员,尚未有人因为食用美国牛肉患上疯牛病目前也没有发现染病牛肉进入市场。

    American officials say no human cases of mad cow disease have ever resulted from consuming U.S. beef and that no infected cow has ever been known to enter the food supply.


  • 项研究表明因为日照过短患上冬季抑郁症患者,可以借助一个模拟日出床边装置缓解病情。

    For people who suffer from winter depression 4 triggered largely by reduced sunlight, a bedside device that simulates the rising of the sun may provide relief, a study shows.


  • 印第安人由于之前接触欧洲人可能是被俘虏法国水手)而患上一种疾病,现在人们认为这种病病毒性肝炎

    The Indians had caught the illness, thought to have been viral hepatitis, from prior contact with Europeans, probably captured French sailors.


  • 世界卫生组织(WHO)报道,欧洲发达国家平均每50个人就会有一个由于持续暴露交通噪音而患上心脏病

    AROUND one heart attack in 50 in rich European countries is caused by chronic exposure to loud traffic, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).


  • 调查显示有三分之二小学教职工表示他们曾因儿童专用的环境中工作而患上背部关节疾病,并因此接受了治疗

    A survey has shown that two-thirds of workers in primary school and early years have received treatment for back and joint problems as a result of working in child-sized environments.


  • 2003年,演员AnthonyAndrews出演ITV电视台新版《故园风雨》时,排练时因为喝水过量而患上了低钠血症。

    N 2003 actor Anthony Andrews, who starred in the ITV adaptation of Brideshead Revisited, was hit by the illness after drinking too much water during rehearsals for a West End role.


  • 抗生素细菌起作用,病毒。虽然那些病毒感染患上感冒流感病人经常要求医生他们开抗生素,但他们很少因为这一放纵行为太大影响。

    Antibiotics work against bacteria, not viruses, yet patients who press their doctors to prescribe them for viral infections such as colds or influenza are seldom harmed by their self-indulgence.


  • 健康损害经济补偿问题变得足够时,烟草业对吸烟对人体健康的危害不得不承认并且,不得不为那些吸烟而患上了与烟草相关的疾病的吸烟者负责

    When economic compensation for health damages becomes big enough, as in the tobacco industry, health hazards will be admitted and users are then responsible for their tobacco-related illnesses.


  • 必须小心不要患上咽喉炎哑了嗓子

    I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.


  • 的确离婚他们不会因痛哭失去控制他们容易患上胃病酗酒交通事故

    It is true that after divorce they will not lose control of themselves by crying bitterly, but they suffer more from stomach disorders, plunge into alcoholism and cause traffic accidents.


  • 调查显示,女性男性容易患上心境障碍焦虑症男性患上酒精滥用导致精神障碍的机率女性的38

    Women are more likely to suffer from mood disorders and anxiety disorders than men, and chances of men suffering from alcohol abuse disorders are 38 times higher than women, according to the survey.


  • 调查显示,女性男性容易患上心境障碍焦虑症男性患上酒精滥用导致精神障碍的机率女性的38

    Women are more likely to suffer from mood disorders and anxiety disorders than men, and chances of men suffering from alcohol abuse disorders are 38 times higher than women, according to the survey.


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