• 正如伟大同时代诗人剧作家本·森所说:“属于一个时代属于所有时代。”

    As the great contemporary poet and dramatist Ben Jonson said, "He was not of an age, but for all time."


  • 甚至消极剧本里这样声音都会所有其他的论调全部淹没:扩大之后将会来者一个更大的话语空间的权利。同时他们不会为了统一的和谐让渡出去属于自己的优势

    Even in a negative scenario, such voices would struggle to win all their arguments: enlargement has given the newcomers a big say, and they are not about to harmonise away all their advantages.


  • 再回过头来看上文中的银行示例我们可以直接访问所有帐户并且找到属于指定客户的记录,不必管其帐户属于哪个部门区域

    Looking back at our bank example above, we could access all the accounts directly and find which ones belong to a specific customer regardless of which branch or region the account belongs to.


  • 可能为了方便线程组合,例如线程中的所有线程都属于x另一个池的所有线程则属于y或者为了访问控制将线程进行组合。

    You might group them for purposes of conveniencefor instance, all the threads in a thread pool belong to group X, while those in another pool belong to group Yor for access control.


  • 可能为了方便线程组合,例如线程中的所有线程都属于X另一个池的所有线程则属于Y或者为了访问控制将线程进行组合。

    You might group them for purposes of convenience -- for instance, all the threads in a thread pool belong to group X, while those in another pool belong to group Y -- or for access control.


  • 砷化物锗元素属于半导体,如今半导体所有现代电子元件中都会用到

    Gallium arsenide, silicon, and germanium are all examples of semiconductors, the type of material used in virtually all modern electronics.


  • Zynga应用开发商Facebook平台上获得收入,30%属于Facebook所有Google +表示目前抽取的比例为5%。

    Facebook takes 30% of the revenue that app developers like Zynga make on its platform, so Google + said it would take only 5% for now.


  • 一些特殊储蓄协会储蓄贷款协会同样,是储户所有不是属于股东所有

    Those are special savings association, like savings and loan associations, which are owned by the depositors instead of Stockholders.


  • 这个联赛球员所有属于联赛,选秀系统用于分配这些球员俱乐部

    A league where the league own the players and a draft system is used to assign them to the clubs.


  • 这些可以称为普通词”,因为它们属于广大普通百姓只为有限范围内一个阶层所有

    Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the people at large and are not the possession of a limited class only.


  • 巫术崇拜不是传统民间魔法所有的魔法不是巫术崇拜者的必须,再也比不上所有人们恳求属于任何特别宗教信仰来得重要。

    Wicca is not traditional folk magic and all magic is not necessarily Wiccan, anymore than all people who pray belong to any particular religion.


  • 源自,它属于您,所有的一切荣耀存在。

    It all comes from you, it all belongs to you, it all exists for your glory.


  • 阅读名叫哈利·波特的书,著名小说家书上创造了一个美妙神奇世界属于所有儿童世界。

    I have read a book named Harry Potter, the famous novel around the world. The writer created a wonderful and magical world, which is loved by all children in the world.


  • 知道直到1940年男孩都穿粉色蓝色则是专属于女孩吗?之前,所有孩子都是穿白色衣服因为容易漂白

    Did you know that until 1940, boys wore pink, blue was girl's color and before that, all children wore white dresses as they were easy to bleach?


  • 整个国家陷入内战状态之后大名往往拥有巩固的领地,领地内所有土地属于他们自己他们家臣

    As the country descended into internecine war, daimyo tended to hold small but consolidated domains in which all the land belonged to themselves or their vassals.


  • 家族所有其他支系被排斥在继承权之外,继承权就应归属于同族人也就是死者具有同一姓氏全体罗马公民

    All the other branches of the family were excluded, and the inheritance escheated to the Gentiles, or entire body of Roman citizens bearing the same name with the deceased.


  • ——所有随风属于昨天的,所有历经风雨留下来才是面向未来的。

    All belong to yesterday's gone with the wind, all through the wind and rain left is for the future.


  • 世界属于西方的。我们西方发明了所有东西亚洲只不过在山寨已!

    The world belongs to the west we invented everything the asians copied it!


  • 香草茶馆确保所有售卖属于特级花茶。我们关心大众客户的健康,不是贪一时之快。

    We ensure in our quality of flower tea as what we concern is the goodness that being consumed by our value customers, that is worth more than anything you could think of.


  • 我们地球着因地心引力属于所有东西,包括跳跃中的中国人蹦床杂技演员

    Our planet carries along with it everything that is attached to it by gravity, including jumping Chinese and acrobats on trampolines.


  • 我们地球着因地心引力属于所有东西,包括跳跃中的中国人蹦床杂技演员

    Our planet carries along with it everything that is attached to it by gravity, including jumping Chinese and acrobats on trampolines.


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